6 years ago
Pcod is treatable n pcod patients do get pregnant. Please stick to the opinion and tratment of your gynaecologist.
female • 48 Year Old • Nov 28, 2018 • Mohali
I am taking Tibofem 2.5 mg from 48 days after two years menopause. Now I am feeling low abdominal pain and skin itching. should I stop eating medicine?
6 years ago
When you are having hormone replacement therapy you should see your doc regularly for regular check up.
Ovarian cysts are common and most women will have at least one during their life. In most cases they do not display any symptoms and are discovered only during routine physical exams and ultrasounds. In most cases, it is nothing to worry about but......read more
Blood pressure is the thrust exerted by the blood against the artery walls or blood vessels. A certain count of blood pressure is necessary for blood circulation, but anything excessive may prove to be trouble. A reading above the count considered......read more
Vaginal rejuvenation is a surgical procedure or technique where the inner and outer muscles and structures around the vagina are surgically tightened. Remember that the vagina and surrounding tissues are composed of muscles and elastic tissue. Wit......read more