Darling Roots & Cosmetic Outlook Clinic
Cosmetic Physician Clinic
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We like to think that we are an extraordinary practice that is all about you - your potential, your comfort, your health, and your individuality. You are important to us and we strive to h...read more
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Hi, this is Dr Feroz Khan, I am a hair transplant surgeon specialising in FUE procedure. Today, we are going to talk about hair loss.
There are different patterns of hair loss:
Male and female. most commonly the male patterns of baldness usually I have seen in this clinic, people loose hairline. There is baldness in the crown area. We do different stuff for this thing. For medicational, the thing is manoeveric treatment. It includes derma roller therapy. Titanium 8 needles we roll into the scalp. The main intention is to create microscopic injuries so that the blood circulation increases in the scalp. This brings a lot of blood along with the oxygen, so the dominant follicles will be stimulated and it will just spring the prostration back. The thing is we use low-level laser therapy to stimulate the scalp. It is called the hair grow laser. This is for both men and women. If somebody takes this thing as a manoeuvring treatment the hair will be stimulated to grow back again. You will need several sitting to do this thing. No side effect, nothing. We just have to sit for 20 mins. Under the laser dorm and the laser, the dorm has 91 diode lasers. It is a purely professional one-- no blue, green lights like others.
We also do Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. We have a special machine here in our clinic that is a professional one refrigerated, very cold one. We have to have this machine because the platelets need a cold temperature. If suppose we are doing in a very ordinary machine, the platelets will die, so no use of this thing.
This can be seen here it’s cold, ok?
Like a freezer inside and we do PRP for our patients in this professional machine. That brings 100% result because the viable growth factor enters into your system.
We do stem cell therapy also. We just introduce inside the scalp, stem cells which will stimulate the dormant follicles and it will change the divergent –phase into _____ phase. It will need several seatings to see the result. Approximately 10-15. Finally, if someone need 100% result, we do and we specialise in FUE hair transplantation. It is follicular unit extraction, then implantation.
First we extract the follicles from the lower area of your scalp and implant into the recipient area. Just we use specific punches for different sizes and may apply sterile ice to the donor area where I’m going to inject the local anaesthetic. So, the patient does not feel pain at all. After recovering the follicle from the central position, we go from right to left. So, periodically we put the needles for anaesthesia. So, there are no side effects. The procedure works very cool and the patient is calm and awake all the time.
Nobody is ill, ok?
They just come for a beauty session. So, whatever we do and the time we spend won’t be boring. Otherwise, it affected the results. We enjoy and do it. This is my hobby more than a profession.
You can reach me through lybrate. I am there to help you out.
Hi, I am Dr Feroze Khan, hair transplant surgeon specialized in FUE procedure, cosmetic outlook training. Cosmetic outlook part means outlook involves the beautification process of the skin as well as the body.
We treat all the skin conditions, like acne scars skin tag removal, warts and corn removal as well as the laser hair removal, tattoo removal with laser, skin rejuvenation process, chemical peeling, dermabrasion for skin pigmentation and scar removal and also the skin tightening for tightening the skin of the face and whatever areas involved and also the weight loss procedures.
For hair removal, we do with the diode laser technique and there is no pain. The several sittings approximately 3 to 5 and some patients still need more. It is a painless procedure and we take all the precautions.
As per as tattoo removal is concerned we use ND YAG laser removal. It takes a couple of sittings and it depends on the tattoo colour and the location and everything or we can do peeling or dermabrasion skin rejuvenation and we have different things for this. All the procedures have no side effects at all. This is a diode laser for hair removal we apply some gel here and click for at least 20 shots when for the upper lip. It is a painless procedure otherwise ND YAG machine for laser tattoo removal. We focus with the shot so it removes at a time at least 1 mm of hair.
The other is skin rejuvenation, applied to the affected area. It’s a d light machine for identifying the scalp and hair fall causes. it displays on the screen and is attached to the computer. It generally tests the entire skin of the body. It is done for skin testing and analysis.
The other thing that I wanted to show you is derma roller, it has needles and is used for skin rejuvenation and also for hair growth . The main intention is to give microscopic injuries through the skin so that natural body mechanism helps in rejuvenation. There are different machines here for skin rejuvenation process and these are for the scar removal and this is for skin tightening, derma abrasion machines, radio frequency machine.
For further assistance you can connect with me through lybrate.
Hi, this is Dr. Feroz Khan and I am a hair transplant surgeon specialized in F. U. E. procedure. Darling roots, the name, which means something very affectionate to all who love. In my opinion, the body does give you a beauty which is very affectionate to me and it costs me every follicle a million dollar because I care for it. I am very proud that I have treated many celebrities for which I got a lot of popularity and I am very happy to be a part of Lybrate. It is my hobby to serve the people. Basically, I used to be bald. So I got interest in hair transplant procedure because I used to feel low self-esteem and confidence. So I started getting a little bit disturbed psychologically. Hence, I thought of adapting to this profession and I planned for F. U. E. procedure which doesn’t involve any cutting or anything. Now, I am specialized in that doing unlimited sessions, unlimited in the sense that as much as the Donor Area permits me to do it. I have removed and implanted the recipient area.
As I told you earlier, I used to be bald before and I got treated for my baldness here in my clinic and not in America. You can see the difference. I was in Stage-V of Ludwig classification of hair loss. So, I used to be looking like this with bald frontal area steady up to the ground. So I have gone through the F. U. E. procedure in my own clinic with my own technicians and this is the stage here after removing the follicles. Right now I am in front of you and I am 52 years old and the results now are spectacular. Even I am mentioning this because a lot of patients need referral. So, as a patient and as a doctor I am physically in front of you just with the results and I am happy about how I am looking right now compared to what I used to be before and it has been done in my own clinic and not in America and I am proud of that.
Here, as you can see, some of patients had gone through the hair transplant procedure in my own clinic in Darling roots. He is a celebrity, make-up artist from Delhi and also a CEO from Hyderabad. This guy used to be bald totally and now the results you can see here today. The results speak for themselves. The other part is here I myself is there being operated in my own clinic and we have all the patients being operated here. Although you are not supposed to see these here but in order to show you how it looks like with no scar or bleeding involved thereafter. Also, see the Derma Roller here. In Advanced PRP technique, the root of the scalp is towards the Derma Roller. To make the growth factors grow at least towards the inside, the remaining dormant area should be stimulated so that the remaining area will also be stimulated and their density will be just natural-like full of hair.
If you have any query about Darling roots, feel free to contact me anytime through Lybrate. We are located in Banjara Road, Hyderabad. If you want any assistance, you can visit my website www.darlingroots.com. Thank you.
Hi, this is Dr. Feroz Khan. I am a hair transplant surgeon specialized in F. U. E. procedure. Today I am going to speak about the Hair loss. Well there are different patterns of hair loss in both males and females and most common is the male pattern which I have usually seen in patients. People lose hairline with a gradient backward which is far less in the down area.
We do different treatments for this thing. The first one is medical and another is the maneuvering treatment. The maneuvering treatment includes Derma Roller Therapy 540, Titanium End Needle which we role onto the scalp and so on. The main intention is to create microscopic injury in the scalp so that the blood circulation is released in the scalp. This releases lot of blood along with oxygen so the dormant follicles will be stimulated. The other thing we use is low level end therapy to stimulate the scalp which is also called the Hair Glow Laser. So this is for both men and women. If somebody takes the maneuvering treatment, the hair will be stimulated to grow back again. You need several sittings for this thing, giving no side effects. Just, you have to sit for 20 minutes under the laser door. This laser door has 91 diode lasers and it is a purely professional one. It has no blue or green lights like others.
We have a special machine here in our clinic which is also a professional one refrigerated by cold. The reason for the professional use is that we have to have this machine because the platelets need cold temperature. If we use an ordinary machine then the platelets will die and there is no use of doing such a thing. It can be seen here that there is a port like a breather inside. For our interest we install this machine and that brings a 100% result because the viable growth factors enter into your system. The other thing is that we do Stem Cell Therapy also just to induce the stem cells to stimulate the dormant follicles and it will change into the halogen phase and in several sittings you see the result which is approximately 10 to 15 and finally if somebody needs a 100% result then we are specialized to do the F. U. E. implantation. This means Follicular Unit Extraction and Implantation. At first, we extract the follicles from the roller area of the scalp and implant it onto the recipient area.
We use specific punctures of different sizes and apply sterile ice to the roller area with a local anesthesia with a small injection. So the patient does not feel pain at all. After removing the follicle from the centre position, we go to the right side first. Periodically we change the needles for anesthesia and hence there are no side effects. The procedure is very cool and the patient is calm and awake all the time. Here, nobody is ill and they just come for a beautification. So in whatever we do including the time spent it won’t be boring. You will enjoy doing it.
This is my hobby more than a profession and you can reach me through Lybrate.
Doctor in Darling Roots & Cosmetic Outlook Clinic
Doctor in Darling Roots & Cosmetic Outlook Clinic
Dr. Feroz Khan
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2 reviewsDarling Roots & Cosmetic Outlook Clinic Reviews
Jan 14, 2018It was good... He explained very clearly about the problem patiently...
Jun 04, 2017Hello Friends, On May 4th i undergone Surgery at Darling Roots. After a lot of research i have selected this clinic. Before taking the treatment i have visited the clinic twice, Dr. Feroz sir answered to all my questions very patiently. Feroz Sir and the staff make me feel like its my home. They all...read more
Sirav Talwar
Sep 06, 2016Dr. Feroz Khan provides answers that are very helpful, knowledgeable and thorough. Share feedback in your own words...
Oct 13, 2016Dr. Feroz Khan provides answers that are knowledgeable. Hhjjj