Skin Clinic
Dermatologist Clinic
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Here are Types of Hair Loss
Hi I am Dr.Phanisri. I am practicing in Banjara hills in Madhapur. I get lot of hair cases. 50 % of my practices are for hair. I do a lot of hair regrowth sessions, different kinds of sessions ad more advanced ones.
Coming to the types of hair loss-
Hair loss differs from people to people based on their age, hormone and the family background etc. A hair loss type is of different. They are Diffused hair loss- overall thinning of hair. The reasons are Lack of nutrition like iron deficiency in females, B12 deficiency, B3 and calcium etc. and Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, thyroid issues (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) and PCOD. Hormonal hair loss may occur due to these following circumstances. Male pattern baldness is also known as androgenic alopecia. This is caused due to excessive male hormones and is usually hereditary. The condition can also be developed even though it is not in the previous generations. In male pattern baldness, hair loss is mainly in the front area. The condition usually starts after 30s.
But today people are suffering from this condition during their early 20s due to pollution and stress. Hair transplantation can be replaced by hair growth procedures during the early stages. Male can also have female pattern baldness in which there won’t be much receding in the front but the hair will be very thin at the top of the scalp and also at back. Here you need to undergo hormonal correction and should intake medicines also. Here we first try to diagnose the type of hair loss which helps to practice the right treatment. Once the reason is found, we treat accordingly. In case of re growth Mesotherapy with different materials and PRP (platelet rich plasma) are followed. We use US based equipments which are FDI approved. It is a painless procedure and the patient is supposed to spend at least 1 hour. This is one of the most successful methods which are practiced.
Here are cause, Symptoms, and treatment of Skin Disorders (Acne)
Hi, I am DR. Phanisri. I am a dermatologist. I am practicing in walk in clinic at Banjara road number 10 and also Madhapur city. Name of the clinic is Safe Derma over there and I get a lot of young crowd in Madhapur and more artist’s kind of clinic in Banjara clinic so I treat a lot of hair loss conditions and skin conditions acne and acne scars. I have a special equipment for acne scars also. I am experienced for 5 years now. Today I am going to talk about acne.
Acne commonly called as pimples. A pimple is the commonest problem nowadays. At least 40% of my practice consists of acne. A Pimple is a common problem in teens or twenties but it can extend over 30’s and 40’s also but except for the hormonal issues and all.
In acne, there are different types of acne. One is Papules acne stage 1, and stage 2 is a bigger one in the form of nodules and the third stage of acne is cystic acne which has very big, and a lot of puss and scaring. There are different reasons for acne. One is hormonal; the main cause. Hormonal in the sense that it may not be a pathological condition, it may not be a problem it is just a hormonal fluctuation in teens and 20’s. Acne can also happen due to thyroid issues also PCOD. PCOD is a female hormonal issue. So wherein the estrogen and progesterone come into the picture and acne in the teens and 20’s is common but they should be genetically prone for it to have acne at that stage. So I would say genes is the main reason for acne, though they are getting in teens and 20’s due to hormonal issues. Another thing is dairy and food products. Nowadays animals are fed with lots of steroids. They also get into the milk. People are getting affected with dairy products. Otherwise dairy would not cause dairy at all.
Another main reason for acne is stress. So it could be any kind of stress like bodily when it comes to starvation. Coming to the treatments of acne. Acne is treated according to its cause actually. One thing is the local application of creams and all that. And second is with the capsules if it is deeper acne or nodular acne or the cystic acne we can go with retinoid and come to the acne scars. There are different kinds of lasers and radio frequency machines for acne scars which can get back to at least 50% of the normal skin. So there is a lot of success rate, 90% for my treatments and main acne areas are facing, upper arms, back, and one more thing I wanted to mention is that the quacks and other doctors which are not very much knowledgeable about acne, are giving lots of steroids which will give momentary relief for the acne but the moment we stop the steroids it will flare up to a lot of extents even non-acne areas will be involved. If you use steroids so you have to be very particular about the use of medication.
Make doubly sure that you take it from a dermatologist and I practice in Madhapur Walk in Clinics. So you can consult me through Lybrate or you can directly walk into the clinics. Thank you.
Hello I am Dr P Phanisri. I am a dermatologist, practicing in Madhavpur for over 5 years.
I have lot of hair cases coming in. I excel in hair related growths. Skin have lot of things to do. One is acne. It is a main treatment now-a-days, it is challenging one.
I have lot of new patients here, acne scars, post acne inflammation. So, I have a list of things to do for this things. Presently, I have lot of things to do for this things. Presently I do peels, all kind of peels, all are imported ones and I get really good results for that. I have a new instrument called explore for the acne skin and scars need resurfacing. It is the first one in Hyderabad. It takes laser too.
It also has additional features of skin tighetening and also of skin resurfacing. It also gives good results for double chin and also it gives glow to the skin which has a superficial probe for it. I think it is going to be a great success with that.
And I also do lot of botox fillers. I have a lot of artist crowd coming in for the cosmetic things. The botox and fillers give you an instant result for the young look and the injectibles both for skin and hair.
So, you can contact me on Lybrate for further consultations.
Doctor in Skin Clinic
Doctor in Skin Clinic
Dr. P. Phanisri
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