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Home Remedies For UTI Questions

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Asked for Male, 23 years old from Mangalore
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MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, more

Phimosis can be cured naturally at home by stretching and lubricating on daily basis, along with reducing weight and improving diet.
Since paraphimosis is a emergency condition, its better to seek a medical help immediately or it can cause severe damage to penis head.
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General Physician•Panipat
Exclude infection by urine Routine and culture tests and take full course of antibiotics accordingly Get your wife/ contacts examined for any possible source of infection
Full plate of mixed fruit salad twice a day for ever will relieve constipation AVOID FAST FRIED SPICY FOOD STUFFS.
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Dear Lybrate Something transparent discharge from penis while urinating or not urinating. It is just like water sticky glu type. While urinating my pennis become semi erection. Discharge has a foul smell. I have foreskin. Sometimes there is inflammation in pennis and on glans and bladder too. I feel concentrate in bladder. Urine is yellow and small amount when discharge happened. I feel to urinate more but I have to concentrate or force to urinate and empty bladder. I feel loose testicles and some time too tight My recent urine routine report as Volume 10 ml Color yellow Albumin travel Epithelial cells 2-4 hpf Pus cells 4-6 hpf Rbc 1-2 Am too worry my doc said if I do not feel any benefit so that I have to meet with a urologist. Virgin non smoker non drinker masturbate one times in month now I feel less pleasure in masturbate. Kindly tell me is it will affect my sexual performance or activity in future and what can I do on home remedies to cure this.

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MD - Dermatology , Venereology & more

your thinking about this problem is more, so you are getting less pleasure in masturbate. This is quite normal phenomenon for every men and there may be very few variations from person to person. Don't worry. Clean your penis daily twice during bath by pulling your foreskin back. Better if you undergo circumcision. Every thing will be alright. Sexual performance never decreases with this unless you feel worried/ depressed coz of this.
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Asked for female, 25 years old from Ghaziabad
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Diploma in Anesthesia, MBBS

General Physician•Hyderabad
This kind of frequency will indicate to have subclinical urinary infection. The infection need to be treated depending up on the type infection the duration of treatment depends. Have you got any urinary test done. If so come back with information for advise, if not done get your urine routine test and culture and sensitivity of pyogenic organisms for proper guidance. Good luck.
Asked for male, 20 years old from Chikkamaglur
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A burning sensation with urination can be caused by infections (including sexually transmitted infections, or STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea) and noninfectious conditions, but it is most commonly due to bacterial infection of the urinary tract affecting the bladder.
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Asked for female, 26 years old from Chikkamaglur
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Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more

Consume lots of fluids daily so more urination. Also costume jira water up-to 1lit.
Take ushirasav Ayurveda medicine 2spoon with warm water after food
Asked for female, 29 years old from Bangalore
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Urinary disorders are very common in women ..If untreated at the earlier stage it can lead to severe complications like Pyelonephritis, Hydronephrosis, or Renal failure.. Burning sensation while passing urine is due to UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which is mainly due to lack of drinking water in normal amount and also improper hygiene.. All sorts of urinary disorders can be completely cured with HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES if properly taken as per the instructions of a qualified Homoeopath either d...more
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Asked for male, 33 years old from Bangalore

I am 31 years old from Bangalore and suffering from pain and burning sensation after urination. There are no other symptoms or problems. It all started mildly on 25th Jun. Pain or burning sensation was sporadic and mostly I suffered at the early mornings. Then it used to be normal most of the times the whole day. I did all known home remedies like drinking more water, barley water, lot of butter milk etc… But the occasional pain or burning sensation was prolonging. So I consulted a general physician on 27th Jun and based on my explanation, he assumed it as UTI and prescribed me – Citralka syrup, Delbi-O tablet, Nicip-Plus tablet. I started consuming these for 2 days, but all of the sudden it got worsen and started to pain and burn almost continuously. It used to be severe, right after urinating and used to slightly reduce then. To mention, just before the pain got worsen, I travelled from Bangalore to Chennai in train. It was a horrible experience where I urinated more than 10 times that night and hardly slept for some 20 minutes. Then in Chennai, I consulted another doctor on 29th Jun (he is a general physician cum diabetologist). He diagnosed my urine sample (for Sugar, Albumin and Deposits) and the results are – Sugar and Albumin – Not detected Microscopic – Few Epithelial Cells are found. He informed me that the antibiotic prescribed by the previous doctor was not working and then prescribed me – Baloforce 100 mg, Urispas, Citralka, Amikacin 2 ml injection. With consumption of these for 3 days, the pain and burning sensation have gradually reduced. But still I have occasional pain/burning sensation, particularly during early mornings. In short, it all went back to my initial stage. Please note that the doctor asked me to continue the medicines for next 10 days. Lastly I reported to him on 1st Jul and still consuming the medicines. I am back to Bangalore now (4th Jul) and still I feel a bit uncomfortable but the pain and burning sensation are bearable. Please advise me should I consult an urologist at this point or shall continue the medicines and observe for improvement? Should I complete the full course? He asked me to take till 11th Jul – Is it needed? It is more than a week of time. Whether Urinary Tract Infection used to prolong so long? Please help me.

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Best way take following homoepathic treatment acitron syrup 1 spoonful 3 times staphy 30 4pills 3 times can noth q 10 drops 3 times for 8 days and revert back for further treatment.
Asked for female, 20 years old from Navi Mumbai

I am an 18 year old female who is suffering from some discomfort in my urinary tract. In the middle of February I started having sensations of incomplete and frequent peeing going to the toilet more often than normal. I consumed a herbal Ayurvedic syrup for a few days and my discomfort stopped. The same problem started again in the month of March and April. I find that whenever I release vaginal fluids such as during menstruation or ovulation these urinary symptoms come again. In May I started to take antibiotic for the first time but it did not work and then I switched to taking cranberry and D mannose capsules. It worked to some extent as I could sleep reasonably well at night without having to urgently pee all the time. But when my periods started the symptoms are worse with more frequent and incomplete voiding. I have NO pain nor have I experienced bleeding. My urine is a healthy pale yellow color as I drink lot of water but the peeing is frequent and incomplete and I feel a constant pressure to avoid lot of the time. I don't have other bodily symptoms. I am worried what all this could mean.

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PGD Maternal Child Health, MBBS

General Physician•Akola
If not done yet, you may need to do a urine culture and sensitivity test to find out infection and the type of organism in the urinary bladder and the antibiotic to which these organisms are sensitive so that instead of a blind approach, a definite exact treatment can be initiated. If not done this may become chronic urinary tract infection and haphazard use of antibiotics may make the organisms resistant to more of them and in the end we may not be left with any good antibiotic to use for treat...more
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