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Nikhil Aggarwal

Dr. Nikhil Aggarwal

General Physician
₹ 350 at clinic
250 online

Dr. Nikhil's Clinic

House No 1838, Sector -4,Urban Estate,
Consultation Fee: ₹ 350
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Personal Statement

My favorite part of being a doctor is the opportunity to directly improve the health and wellbeing of my patients and to develop professional and personal relationships with more

Doctor Information


  • General Physician

Clinic Location

House No 1838, Sector -4,Urban Estate,

Clinic of Dr. Nikhil Aggarwal

Clinic's NameFees
Dr. Nikhil's Clinic350
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Dr. Nikhil's Clinic

House No 1838, Sector -4,Urban Estate,
₹ 350 at clinic
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Question and Answers



Female • 25 Year Old • May 29, 2021 • Trichy

My sister, mom and dad tested positive. But my sister son who is 5 years old is negative. So they left him at my home for a day. Will he be a carrier? Its been 8 days si more

Nikhil Aggarwal

3 years ago

He could have been a carrier but if it has been 8 days and you haven't had any symptoms, it is highly unlikely that you will get it now. Moreover the test was also negat full answer


Anubrata Biswas

male • 22 Year Old • May 29, 2021 • Kolkata

Doctor. Do one can take covid vaccine if he/she had previous anxiety or panic disorders problems, also if one has previous allergies or heart disease? Do they take covid more

Nikhil Aggarwal

3 years ago

1. Previous anxiety or allergy is not a problem. 2. If any previous allergy to any vaccine, then consult your doctor. 3. If having heart disease, consult your doctor onc full answer


Ketan Kumar

male • 22 Year Old • May 29, 2021 • Rourkela

I am 22 years old. I have been seeing my stool since last 4,5 days that some part of stool is normal bulky and some part of stool is little bit soft and brownish color. more

Nikhil Aggarwal

3 years ago

Chyawanprash can make stool dark brown. Take good healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink plenty of fluids. Consult if you have any symptoms.



male • 23 Year Old • May 28, 2021 • Chennai

Why am I feeling dizzy and short of breath sometimes even when the oxygen saturation is constantly above 98? No other symptoms in the body and have tested negative for c more

Nikhil Aggarwal

3 years ago

That’s due to anxiety. When you feel like that, just sit, relax and take few deep breaths. For routine solution, you need to make some basic lifestyle changes like reg full answer

Health Tips

Busting Sugar Myths

Busting Sugar Myths

Sugars are NOT bad if taken in more

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