Chickenpox is a relatively benign illness in childhood, but in adults, it occurs with great severity and with complications that can be fatal. Normally, the diagnosis is made only by the clinical signs of the disease. The Varicella-Zoster-DNA-PCR medical investigation is used to detect varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with VZV infection associated with neurological symptoms. This test is a supportive test for the early diagnosis of VZV linked neurological disease. Positive results were obtained in three of five children with post-chicken pox cerebellitis and in seven of seven herpes zoster patients with neurological symptoms.
Varicella-zoster Virus DNA does not require any major preparation. If you are having an annoying health problem or might have suffered from any in the past, and have any allergy, inform your doctor. Before going for Varicella-zoster Virus DNA ensure your doctor knows every medicine you take. The test requires whole blood or throat swab sample for the examination. Bronchial samples wash can also be used as a reference. There is no restriction on eating and drinking. Take the normal regular diet. The liquid intake has to be increased.
In people with conciliation resistant systems, even when VZV disease is identified by employing laboratory test, it may be difficult to distinguish between vermicelli and disseminated herpes zoster by physical examination or serological testing. In these examples, a history of Varicella-Zoster-DNA-PCR exposure or of a rash that began with a dermatomal pattern, along with results of VZV antibody testing at or previous to the time of rash onset may assist guide the diagnosis.
For the blood spot method collect a sufficient quantity (minimum 1 mL) of blood with a lancet onto both of the defined areas on the filter strip in a lavender-top EDTA tube so that the spot expands to the circular border.
Air dry totally previous to placing them inside a plastic bag.
• Place the strips in a sealable plastic bag. Once the blood example has totally desiccated, it is satisfactory to bundle them with a rubber band and place them in a single bag.
• Another significant examination is blood serum test. The venous blood specimen is collected in a serum separator tube.
Allow clotting of specimen at room temperature.
The centrifuged and refrigerated sample is tested.
Type | Gender | Age-Group | Value |
Varicella zoster Virus DNA
All age groups
Detected in positive cases
Bladder cancer is characterized by irregular growth of abnormal tissue (tumor) on the lining of the bladder. This type of cancer may spread to the surrounding tissues or other body parts as well.
What are the causes?
Bladder cancer can be caused by environment-related factors and smoking. In fact, smoking tobacco is one of the major causes of bladder cancer around the world. The chemicals present in tobacco can irritate the bladder lining which ultimately leads to bladder cancer. It may also be caused by continuous exposure to chemicals such as dyes or leather dust and radiation. These chemicals tend to cause unusual changes in the cells of the bladder lining and causes cancer in the bladder.
It can also be caused by modifications in the dna in the cells of the bladder which may impair the functioning of the cells in the body. This can cause mutations in the bladder resulting in cancer.
What are the symptoms?
1. Presence of blood in the urine, often painless
2. Feeling of pain while passing urine
3. Back pain
4. Excessive urination
5. Infections in the urinary tract
6. Lower leg swelling
7. Pain in the bones, especially in the pelvic area
8. Weight loss
Treatment options
Treatments for bladder cancer depend on the stage of the cancer. The various treatment choices are:
Surgery - In some cases, these cancers are surgically removed by a surgeon. A type of surgery used is transurethral resection of bladder tumor (turbt) where the cancer cells are destroyed with laser by passing a thin fiber into the bladder.
Chemotherapy - In this method, medications are used to target and destroy cancer cells.
Radiation therapy - Radiation therapy uses rays such as x-ray or uv rays to destroy cancer cells in the body
Immunotherapy - This treatment boosts the immune system of the body so that it attacks the cancerous cells in the bladder. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Urologist.
Oral cancer (OC) occurs when DNA mutations develop in the cells lining the lips and the mouth cavity. It commonly affects the tongue, floor of mouth, buccal mucosa, lips, palate, gum etc all. Mostly, oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas that begin in the squamous cells lining the lips and the inside of mouth.
Type: of oral cancer are as enumerated below -
Squamous cell carcinoma: is the most common, as described above.
Adenocarcinoma: affects the salivary glands.
Lymphoma: affects the tissues of the tonsil(s) or those involving the lymphatic system.
Melanoma: may affect the mucous tissues of the oral cavity.
Gender: affects the male populace predominantly. But, it can affect both male and female. It’s the commonest cancer in India currently, and accounts for a significant percentage of the total cancer mortality.
Etiology: consumption of “khaini” (tobacco & lime mix), betel nut, areca nut, slaked lime, chronic irritation due to irregular teeth, smoking, alcohol consumption, oral infection with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) / Human Papilloma virus (HPV), nutritional deficiencies, chronic infections & poor dental/ oral hygiene are the common risk factors that can trigger oral carcinogenesis. It is noteworthy that the local effects of tobacco and alcohol are both dose-dependent and synergistic.
Features: the various presentations (of signs & symptoms) of Oral cancer are as given below –
Cheek cancer - hard and painless thickening, with an ulcer sometimes that does not heal for weeks together.
Lip cancer - white patch on the inner lining of the lip on which a hard mass slowly develops.
Palate cancer- persistent sore on the hard palate that may ulcerate.
Throat cancer - difficulty swallowing, sore throat, voice changes, feeling of hard lump in the throat.
Tongue cancer - ulcer on the side of the tongue that bleeds occasionally and does not heal.
Gum cancer and cancer of the minor salivary glands - loose teeth, bad breath and sensory loss of the feelings in the face
Screening: is generally recommended for asymptomatic populations goal of which, as usual, is to be able to detect & diagnose oral cancer at an early stage which is potentially curable. Visual screening by healthcare personnel including dentists, general practitioners, oncologists, surgeons etc all is crucial to detect not only early asymptomatic oral cancers but also the oral pre-cancerous lesions including oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), oral leukoplakia, erythroplakia et al which carry a high risk of malignant transformation to in-situ and invasive cancers.
Diagnosis: a complete physical exam of the local parts basis the features mentioned above arouses suspicion that prompts diagnosis -
Biopsy (punch or removal of mass of tissue (excision) for cytology) clinches the diagnosis of oral cancer. Should there be a neck mass that arises suspicion of a regional metastatic disease, a fine needle biopsy (FNB) can be attempted.
Initial staging workup includes CT, MRI scans etc all. PET CT scan though frequently employed, is not usually used for the initial workup.
A triple endoscopy that includes laryngoscopy, esophagoscopy and bronchoscopy can help definitive staging of the disease. Biopsies obtained during this procedure help confirm the primary diagnosis, define the extent to which the primary site disease has spread, and identify additional pre-malignant lesions and metastasis, if any.
Treatment / Prognosis: preventive measures, earlier diagnosis and right early treatment is key for better prognostication and efficient/ effective therapeutic management of oral cancer. Conventional treatment includes surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy as deems appropriate. Simultaneously, an adjunctive or integrative naturopathic treatment with suitable complementary & alternative medicines (CAM) too can help improve clinical endpoints and facilitate recovery as would be feasible contextually. As seen with other cancers, the site, stage, histopathological grading etc all determine the treatment outlook. The number of micronucleated oral mucosal cells can be a useful biomarker for predicting course of oral pre-cancerous lesions and prognosis thereof.
Prevention: rightly said, prevention is always a better choice. Although genetic risks are difficult to modify, still an increased focus on protective factors and avoidance of the risk factors can be of help. Especially, abstaining from use of tobacco/ products, alcohol, regularly maintaining oral health and hygiene and daily intake of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables can help prevent a vast majority of oral cancers. Also, timely screening/ detection of the pre-cancerous lesions of the oral cavity and prompt treatment thereof is crucial to preventing a malignant transformation of the same. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can ask a free question.
Good breast health is very necessary for a woman to avoid the risks of getting breast diseases, most particularly breast cancer. But there are some common mistakes most women make without knowing that they contribute to the threats of breast diseases. Read on to know which common habits may be bad for your breast health and what lifestyle alterations you can make to avoid them.
1. Not taking requisite care of your breasts with increasing age
The chances of developing diseases like breast cancer increase with age, especially as you enter the 40s and 50s. Most women don't consider their chronological age with requisite seriousness and this can expose them to higher risks of breast diseases. As you hit 40, you should sincerely make it a habit to get regular clinical exams to maintain proper breast health.
2. Not considering an annual mammogram
An x-ray of the breasts is known as a mammogram which is usually performed to detect premature symptoms of breast cancer. Studies reveal that a large number of women do not consider getting an annual mammogram done even after the age of 40. Experts are of the opinion that this can be threatening to your breast health as a delay of even a few months can result in developed and undetected breast cancer symptoms. So, it is recommended that after entering your 40s get a mammogram done after every year.
3. Not keeping track of your weight
According to researchers, women who have bmi (body mass index) more than 25 are considered obese and have greater chances of developing breast diseases in comparison to women having a balanced weight. The risk rises due to increase in the formation of oestrogen caused by the greater number of fat cells. Increased level of oestrogen is responsible for the growth of 'hormone-receptor-positive' type of breast cancer. You should try to eat healthy and regularly monitor your weight to avoid obesity.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
ये सच है की मौत बहाने से आती है और उन बहानों में सबसे आम बहाना होता है बीमारी। हम सभी को जीवन एक बार मिलता है, जिसे हम बेहतर और लम्बा बनाने के लिए हर मुमकिन कोशिश करते हैं पर जीवन और मौत के दरम्यान बीमारी की तलवार हमेशा लटकती रहती है। इसलिए हम हमेशा बिमारियों से रूबरू होकर उनसे बचने या जीत हासिल करने की फ़िराक में रहते हैं जिससे अपनी उम्र और स्थिति में इजाफा कर लेते हैं। लेकिन इस बात पर गौर करना होगा कि कुछ बीमारियों से जूझ कर भी हम जीने की उम्मीद नहीं खोते पर कुछ बीमारियाँ ऐसी भी हैं जो हमें मारें उसके पहले ही हम दिमागी तौर पर दिन ब दिन मरने लगते हैं. आज इस लेख में हम ऐसी ही एक बीमारी के बारे में चर्चा करंगे जो जानलेवा होती है । आपको बताएंगे कि एड्स कैसे होता है और इसके पीछे क्या कारण होते है।
एड्स एक बेहद खतरनाक और जानलेवा बीमारी के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह बीमारी अगर किसी इंसान को हो जाये तो उसकी म्रत्यु निश्चित हो जाती है। केवल भारत को लिया जाए तो सालाना तकरीबन 80,000 से ज्यादा लोगो की म्रत्यु AIDS के वजह से होती है। इसलिए इससे बचना है तो यह जानना बेहद जरूरी हो जाता है कि एड्स क्या है और कैसे होता है?
एड्स यानि कि उपार्जित प्रतिरक्षा नाशक रोग समूह, जिसका अर्थ है कि एड्स मनुष्य जाति में स्वाभाविक रूप से शुरू नहीं हुआ बल्कि मनुष्य जाति के अपने ही कुछ कर्मों के कारण उपार्जित हुआ। यह एक संक्रामक रोग है जो कि एच.आई.वी. (ह्यूमनइम्यूनो डेफिशियेन्सी वायरस) नाम के विषाणु के संक्रमण की वजह से होता है। जब यह विषाणु शरीर में प्रवेश कर जाता है तो ब्लड में पहुंच कर वाइट ब्लड सेल्स में मिलकर उसके DNA में पहुंच जाता है जहां वह विभाजित होता है और रक्त के सफेद कणों पर आक्रमण करता है। धीरे-धीरे यह सफेद कणों की संख्या बहुत कम कर देता है। उसी कमी या समाप्ति के साथ शरीर की रोगों से लड़ने की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को समाप्त करता है।
यह विषाणु शरीर में प्रवेश करने के बाद समाप्त नहीं होता है। और इसी स्थिति को एड्स कहा जाता है।
यह जानना जरूरी है की HIV छूने से नहीं फैलता। यह केवल शरीर के अंदर मौजूद तरल पदार्थ जैसे थूक, खून, और सेक्स के द्वारा निकलने वाला सेमेन से फैलता है।
बताए गए कारणों से HIV /AIDS फैलता जरूर है पर जरूरी नहीं है कि इन वजहों से किसी का खून यकीनन संक्रमित ही हो जाए। यह इसपर भी निर्भर करता है कि HIV वायरस कितना मजबूत है। यदि कमज़ोर HIV वायरस किसी के शरीर मे किसी भी तरीके से चला जाए तो संभव है कि उस व्यक्ति को HIV/AIDS न हो।
बदकिस्मती से दुनिया मे HIV को लेकर कई गलतफैमियाँ है इस कारण यह भी जानना जरूरी हो जाता है कि HIV-AIDS किन कारणों से नही फैलता।
Androgenic alopecia is a typical type of hair loss in both men and women. In men, this condition is also called as, Male Pattern Baldness. Hair is lost in an all around characterized pattern, starting above both temples. After some time, the hairline recedes to frame a characteristic "M" shape. Hair additionally thins at the crown (close to the top of the head), regularly advancing to partial or Complete Baldness.
The pattern of Hair Loss in women contrasts from male pattern baldness. In women, the hair winds up plainly more slender everywhere throughout the head, and the hairline does not recede. Androgenic Alopecia in women occasionally prompts add up to total baldness.
Androgenic alopecia in men has been, related with a many other medicinal conditions including coronary illness and growth of the prostate. Moreover, Prostate Cancer, Disorder of Insulin Resistance, (for example, diabetes and Obesity), and High Blood Pressure (hypertension) have been identified with Androgenic Alopecia. In women, this type of hair loss is, related with an expanded risk of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is, portrayed by a hormonal imbalance that can prompt sporadic Menstruation, Acne, Abundance hair somewhere else on the body (Hirsutism), and Weight Gain.
Androgenic Alopecia is an incessant reason for hair loss in both men and women. This type of hair loss influences an expected 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. Androgenic Alopecia can begin in teenage also and risk increments with age; more than 50 percent of men over age 50 have some level of hair loss. In women, hair loss is no doubt after menopause.
Causes of Androgenic Alopecia
Change in Genetics
An assortment of hereditary and natural components likely, assume a part in causing Androgenic Alopecia. In spite of the fact that scientists are contemplating risk considers that may add to this condition, a large portion of these elements stay obscure. Scientists have discovered that this type of hair loss is, identified with hormones called Androgens, especially an Androgen called Dihydrotestosterone. Androgens are critical for ordinary male sexual development before birth and during puberty. Androgens likewise have other critical functions in both males and females, for example, controlling Hair Growth and Sex Drive.
Hair Growth initiates under the skin in structures called Follicles. Each strand of hair typically develops for 2 to 6 years, goes into a resting stage for many months, and afterward drops out. The cycle begins once again when the follicle starts growing another hair. Increased levels of Androgens in hair follicles can prompt a shorter cycle of hair growth and the growth of shorter and thinner strands of hair. Moreover,
To replace strands, which are shed off there is a deferral in the growth of new hair.
In spite of the fact that Researchers speculate that several Genes play a part in Androgenic Alopecia, varieties in just a single Gene, Androgen Receptor, have been affirmed in Scientific Studies. The Androgen Receptor Gene gives directions to making a protein called an Androgen Receptor. Androgen Receptors enable the body to react fittingly to Dihydrotestosterone and different Androgens. Studies propose that varieties in the Androgen Receptor Gene prompt expanded action of Androgen Receptors in hair follicles. It stays misty, nevertheless, how these hereditary changes increment the risk of Hair Loss in Men and Women with Androgenic Alopecia.
Researchers keep on investigating the association between Androgenic Alopecia and other medical conditions, for example, Heart Disease and Prostate Cancer in men and Polycystic Ovary disorder in Women. They trust that some of these disorders might be, related with elevated Androgen Levels, which may assist to describe why they have a tendency to happen with Androgen related Hair Loss. Other hormonal, natural, and hereditary components that have not been, recognized likewise might be included.
Inheritance Pattern
The Inheritance Pattern of Androgenic Alopecia is hazy in light of the fact that numerous hereditary and natural components are probably going to be included. This condition tends to cluster in families, in any case, and having a nearby relative with patterned hair loss has all the earmark of being a risk calculate for developing the condition.
Notwithstanding Male Pattern Baldness, Androgenic Alopecia in men has been, related with a few other therapeutic conditions including Coronary Heart Illness and augmentation of the Prostate. Moreover, Prostate Cancer, Disorders of Insulin Resistance, (for example, Diabetes and Obesity), and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) have been identified with Androgenic Alopecia in men. In women, Androgenic Alopecia is, related with an expanded risk of Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOS) which is, described by a hormonal imbalance that can prompt sporadic Menstruation, Acne, Excess body hair (Hirsutism), and Weight Gain.
The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) gives the accompanying list of components that have been, reported in individuals with this condition. A significant part of the data in the HPO originates from Orphanet, a European uncommon disease database. On the off chance that accessible, the rundown incorporates an unpleasant gauge of how regular a component is (its recurrence). Frequencies depend on a particular study and may not be illustrative of all studies.
Genetic Testing
What is Genetic Testing?
Genetic testing is a sort of therapeutic test that distinguishes changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. The consequences of a genetic test can affirm or preclude a speculated genetic condition or help decide a person’s chance of creating or passing on a genetic disorder. More than 1,000 genetic tests are at present used and more are being, developed.
Various techniques can be, utilized for Genetic Testing:
Molecular Genetic Tests (or Gene Tests) ponder single genes or short lengths of DNA to distinguish varieties or transformations that prompt a Genetic disorder.
Genetic testing is intentional. Since, testing has benefits and in addition restrictions and risks, the choice about whether to be tested is an individual and complex one. A Geneticist or Genetic Counselor can help by giving data about the advantages and disadvantages of the test and examining the social and enthusiastic parts of testing.
Each patient is exceptional and just the Doctor can assess and decide the Best Treatment.
Surgical Treatment of Androgenic Alopecia has great restorative outcomes. The principle issue is covering the Bald area with Donor Plugs (or follicles) adequate in number to be powerful. Micrografting produces a more Natural appearance than the old method of Transplanting Plugs.
It is critical for the patients with Androgenic Alopecia to be assessed for treatable reasons for "Telogen Effluvium" (diffuse Hair Shedding, frequently beginning abruptly) like anemia or hypothyroidism, particularly in patients who had a quick advance of their illness or a sudden begin of the sickness.
Different Names of Androgenic Alopecia
Androgenic Alopecia
Female Pattern Baldness
Male Pattern Alopecia