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Dr Amrapali's Maternity

Dr Amrapali's Maternity

Gynaecologist Clinic

1/356, Sector-1, Manesar
10 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 400 at clinic

About Clinic

By combining excellent care with a state-of-the-art facility we strive to provide you with quality health care. We thank you for your interest in our services and the trust you have more

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02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

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Know More About PCOS
Know More About PCOS

Hi friends. My name is Dr Amrapali Dixit. I am a practising Gurgaon and Gynecologist in the area of Manisar, Gurgao. And I am glad you are watching this video. So today we will be talking about very common topic these days. Which is known as PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. These days lot of girls present with the problem of irregular periods and newly married women with the problem of infertility. so what is causing this PCOS. This PCOS basically is a problem which relates to hormonal imbalance to your body the normal balance of the sex hormone in a females body gets disturbed because of which the regular monthly ovulation in your ovaries gets disturbed. The level of hormones gets up and down, as a result, you get irregular periods, you may have a problem in conception and it may also cause certain problems like acne, loss of hair, facial hair growth, weight loss, weight gain etc. what happens in PCOS is in your ovaries. There all small cysts that appearing, these cysts as such are not harm full. They are not dangerous but because of these cysts, the hormones in your body get disturbed hence all these problems. We don’t really know what exactly causes PCOS. But yes. We have seen that it runs in the families. So if you have women in your family which have a prior history of irregular periods, diagnosed PCOS or diabetes you have likely chance that you might develop PCOS. How do we diagnose PCOS. So when you come to your doctor with these symptoms that I have described, the doctor will ask you about your history like how your periods have been, how your weight has been, is there any past history or family history of similar symptoms in your family, will do certain examinations, will do for physical signs like, presence acne, presence of histuism. Histuism is the excess, facial hair growth. Or if you are overweight your BMI is more than normal or you have irregular periods or such signs and symptoms then we run certain kind of blood tests which will find out the certain level of hormones, which will find about the sugar levels, the insulin. The function of insulin in your body, and we do an ultrasound which might or may not show these presence of cysts in the ovaries. With the help of all these things, we will determine whether you are suffering from PCOS or not. Also there are certain diseases which mimic the symptoms of PCOS like thyroid disturbances and certain other glandular disfunctions. So we also run these tests to rule out these diseases which look like PCOS that they not be that. Asper as treatment is concerned 50% of the treatment lies in our own hands in the terms of lifestyle modifications. So maintain a life style which is healthy in the form of regular work out and exercises, eating healthy diet and trying to lose weight are the most important key factors which would determine the success of the treatment in your PCOS problems. Besides that the doctor will prescribe you certain hormonal pills which will help you regulate your menstrual cycles and symptomatic problems like acne and hair growth in cases of people who are having difficulty in conceiving because of PCOS we also give you certain drugs which help the proper release of egg from your body that is regular ovulation and help in conception. So this is the basic idea about PCOS about what it is? How we can deal with it and what problems it cause to you in future if left untreated. So dear friends, if you have any such symptoms, you suspect you have PCOS or you have been diagnosed with PCOS already and you want to consult me, you can contact me through Lybrate and you can visit my clinic which goes by the name of Yashloog medical center in sector 1. Manisar.

Thank you.

Know More About Cervical Cancer
Know More About Cervical Cancer

Hi friends. My name is Dr. Amrapali Dixit and I am practicing gynaecologist in the area of Manisar, Gurgaon. Today we will be talking about a cancer that is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the cancer of mouth of cervices which we scientifically name as cervices. Why are we talking about this cancer? For two very important reasons. 1, it is the most common cancer in Indian females and 2nd because it is easily preventable by a very very simple test. So from the condition of a pre-cancer stage to a cancer stage in cases of cervical cancer is a long one. It might take even 10 or 15, 20 years from a pre-cancerous stage to actual cancer to develop and this is the time that we can intervene and relive you of the symptoms and any chances of having cancer. What causes this cervical cancer? In almost 99% of cases the association has been seen with a virus which is known as HPV or the human papillomavirus and the infection with this HPV is so common that by midlife, by the age of 40-45 years almost 80% of us females are infected by this virus. But that does not mean all of us are going to have cervical cancer. 80% of this infection gets resolved on its own within 2years of infection. It’s only a very small percentage of women in which this HPV persists. In this, we call it as a persistent HPV infection. And these are the women who are at a little higher risk of contriving this cervical cancer and there are two particular strains of HPV virus, which are known to be high risk more associated with the cervical cancer these are the strains, HPV 16 and HPV 18. So once the persistent infection is there in the body. It might cause certain changes in the cells of your cervics altimately leading to cervical cancer. The symptoms of precancerous stage and early cancerous are very very nonspecific. It might present as irregular bleeding, bleeding after intercourse bleeding in cases of post pinopausl females who already had sensation of there menses, pain during intercourse, thick, white, yellow or even fouth smelling discharge or nonspecific pelvic pain. How do we diagnose the cancer? Well, by the time actual symptoms start troubling you the cancer are usually in advance stage. So the problem here is that we need to diagnose it in early cancerous or pre-cancerous stages and for this we have a very very simple test called the pap smear test. What is the Pap smear test? It’s a very simple test which can be done by the gynecologist in your routine visit to a gynecologist. We just take a small sample of your discharge which is coming out from the cervices and then we subject it to microscopic studies, and that tell us whether your cell are having any changes which are suggestive of pre-cancerous or early cancerous stage. Along with that we can also test the same discharge for the presence of HPV infection and based on that your treatment can be done. Just the infection can be treated by antibiotics. If you have any early cancerous or pre-cancerous changes there are other treatments like, the cervices can be excised or we can have curio and various methods are available and also, these days we do have vaccines coming against HPV. So if we can prevent our girls from HPV infection right in the adolcence, well we are protecting them potentially, life threatening disease which is a cancer. So girls and ladies and even the once who have had menopause always be attentive to how and what your body is trying to tell you. Look out for these symptoms and if you have any doubt do visit your gynecologist for a routine Pap smears test. And to know more about this disease and how we can fight with it, you can contact me through Lybrate or visit my clinic which is at sector 1 Manisar by the name of Yashloog medical centre.


Doctor in Dr Amrapali's Maternity

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Doctor in Dr Amrapali's Maternity


Dr. Amrapali Dixit

Gynaecologist22 Years Exp.
MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS
₹ 400 at clinic
Unavailable Today

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Dr Amrapali's Maternity Reviews



Feb 18, 2020

In totality, I had very good experience right from day 1 till date. I had my own fears due to my 1st pregnancy experience. Having multiple years of enriched experience, I felt, she very well understands anxiety of would be Moms. Dr. Amrapaili heard to me patiently and understood my worries. In more



Aug 05, 2019

It was good.


Parul Tyagi

Feb 05, 2017

She is very kind and understanding. She cares and advice like professionals. She always guided me right. I really feel she is angel of the god. No doubt she is perfect.



Apr 08, 2017

I was having very bad thoughts regarding my pregnancy. I consulted many doctors but was not able to conceive. By chance, I approached Dr Amarpali for second opinion and thank god, i did because, she treated me without any surgery and all. She told the reason and how the treatment will be done. I am more



Jul 03, 2017

Thanks to Dr Amrapali for the perfect advice as I was not able to conceive. I was quite depressed due to this problm. The doctor gave me perfect guidance and prescription whcih helped me deal with my situation. The complete process of the treatment was so painless and quick, and i am so relieved more

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