Conventional medicine treats pain with the help of medications; by either blocking the transmission of pain signals in the body or by correcting the underlying problems caused by the pain in the first place. However, traditional and alternative more
Dermatological conditions refer to a range of skin disorders that may be permanent or temporary, painful or painless. Some of the conditions may be caused due to environmental changes or an underlying health issue, while others may be genetic. more
Acupuncture is an ancient and trusted Chinese medicinal practice that has proved to be effective in the treatment of gynaecological problems. It is now the preferred mode of treatment for a growing number of women who are unwilling to opt for more
Infertility is a bane that only a few couples can tide over in their lifetime. However, infertility is a comprehensive term and involves both men and women. Men can be infertile if they have a low sperm count or they have erectile dysfunction. more
Disc prolapse or what is popularly known as a herniated disc occurs when the soft, rubbery tissues of the spinal discs push through a crack in the tougher exterior casing. It usually results from wear and tear of the spinal discs over time. Risk more