Urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine or urinating involuntarily. Urine is released by a process called micturition where the detrusor muscles of the urinary bladder contract to empty the bladder. This is usually a voluntary action but when......read more
5 Things that Keep Your Prostate Healthy The prostate gland, an essential part of the male reproductive system grows throughout your life. As you grow older, it becomes imperative to keep this organ healthy. Here's what you can do to maintain a he......read more
Causes and symptoms of enlarged prostate The problem of an enlarged prostate or benign prostate hyperplasia is a very common occurrence as you grow older. It's known to strike men above the age of 50, with more than 50% of men after the age of 60,......read more
What should you do if you have an overactive bladder? Overactive bladder, also known as OAB, is a condition where sudden involuntary contractions of the urinary bladder's muscular walls cause bladder storage dysfunction. It leads to sudden and fre......read more
The testes are an important part of the human reproductive system and are susceptible to injuries as well as internal problems. One such problem which is known to afflict younger men mostly from the age of 12 to 16 is testicular torsion. It can af......read more