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Dr Amit Vora Homeopathic clinic

Dr Amit Vora Homeopathic clinic

Homeopathy Doctor Clinic

Aayush Hospital, Marigold Apts, 2nd Floor, Opposite Nitin company Panch Pakahdi, Thane Eest
14 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 1,000 at clinic

About Clinic

By combining excellent care with a state-of-the-art facility we strive to provide you with quality health care. We thank you for your interest in our services and the trust you have more

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10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

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Allergies And Sexual Problems
Allergies And Sexual Problems


I am Dr. Amit Vora, Homeopath. I am running 2 clinics in Mumbai. I have been practicing homeopathy since last 15 years. This is my 3rd interview on Lybrate. In 1st, I have spoken about the benefits of homeopathy. In 2nd, I have spoken about how to get rid of renal problems, HIV. Today I will speak about 2 diseases. Allergies and sexual problems. Allergies can be of different types. Due to allergies you find different problems in different people. It starts from the age of 6 months up to 60 years. Some patients have allergic cold, cough, skin diseases, asthma. The problem increased in the body is IgE. The way blood sugar is high in diabetes, so in similar way IgE level is high in allergies.

So, in homeopathy we try to reduce this level and bring it back to the normal. And this is possible in homeopathy. Lots of sexual and infertility problems are there. People feel shy about telling it to the doctor. You should be vocal about your problem and tell it to the doctor. In allopathy, you can get only temporary results. But in longer run you can not continue the same or another medicines as they have side-effects in longer run on heart and kidney. So, homeopathy has the solution for ED, PE, infertility, menstrual problems. Maintain your stress level, healthy lifestyle, intake of healthy food. We are treating all kind of patient and diseases in homeopathy and giving them the best results. Get a permanent solution at homeopathy. For further information, you can contact me through Lybrate.


Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment

Hello friends, my name is Dr Amit I been practising homeopathy since last 15 years in Bombay and Thane. Last 15 years having practising I have seen that the diseases trend has been changing people are now suffering from more chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol blood pressure, renal failure and all these things have been very common at very early age. Now, I remember last 15 to 20 years back when we were small I don't think so as many of us heard that term of renal kidney failures or creatinine, right now many of us are aware of what is kidney failure and what is creatinine or what is renal transmission and all. So the disease that is what I mean to say the disease trend is changing nowadays and homeopathy have brought a lot of roles to do this changing disease trend along with allopathy. Allopathy will help you definitely help you in the shorter term to get rid of your symptoms. But to get rid of the disease, in particular, allopathy will help to get rid of the symptom the headache, the cold, the migraine or the loose motions or whatever the symptoms will be better. But to remove the disease from within, homeopathy is got a lot of scope in that. There was a time when think that homeopathy is a very good medicine for chronic allergies cold, cough for children, for ailments of children, loose motion or for that matter chronic migraine, joint pain, Arthritis, asthma but that is not so definitely homeopathy can do a lot in those cases of allergy, cold, asthma, migraine but a lot can be done. So in cases of very serious pathologies like renal kidney failures, HIV cases then diabetes chronic heart conditions and many other cases wherein allopathic field there is very limited scope, after a particular level. There are a lot of cases where the doctors have to tell that there is very less scope of improvement from here on it might be a neurological case or might be a heart condition and from there on homeopathy has helped those patients. So it is also said that homeopathy can it starts from the point where the allopathy ends. So when there is a condition where the doctor says that now there is a very little scope of improvement in this particular patient you can think about homeopathy, in such cases. We have treated a lot of such cases like renal failure we would not say that it treated but they are fairly doing very well with homeopathy. There are cases of a 35-year-old male having a kidney function or creatinine of 9.6 which we have brought to 5.3 without any allopathic medicine intervention and only with homeopathy and the age of man was 35 years old only. So at 35 years if a person has kidney failure what do you expect him to live more for, maximum he would live is for next 15 years with all this whatever renal treatments available today dialysis and all. But then with homeopathy, we have been able to bring his creatinine levels, creatinine is a very important indicator and the normal creatinine level is 1.5 in human beings which should not be more than, creatinine is kind of waste products in the body those waste product should not be there in the body more than 1.5. So since a kidney is a thing which clears these products, so if the kidney is not is not good it's like a chalni. If the kidney is not working well the waste products will be accumulated in your system, so the waste products goes to 4,5,6,9 so in that particular it was 8.5 to 9 which we have brought only with homeopathy to 5.3 levels and we are hopeful that we would gradually next 2 to 3 years to bring it to the normal level or somewhere around the normal level that too without any dialysis or without any allopathic medicine. I would not say that you should not use allopathy, allopathy should definitely be used but homeopathy in conjunction with Allopathy can do a lot of good, this is just one case. We had recently a case of HIV positive from JJ hospital where the CD4 count is very important count in HIV positive. CD4 is like our soldiers, generally, our soldiers are in the range of 1000 to 1100, the CD4 is 1000 to 1100. These soldiers help us from all bacteria, virus, fungus all infections tuberculosis every kind of internal infection, but when the soldiers die when the soldiers become less in HIV positive these soldiers CD4 comes to 700 then 600 and then 400 is a very alarming situation in a medical science. If the CD4 level comes below 400 that means it is a very red alert situation for that particular patient and we had 3 months back we had a patient whose CD4 was the 63, not 3 months but 6 months back when we started that patient was coming to us from JJ hospital which is very famous hospital in Mumbai. So that patient CD4 is the 63, 63 is very very very low, so you have just 63 soldiers protecting you wherein you require minimum 1000 soldiers. So definitely he had along with their tuberculosis and other added infection and fever which was not going in spite of all allopathic treatment. Hospital admission for 25 days and he was still not better, then somehow we were able to find the right medicine in his case and able to diagnose health condition properly and able to give him medicines. Now from 63 in just 6 months is CD4 have improved to 270 which is a very good very good now his body is stable and since last 6 months he also has got gained a lot of weight which was reducing in before that. So this shows that appetite has improved his fever has not come since last 6 months his weight has improved and his most important the CD4 has increased from 63 to 270. So these are the two cases that I need to say that homeopathy is definitely good for allergy, asthma, joint pain but if properly follow and it properly taken it can also cure a lot of this type of serious ailment, but it needs to be the doctor needs to be very vigilant in those cases. It is not that any or every doctor you should have a good experience of managing these cases in homeopathy, but definitely homeopathy has solution. So for further, if you want to know anything about us, we have our Clinic at two places in Bombay one is Bhandup and one is in Thane. If you want to have any details of our clinic, you can contact us on Lybrate. Thank you very much.


Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment

Why to follow homeopathic approach?

Hello! A warm welcome from ‘The homeopathic clinic’, I am Dr. Amit, consulting homeopath practicing since last 12 years. We have three clinics at Bhandup, Thane and Khar. Currently I am practicing in all the three places with my colleagues and co doctors. We have been practicing homeopathy since last years. Now many of you must not be aware about homeopathy. Homeopathy is a branch of science which has come out of allopathy. A lot of allopath doctors found a lot of difficulty in treating some cases completely. They found once an asthmatic patient is always an asthmatic patient, once an allergic patient is always an allergic patient, so this made them think that there should be something different so they came out with this beautiful science called homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a branch where we consider your total symptoms, right from your physical complains to your mental nature to the diseases you suffered in the past and we treat you holistically. Holistically treating helps you in improving your immunity, remove your diseases completely, and thereby curing you permanently. Nowadays we have seen people at early age develop dreadful diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, thyroid and hormonal dysfunctions. All these are effects of stress which deteriorates our immunity. Modern medicine has got very good effects in these. Modern medicines means allopathic medicines are very good in treating these cases. But the problem with the modern medicines is that it is able to control these diseases but there is no permanent cure of these diseases. But we have good scope of homeopathy along with the modern medicines in these types of cases like cholesterol, diabetes, or thyroid, even menstrual disorders.

So a lot of these cases we have treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy is right for people of all the ages, right from a child of 2 months of age to an old person of 80 years of age, and both the sexes- male, female, it is effective for all the people. It is completely without any side effects. There is no side effect. There are some myths that homeopathy has got steroid, so there are no steroids in it also. So you can completely go for homeopathy. I am sure homeopathy will help you grow with your immunity and thereby make you focus in your life too so that you are healthy and you can focus on your other activities of life, your growth in life and enjoy the life with your family.

For further information if you need to contact us or you want to visit any of our clinic you can contact us through Lybrate.

Doctor in Dr Amit Vora Homeopathic clinic

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Doctor in Dr Amit Vora Homeopathic clinic


Dr. Amit Vora

Homeopathy Doctor21 Years Exp.
BHMS, PG Hom London, M.D Homoeopathy
₹ 1,000 at clinic
300 online
Unavailable Today

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Dr Amit Vora Homeopathic clinic Reviews


Umesh Vishwakarma

Dec 29, 2017

Dr. Amit treated my problem very well. Now I don't have warts



Nov 18, 2017

Good one



Feb 24, 2017

I am so much benefitted with his treatment for gastric problem, that i am perfectly fine now. I was suffering from gastric problem. Not only he is very calm and composed, but is also a very understanding doctor. Over the period of time it has helped me a lot. Everything was just spick and span in more



Aug 28, 2017

Very good experiance and good check the body languages i am treated for doctor amit vora 15 days only i feeling so better i am so happy. My experiance much better with my body my creatning 1.40 and blood presser more then 140/90 ofter taking the aleopeth medcine no good results .....but i treat 15 more



May 03, 2017

I was panicked, because I never thought I will suffer from acidity problem like this despite of eating well and eating n junk food and taking no soft drinks..During the treatment, dr Amit Vora supported me a lot.With the help of his treatment I am feeling so great.The overall cleanliness in the more

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