5 years ago
It's somewhat like depression symptom. You will come back with counselling and psycotherapies.
What Is Adjustment Disorder Adjustment disorders are considered to be a group of conditions which usually occur when a person experiences difficulty in coping with stressful life events. These usually include relationship issues, job issues or the......read more
Do you get angry easily? Do you fume when something goes against your wish? Does your blood pressure rocket when someone tells you something that you don't like? Anger is a normal emotion of human psychology, but it is equally important to keep yo......read more
Social networking refers to a multitude of websites that let the people from across the globe to get in touch with each other and interact through photos, videos discussions or audio. To name a few, Facebook tops the list by having over 1.2 billio......read more
Depression is an addictive state which is hard to get rid of. Everybody who suffers from it encounters it in an unexpected way, yet we all agree that it can be a major wellbeing issue. It makes a person miserable or disappointed or restless or num......read more