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This is Dr. Premendra Goyal. Why do we most often end up in the dental clinic? Bruise tooth-get the tooth out, painful tooth- do a root canal, broken tooth-pray to God. What else can you do? And that’s the main cause a lot of people have phobia about dental treatment. In past few years lot of changes have been taken place in dentistry. Where we have gone from reactive to preventive dentistry. No one can undermined the value of regular checkups, regular brushing, and regular flossing. As the proverb goes “prevention is better than cure” or maybe a “stitch in time saves nine”. What does a regular checkup do? Scientific studies proof that a cavity can start in as less than 3 to 4 months. Once got on time these cavities can be treated in time before it reach the nerve inside your tooth causing pain. There are lot of other preventive treatments available which will help your children be cavity free for a long time. Something like a fluoride application, or something called as Patent Fissure sealants which can seal the groused in early immature or permanent tooth wherein cavity don’t progress at all. So think of prevention rather than treating a problem once it does become big. So in today’s time you don’t need to be suffering, scientific studies again have proven that a bad oral hygiene can lead to lot of complications with a general health, may be heart disease, arthritis, diabetes so in the benefit of your overall health look at regular dental visits, regular cleaning up your teeth and you should lead a very healthy life.
For more details you can contact us via lybrate. Thank you!
Hi friends!
This is Dr.Premendra Goyal. I’m dentist from Mumbai.
Had some of the other time everyone may be directly or indirectly have known about Dental Crown. Now when you visit a dentist every one gives you a choice. This is a crown, this is a crown, and this is a material available and creating to lot of confusion. Mind you be very sure whatever your dentist is suggesting, may it be a 1000 rupees cap or 10,000 rupees cap, may it be a white color or a metal cap. They are not bad for you in any way. The broad choices available for dental crowns are metal crowns; which are something called white metal, they probably look more like steel. Then there are something called as porcelain fused to metal crowns; where a thin metal shell are is covered by ceramic which is a tooth color material which matches your tooth very well. In nowadays we have a something called as zirconia or metal free crowns which are very aesthetic, which look very lifelike your natural teeth. Now as we progress from a simple metal crown to a complicated zirconia crown which are fabricated using advance technology over CAD/CAM, total computerization, the cost factor increases. But so does the cosmetic value, maybe the life and sometimes some companies do offer long-term warranties on those caps. But believe me you start with a metal cap , they may look like steel but by far if you ask me they become the best choice of a cap today, because there are single piece metal casting. But again yes, they have a big drawback of having a steel like color so they are not acceptable today. The second choice as I said Porcelain fused to metal, they are very good they look like life-like again but the only drawback is over a period of time they create a black margin near the gum that is due to the tattooing effect due to the metal inside. Now thirdly you have those metal free zirconia crowns which actually look like your actual teeth. To express them in words is difficult because you need to actually feel them, you need to see, next to your natural teeth you hardly make out the difference. So when going for dental crowns please don’t be confused, go according to your budget and the aesthetic zone which demands what sort of crown you want. But by far be very sure whatever your dentist is suggesting is not going to harm you in any way.
Be happy, be healthy, keep smiling. Thank you! For more information you can contact us via Lybrate. Thank you!
Hi friends!
This is Dr. Premendra Goyal. I’m a dentist from Mumbai.
We Look forward to beautiful smiles and any difference in color or any darkness in color of your teeth, they bother you. We all look forward to have a white sparkling smile. Now today, to have this smile is pretty easy. We are worried about yellow teeth. Why do our teeth turn yellow? That is the biggest thing to understand first. The color of your teeth may change because of staining of your teeth, which may happen because of sudden food habits, tobacco use, excess of tea, coffees, colas. These stains can be easily removed by a simple cleaning up procedure of your teeth, wherein your dentist clean up the surface of your teeth and polish them giving you a sparkling smile. Many at times, you have situation wherein your teeth are yellow from inside. Now today, they’re not difficult to clean, you’ve whitening procedures. You can just get your teeth bleached professionally, which is a combination of a office bleach, wherein your dentist bleaches in the chair and maybe follow it up with some home bleaching program. Properly done, these treatments can give you good lasting results for years together. You may end up having good white teeth for five to six years at a stretch. In some cases you may have difficult stains which happen because of fluoride. These are termed as fluorosis. In very rare cases, you may need to hide those stains, which again is very simple using dental veneers or some bonding procedures, wherein some tooth colored material is placed on top of your tooth to hide those stains. So, please don’t get depressed having dark teeth, you still can have a white sparkling smile anytime you want.
Contact us for more details. You can contact us via lybrate. Thank You.
Hello friends!
This Dr. Premendra Goyal fom Mumbai. I’m a dentist.
Let us talk about dental implants today. Lot of people have missing teeth, they lose their teeth by accidents or by some disease and they’re in dilemma, how to replace that tooth? Today we have lot of choices available. One of them being dental implants. Dental implants is nothing but a artificial root structure which is placed inside the bone and on top of that, a cap is placed to replace your missing tooth. You can basically judge it buy this wherein you have a artificial root structure placed inside the bone here and on top of that, a superstructure is there on which a cap is fixed. Replacing the missing tooth. A implant is placed inside the bone by a small procedure which is basically painless and has minimum of side effects. Implants can be used for a variety of reasons or maybe clinical situation, you end up losing one tooth you can replace with the implant. You end up losing multiple teeth, you can place multiple implants. You can use implants to support your dentures which are very loose, you can end up fixing the entire tooth structure. Maybe you end up losing all your teeth, all your teeth are missing, someone tells you go for dentures, you’re not happy with your dentures, you can go for implants and get fixed teeth. There are no side effects; they work for a long time. In fact American studies say the success of dental implants is more than 95%. In today’s time moving out without teeth when science has come to this level when you can get artificial teeth as good as your natural teeth, should be a big no.
Please go ahead ask your dentist about dental implants. For more information, contact us via Lybrate
Hi friends!
This is Dr Premendra Goyal. I am a dentist in Mumbai. We all look towards having wonderful, beautiful, wonderful pleasing smiles. As they say a smile can win thousands of hearts. We all want a beautiful smile. Many at times we end up in situations where we end up gaps wherein its in between our teeth. These gaps maybe between two teeth or between multiple teeth or they maybe scattered throughout your mouth. Today we don’t need to move about with those smiles. If you desire a better smile those gaps can be closed. There are variety of treatment options available by which we can close those gaps. First and foremost bring braces. By braces all your teeth are brought together and those gaps are closed giving you a wonderful smile. Other options are increasing the size of your two teeth and getting those two teeth wider to close the gaps. There are options like porcelain veneers or even caps which can give you a wonderful balanced smile. Today you don’t need to be worried about those gaps. Those gaps which show as black holes with your smile. Ask your dentist how you can close those gaps. And you will find you can , you can get the smile you desire.
For more information please contact us via Lybrate. Thank you.
Hi friend, I am Dr Goyal. I am a dentist from Mumbai India. Tday I will talk about cavities and dental caries as we call it. This is the condition which is affecting almost everyone in some or the other form. Most commonly seen in children and teens even adults post 50 years of age are not insulated from this sort of problems , because the moment the gums start to go down we start getting cavities on the root surfaces of our teeth.
How do these cavities form?
We have a lot of normal bacteria in our mouth which use up the food staff which we eat and form a thin film called plaque on our teeth. This plaque thermos the acid which in turn removes the calcium from the enamel of our tooth making the tooth soft and susceptible to removal by any means. The best way to keep our mouth free of cavities is to clean our mouth after eating anything, that has been always told by everyone. But there is more, this give and take of calcium from enamel is always going on. The moment we eat something the acid levels of our saliva goes up which removes the calcium from our tooth but at the same time the same saliva is going on replenishing this calcium and phosphate iron in our teeth. If this balance is broken the moment the removal of calcium is more, then the resupply of calcium we end up getting cavities.
The best way to avoid this is to limit the number of meals e have per day. It is recommended to have not more than four meals a day . after every meal we need to clean our mouth properly possibly brush our teeth but at the same time it is very important to note that we should not brush our teeth immediately after eating because that is when the saliva is more acidic leaving our enamel more susceptible to damage by brushing itself. Brushing itself may cause lot of damage so wait for a few minutes before you brush your teeth. If it is not possible to brush atleast rinse your mouth forcefully there are lot of fluoridated toothpaste available in India also which have a formulation called as anti k which lets our saliva carry more calcium and phosphate which will repair the damage which has been done by the acids on the enamel . all in all get into a healthy habbit of brushing after every meal , eat healthy food , avoid very sticky food avoid too many colas avoid too many chocolates and you can get rid of habbit of cavity formation and be healthy.
Thank you very much for more information you can contact us via lybrate .
Hi friends, this is Dr Goyal from Mumbai, I am a dentist. I am here to talk about the most complicated topic which is the least discussed topic in dentistry is bad breath.
Studies have shown that more than 50% of people suffer from bad breath at some or the other time in their life. Bad breath as we in our language call Halitosis, can be because of a barrage of reasons there can be a lot of reasons for bad breath something like bacteria which are there in our mouth, they are there in the mouth always. When we feed them with a lot of food stuff which we don’t clean from our mouth they eat up that food causing a lot of bad breath, the second can be dry mouth which may happen because of dehydration certain medicines or some other reasons which are not letting you saliva form. Gum disease can form a lot of bad breath. There is certain food stuff which can cause bad breath, something like garlic onions they can give you bad breath, some unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, tobacco chewing can cause a lot of trouble. Then there are systemic diseases which can lead to bad breath, the systemic diseases may be something like diabetes, sinusitis or gastro oesophagal reflux which can lead to bad breath.
Now that we know what causes bad breath let us try and understand how we can control this bad breath. First and foremost comes to the healthy habit of keeping our mouth clean after eating anything after consuming anything we need to clean our mouth, brushing after every meal may not be possible it is recommended but not possible many times, at least rinse your mouth forcefully to remove all your food stuff. In case you notice your gums bleeding or any other problem developing in your mouth please visit your dentist who can rectify the problem at the earliest. Get rid of bad habits like smoking tobacco chewing which will cause many other complicated problems other than bad breath. If your dentist finds that your bad breath is not controlled even after you have a healthy mouth he may suggest you a medical opinion where in your systemic problems can be diagnosed and treated by your physicians. Keep the saliva flowing always keep consuming small sips of water throughout the day to stop your mouth from drying, you can consume healthy foods like carrots, cucumbers of and on throughout the day which will help you produce more and more saliva, which will keep your mouth clean and let you avoid bad breath.
I hope this video helps you in taking care of bad breath.
Thank you very much for more information you can contact us via lybrate.
Thank you.
Know how Root Canal treatment helps to save a tooth
Hi friends I am doctor Premendra Goyal. Lot of questions are asked to us about whether to save a tooth or to extract it. I will talk to you about root canal treatment today which is a treatment by which we can save your tooth and it can serve for a lifetime with good maintenance. A tooth basically is a lot of hard tissue with some tissue in the center, you can it the heart of your tooth which in our language is called as pulp and layman end up calling it something as nerve. Once that nerve or pulp portion of your tooth is exposed to the oral cavity in some way may be a fracture of your tooth, may be decay, cavities- as we call them, once the heart of your tooth, the pulp of your tooth, the nerve of your tooth is exposed to the oral cavity your tooth is in danger. Tissue goes bad, infection travels, it goes deeper and it enters your bone area.
Now to save that tooth or not that is the first question that comes to the mind. By saving that tooth we are saving the natural thing that nature has given us. We have been trying to replace or replicate what nature has given us, but 100% replication of what nature has given us is not possible till date. So the best option is always to save a natural thing, and that can be easily done by root canal treatment. In root canal treatment I will try to explain in as simple language as simple the procedure is for the patient. I will reiterate- for the patient, for the clinician or for your dentist it definitely is a process which involves a lot of intricacies but for a patient it is a very simple procedure, wherein local anesthesia is given and the area is numbed and you don’t feel any pain when you undergo the treatment.
A small hole is drilled on the top of the tooth, if it is a grinder, if it is the front tooth the hole is drilled on the back side of your tooth and the nerve area is accessed. And through small instruments the inside and the root area of your tooth is cleaned, up it is shaped, it is disinfected with lot of medicaments and then it is finally filled up with artificial material and then your tooth is restored to normalcy with a cap sometimes or a post which is a support inside the root and building up with the tooth canal material or a material of your choice.
I will give you a broad overview about how a root canal treatment goes about in the pictorial representation. (Displaying pictures) Suppose this was the decayed tooth, a small opening is made on the top of the tooth, we enter the tooth with small instruments, and with the advent of newer technologies it is possible today to complete your root canal in one single sitting, a half an hour to 45 minute appointment and you can end up with a painless tooth. First the root canal is cleaned, it is disinfected with certain medicaments, a artificial filling is placed in the root and then the tooth is restored on the top. So the question of whether to save a tooth or whether to extract it ends up with a proper restored tooth which works for a very long time serving you, thank you.
For more information you can contact us via Lybrate.
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Apr 03, 2017I needed dental hygiene. Not only he is very calm and composed, but is also a very understanding doctor. During the complete dental hygiene program he always supported and motivated me. The atmosphere in the dr Goyal's Dental Care is always so positive and full of life. On the very first day he ide...read more
May 03, 2017During the complete gap closing program he always supported and motivated me. It's been so long, I have lost all hope, but then I met Premendra Goyal and I am hopeful again that I will be fine. I was shocked to experience the symptoms of gap closingThe overall atmosphere in the dr Goyal's Dental Ca...read more
Jun 01, 2017i took dental check-ups. My previous experiences were not so good, but Premendra Goyal has completely changed my opinion as he is very helpful and humble. So many doctors I consulted, but hertreatment was the best. Even though Premendra Goyal is not from our city, he is still very famous, so we con...read more