7 Orange Hospital
Multi-speciality Clinic (ENT Specialist, Orthopedic Doctor & more)
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Hello everyone!
I Dr. Shrikant Kasar, consultant physician and head of the department of medicine at 7 Orange Hospital, Chinchwad. I am practicing physician in Chinchwad area since 2012. My qualifications are MBBS and MD in internal medicine. My special area of interest is the management of lifestyle disorders like hypertension, diabetes and thyroid disorders with special interest in infectious diseases. We at 7 Orange hospital manages all kinds of medical emergencies and medical disorders. We have highly skilled team of house doctors and nursing staff. We strive very hard to provide excellent medical care to each and every patient with the utmost care, empathy and skills.
Our motto is to return each and every patient to his optimum health as soon as possible. We have intensive care unit facility with all modern facilities like ventilator support, dialysis unit. With highly skilled team of house doctors and nursing staff we are very well managing diabetes facility for all patients suffering from kidney disorders. We are proud to have a very good panel of super-specialty doctors of all disciplines like Cardiology. We strive very hard to provide excellent medical care to each and every patient with the utmost care, empathy and skills. Our motto is to return each and every patient to his optimum health as soon as possible.
We have intensive care unit facility with all modern facilities like ventilator support, dialysis unit. With a highly skilled team of house doctors and nursing staff we are very well managing diabetes facility for all patients suffering from kidney disorders. We are proud to have a very good panel of super-specialty doctors of all disciplines like Cardiology. We are very happy to serve people of Pimpri-Chinchwad and Pune area.
Thank you!
I am Dr. Kiran V Naiknaware, So I will be speaking about the branch interventional radiology. This is an upcoming branch, one of the oldest branch which is there in the medicine since long. Charles Dotter is considered as the father of vascular and interventional radiology. He pioneered the branch of interventional radiology and basically we are radiologists who do super-specialization in vascular and interventional radiology, which is diagnostic as well as therapeutic branch. We mainly deal with vessels and our primary work is endovascular. On the other hand, the other branches like vascular surgery, gastroenterology, neurology, neurosurgery, gynaecology, general medicine these branches are the primary branches which deal with patients. Interventional radiology is the new branch which also deals directly with patients. I will be talking about different aspects of interventional radiology and their role in current day-to-day medical practice.
For example, a patient who is having cancer the initial diagnosis is done by biopsy so we also do the image guided biopsies. We are specialists in that ultrasound guided biopsy, CT scan guided biopsy, fluoro guided biopsy, these are the basic procedures that we do and you can also consider this the bread and butter of the interventional radiologist. Also, ultrasound guided process like thyroid efficacy, doing radio frequency ablation of liver, thyroid and other malignancies, these procedures can also be done by interventional radiologists. Coming to the endovascular work like peripheral angioplasty, carotid angioplasty, visceral angioplasty, stent placement, intracranial angioplasties as well as aneurysm coiling, AVM embolisation, these are the endovascular procedures done by the interventional radiologists.
There are multiple applications in gynaecology, one of which is fibroid embolization, every 7th woman harbours a fibroid after the age of 40 years and sometimes these fibroid are painful they can cause menorrhagia i.e. bleeding and this can be very well treated by embolisation, so basically we go from the femoral artery or the radial artery we go into the uterine arteries which supply the fibroid and we go inside and we do the embolisation, So this reduces the size of the fibroid tumor and eventually they vanish.
Another application I would like to particularly emphasize upon this is TIPS (Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt). Patients who are having liver disease, liver failure, liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension causing refractory ascites, refractory hydrothorax, hepatorenal syndrome, GI bleed, these patients they have portal hypertension and just because of liver failure the blood which comes to liver is turned back into the venous circulation and that causes all these symptoms like tense ascites, which is one of the most common symptoms.
So in TIPS, we go from jugular venous access, we go across the liver from IVC or hepatic veins, we go into the portal vein and we create a shunt between the portal vein and hepatic veins or IVC, so this causes diversion of blood flow from the portal vein into the systemic circulation so this is called as Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. This procedure is mainly used a bail-out option in patients who are having GI bleed refractory to medical management, refractory to endoscopic management and also the patients who are on the waiting list for liver transplant, this is used as an alternative or breach to the liver transplant therapy. There was a study which was published many patients who are undergone TIPS prior to liver transplant, they did not need a liver transplant.
Coming to the other indications which are commonly practice is Diabetic foot, the patients who are having diabetes they have diabetic vasculopathy i.e. arteriopathy and microvascular disease which causes arterial blockage and which leads to arterial thrombosis and finally gangrene. So patients can have toe gangrene, foot gangrene, leg gangrene and it can be sometimes very dangerous for which we need an amputation. So what we do is, we go inside the vessels, we open up the blocked vessels we channelize the flow to the foot so that won’t seal and gangrene is prevented or if there is setting up of gangrene which can be very well managed by endovascular treatment.
There are other procedures which are also included in interventional radiology for example patients who are having acute deep vein thrombosis, these patients present to us with limbs swellings, swelling in the legs and these swelling causes tenderness, redness, blackness in the leg. They are very painful sometimes so what we do if the patient presents in the acute period we go inside the deep venous system we suck out the entire thrombus. We have new thrombectomy devices which are available like AngioJet which is one of the thrombolytic plus mechanical aspiration devices. Another one is Indigo which is available for peripheral devices. These devices can also be used for pulmonary arterial aspiration. Patients who are having a severe, massive pulmonary embolism, not responding to medical management and refractory to IV thrombolysis, patients who are having hypotension, right ventricular failure cor pulmonale and patients who are having severe respiratory distress.
Now coming to the varicose vein, varicose vein is the most common disease which is seen in population more than 50 years, one-third of the population suffers from varicose veins, varicose veins are nothing but dilatation of superficial venous system of the leg. In leg we have the deep venous system and superficial venous system, the deep venous system is bigger pipe located deeper inside the tissue structure and it is the main channel which takes blood away from the legs into the pulmonary circulation. Superficial venous system is superficial channel located beneath the skin, they communicate with the deep channels at multiple levels, the major site of communication is groin and in the upper calf region or back of the knee i.e. popliteal fossa.
Varicose veins have multiple reasons why they developed, one can be hereditary, weight gain then jobs which require standing for longer duration, these are the possible reasons for the development of varicose veins, so the patients who are having varicose veins generally presents with pain, swelling, edema, torn limb, tightness, color change, skin changes and also they can have ulcers which are healed regularly or they may not heal for longer duration, there are also skin changes, blackening and itching so varicose veins can be traditionally treated by surgery i.e. ligation varicose vein stripping.
Nowadays, a newer modality is available which is also called as varicose vein laser treatment or radiofrequency ablation treatment. In this laser treatment what we do is we with the help of small needle and a laser fiber with the 1417 nm laser which is the latest one, we go inside the vein and we burn the entire area. In surgery, we remove the diseased veins or phlebectomy compared to surgery laser has a better outcome, the pain is less in laser surgery, laser surgery is safer, does not require any major anesthesia like spinal anesthesia, it can be done under local or regional anesthesia.
Laser has advantages that it is a daycare procedure, patient comes walking and goes walking, patient can come in the morning and can go home in the evening, the patient can walk around. While open surgery has a success rate of 60% to 70%. laser has success rate of 90 to 95%, yes 5% failure rate is there because of the development of new venous collateral vessels or the vessels which are initially normal they get hypertrophied and they are the reason for the development of new varicose veins, so if you consider the safety, efficiency and profile of varicose vein laser treatment is far better than the open surgical treatment, the only difference between open surgery and laser is cost difference i.e. cost of the laser fiber and laser machine is higher than the open surgery.
Thank you."
I am Dr. Suhas Patil. I am a general and laparoscopic surgeon. So today we will be discussing rectoanal diseases. What are the rectoanal diseases? Nowadays we are almost all of us are suffering from this disease at some stage of life. You must have heard about hemorrhoids, fissures, fistula, pilonidal sinus, perianal abscess, constipation: so they form a group of rectoanal diseases. Now, what are the causes, what is the basic etiology? So, I suppose we have changed lifestyle, our food habits are an irregular, irregular eating habit, lack of high-quality food in diet, lack of high fibre diet, lack of high protein diet, inadequate intake of water, we are very much accustomed to fast food and stress. So, all these factors contribute to the formation of rectoanal diseases. Now let us turn towards what are the symptoms, how we will come to know that yes I am suffering from this disease and I need to consult my physician.
Most common symptoms are anorectal bleeding, passage of blood while passing motion, pain while passing motion, intense pain, patient may experience pain maybe hours together after passing motion and pain it will be an excruciating as if something has been cut there or suppression present or itching in perianal region some patients present with some mass coming out of perianal region, some patient present with a soft swelling around perianal region a which is extremely painful that can be issue of rectal abscess. So these are the common symptoms with which patient can present to physician. Now, we turn towards the treatment modalities. Till day, the treatment for this rectoanal disease is open conventional surgeries.
In open conventional surgeries, we use to cut, we use to excise the used fistula, used pile mass which to excise the whole fistula track by keeping a big area open. So naturally patient has to come to the hospital for our regular follow up dressings and the period can be more than 2 months also. Again, the hospital stay of the patient was increased and it was an all together with conventional surgeries, the experience of the patient was painful, patient also used to hamper his professional duties also. What is laser? It’s light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Light waves they are amplified by continuous stimulation so the light that is formed after laser that light is highly coherent with the same frequency, with the same wavelength and that light is used to cut our tissues, used to obliterate our fistula track, used to obliterate our pilonidal sinus track, so this is a laser and the peculiarity of laser is it acts on the target tissue so there is minimal or less damage to the surrounding tissues which are very vital in the rectoanal region.
With laser, we can tackle all modalities like grade 2 hemorrhoids, grade 3 hemorrhoids, prolapsed hemorrhoids, all kinds of fistula whether it could be simple fistula, complex fistula, recurrent fistula, pilonidal sinus whether it can be recurrent pilonidal sinus, laser fixtures; so all these conditions can be well tackled with laser. Naturally as there is no cut or minimal cut, the pain for the patient after surgery is very minimal with laser, patient hospital stay is minimal, the patient can be discharged the very next day after surgery and we are not leaving any raw area so there is no need of follow-up dressings, patient can resume his professional activities as early as possible after laser. So, these are the advantages of laser. We are doing all kinds of rectoanal surgeries with laser and our patients with these surgeries are very happy, very convincing and looking forward more with the laser cases. So the take-off message is rectoanal surgeries nowadays are no more painful however it is a pleasant experience for the patients. Thank you.
Hello everyone!
I am Dr. Saurabh Potdar Consultant Intervention Cardiologist. We have all the facilities for the management of cardiac patients like Angiography, Angioplasty, wall surgeries as well as the By-Pass surgery. I have completed my formal training from the various government medical institutes across India starting from the Government Medical College, Nagpur from where I did my MBBS. Followed by, I did my post-graduation from Government Medical College, Baroda in the year 2013 and finally, I completed my super surgeon training in cardiology from Ahmedabad.
I specialize in doing angiography and angioplasty from the radial route. I have done more than 5000 angiographies and more than 200 angioplasty till now. The radial route that is from the hand or the wrist is safer, is more convenient, is associated with fewer complications to the patients. From the last few years, we have seen a sudden surge in the number of patients of young population having heart diseases. It's like an epidemic of heart diseases in the young population.
We believe most have the modern lifestyle, modern workspace and stress associated with it. These patients are particularly associated with the sedentary lifestyle and they are having a higher risk of diabetes and these conditions. We have seen patients as young as 22 years old having heart attack. However, the medical sciences have improved a lot and with timely evaluation, these patients can lead a healthy and normal lifestyle. With regular exercises, having a routine life, avoiding stress, doing yoga, avoiding all forms of alcohol consumption, cigarettes, hukkas- anyone can go a long way in having a better life.
Thank you!
Hi! I am Dr Satish Pattanshetti, General Surgeon. I am specialized in laparoscopic surgeries i.e. keyhole surgery. Today I will talk about bariatric surgery. Obesity is a lifestyle disease. It is getting increased all over the world. It is the main cause of almost 55 diseases. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, sleep apnea, knee pain, back pain, infertility caused by obesity. How to control this problem as it is a lifestyle disease. It is because of a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. How to deal with it? Change your lifestyle. Reduce stress level, take proper sleep, eat on time. Increase the protein content in your diet. Avoid smoking and drinking. We prescribe your medicines and endoscopic treatment. Diet should be controlled and regular exercises should be done.
If obesity is till not controlled then we do bariatric surgery. We reduce stomach size. We make 4-5 holes and it is a 1-hour procedure. The patient gets discharged within 3 days. The procedure depends upon the profile of the patient. After this surgery, sugar gets controlled. Diabetes gets controlled the very next day. That is why is known as metabolic surgery. It is not good for the patient for a thin patient who all are having diabetes. Bariatric surgery is strongly recommended for obese with diabetes patient. I also do hernia surgery. It is a very common disease. We do laparoscopic surgery which is very safe for the patient. The patient will be back to the normal life in very few days. Thank You.
Hi! I am Dr Rahul Chaudhari, Orthopedics, Dr. 7 Orange Hospital, Pune. Today I will talk about osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis is thinning of the bone. In this, you may have fragile and brittle bones which can develop a fracture. It is a silent disease. It is a preventable disease and treatable condition. The patient has severe back pain and has difficulties in changing positions. We advise the patient for complete bed rest. Few medicines we also suggest. We give the medicines to increase the bone mass. The patient may need surgical intervention. 1 in 3 females and 1 in 5 males this disease happens.
Usually, these patients may have bones abnormality. If we advice prolonged bed rest, they may develop other bad conditions. To give them relief from this problem, we give surgical interventions. We have different techniques to treat the patient. 1st technique is cement injection. We pass the needle into the fractured bone under local anaesthesia. We inject liquid cement. It gives instant pain relief to the patient and also gives support to the fractured body. Within 24 hours we can make the patient sit and walk. There is another in cement injection technique called kyphoplasty treatment. It is to reduce pain and increase stability.
Another technique is percutaneous pedicle fixation is the part of minimally invasive spine surgery. We put the screws also. And then we attach the rod to particular screws so that we can deload the fractured body. The patient can walk out of the hospital within 24 hours. It gives instant pain relief and to mobilize the patient. Risks are very minimal. No general anaesthesia, no blood loss, the Hospital stay is for only 24 hours. The patient gets instant pain relief. The patient can do his regular activities. Thank You.
I am Dr. Dr. Ajit Jejurkar, cardiologist. Today I will talk about cardiovascular surgery. We call it bypass surgery. There are lots of myth about open heart surgery. People think that it is a very high risk of surgery. Nowadays, surgeries are very safe. Risk is less that 1-2% now with the modern techniques. Surgery ke baad kuch din aapko rest karna jaruri hai. Apko absolute bed rest karne ki koi jarurat nhi hai. Within 2-3 months aap normal life me chale jate ho. Bhut sare patients alternate treatment try karte hain like angioplasty treatment.
Har surgery ka apna alag use hai. Patient ko apni situation ke according and Dr ke advice ke according hi treatment lena chaiye. Jo apki situation hai uske according agar aap pura treatment lete hain to apki life ke lia acha hota hai. Apko disease upar se dikhti nhi hai. Apko iske lia regular treatment karate rehna chaiye. Or treatment ko delay na karen. Agr aap aisa karte hain to apki problem permanent ho jati hai.
Thank You!
I am Dr. Neeraj Rayate, General Surgeon. Today I will talk about abdominal surgery with the help of laparoscopic. Hum stomach ki alag alag problems like pitt ki thaili ki bimari, stones, hernia, intestinal problems ka treatment dete hain laparoscopy se. Pehle ke time me hum operation karte time stomach ko kafi jyada open karna padta tha. But aaj ke time bhi small keyhole incision hote hain. Patient ka blood loss kam hota hai and recovery bhi jaldi hoti hai.
Aise konse operations hain jo laparoscopy se kia jate hain? Gallbladder stones ka treatment kia jata hai jise laparoscopic cholecystectomy kehte hain. Hernia ka operation bhi laparoscopy se kia jata hai. Hum weight loss kam karne ke lia bhi laparoscopically bariatic treatment dete hain. Hamara patient satisfaction bhi bahut acha hai. Islia aaj ki date me laparoscopy and robot se kafi ache treatment kia jate hain. Me aaj apka myth clear karunga related to fat loss and obesity. Liposuction se weight loss nahi hota hai.
Apko weight loss karne ke lia diet, exercise hai and agar is se weight loss nahi ho rha hai to aapko surgical options dekhne chaiye. Obesity ki vjha se apko PCS, joint pain, sleep disorder, BP, acidity bariatric surgery se thik ho jati hai and aap normal life jee sakte hain.
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Doctors in 7 Orange Hospital
Doctors in 7 Orange Hospital
Dr. Ajit Jejurkar
Dr. Neeraj Rayate
Dr. Tushar Chaudhari
Dr. Shrikant Kasar
Dr. Shilpy Dolas
General Surgery
General Physician
Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT)