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Dr. Mansi Sanghvi's SKIN360 Skin Hair Laser Clinic

Dr. Mansi Sanghvi's SKIN360 Skin Hair Laser Clinic

Dermatologist Clinic

Unit No.111 & 112, First Floor, C-Wing, Lake Primrose Shopping Complex, Chandivali Farm Road, Powai, Landmark : Above Wellness Forever Chemist & Lakme Salon, Opposite To Booker's
1 Doctor
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Dermatologist/ Cosmetologist, Dermatosurgeon, Trichologist.We will always attempt to answer your more

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11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Laser Hair Reduction - Know Procedure Of It!
Laser Hair Reduction - Know Procedure Of It!

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Mansi Sanghvi. I am a Dermatologist. In our clinic, we have been providing solutions to our patients pertaining to dermatology & cosmetology and also trichology. Today I will be talking to you about a topic which interests not only women but also men. It is Laser Hair Reduction. So we have been hearing about this from everyone around us- our friends and family. What is Laser Hair Reduction? It’s a treatment to help you get rid of unwanted body hair wherever you have them. So how does the laser work? So laser works on the active growth phase of the hair follicle which is the root of the hair. It works only on the growth phase that means the hair has to be actively dividing when the laser is given to that part. So at a given time, we have only 50% of the hair in the active growth phase and that’s why only those hair would be dying when we give them the laser dose. That’s why you need to take multiple sessions to help all of the hair become much finer or die completely. We always talk about this Laser Hair Reduction & not removal. So what is the difference? When we do laser we are working on 4 parameters of hair.

So, first is that with laser about 85 to 90% of the strand should die & they should not regrow. Second, the remaining strand should become lighter & finer so that is not a hassle for you to manage them. Third, it also has to work upon the rate of regrowth of the hair. It means that let's say the way you shave your hair and it usually is out and it is growing back in 2 or 3 days. When you have done a couple of sessions of laser, the hair does not regrow like for a couple of weeks or maybe up to one and a half or 2 months as well. The laser also lightens the colour of the hair so the hair almost becomes translucent and is hardly visible. These are the 4 parameters- number of hair, the colour of hair, the thickness of the hair & rate of regrowth which always reduces pretty well with a laser. And hence we call it Laser Hair Reduction. So who all can do it? Anyone who is over the age of 18 years, anyone who is healthy and anyone who has no sensitivity issue of the skin. For those who have sensitivity issue we always do a patch test for the laser so that at least we can do out any harmful effect if at all that’s happening to the patient. Now let's talk about how to manage life around the laser. We usually say that you need about 6 to 10 sessions of laser depending upon how is your growth and what body parts we are talking about. The interval between 2 session would be somewhere between one to one and a half months.

I always tell my patients to come back by the time they start seeing 50 to 55% of the strands which are growing back. In between the laser session what all you can do if your hair is growing back? You can shave you can trim with a pair of scissors but what you cannot do is waxing threading bleaching or plucking. Those things destroy the hair follicles hence the laser will not work on them. So the only thing you can do is to shave or to trim with a pair of scissors. Now what to expect while you are undergoing laser? Once we start the laser what we do is that first of all we need to shave the area so that we are giving entire energy to the roots itself, then we give the laser to you what happens when we give laser you might feel a little bit of warmth, little bit of prickly heat inside in certain area which is perfectly comfortable to bear. Post that, all of our lasers have inbuilt cooling technologies so that the cooling is instant and you don’t have any long-standing redness or little soreness if at all. We always give you a cream to apply on that part for the next 2 days so that the sensitivity of the skin goes down and it recovers pretty well. You need to use the sunscreen at least 2 or 3 times a day for next 3 days very well because that will help you prevent damage induced by the sun. These are the few things you need to be careful about. I practice in the area where a lot of people are migrants. Let's say they are working somewhere else, they are coming in & out of Mumbai or they are studying somewhere else. So to those patients, I give a couple of sessions. A couple of treatments are done when they are little better, I would say 40 to 50% and if they travel I give them certain cream which helps to reduce the regrowth of the hair and it gives them a good amount of time to manage the regrowth pretty well. It doesn’t grow out so fast so they don’t have to shave too often. Once they come back we resume from where we had left. If you are continuing the treatment at the regular interval it is going to give you much better results. It's okay if you can't manage the regular interval, it cannot compromise on the result too badly. It is alright. So now comes one question. You may have heard about a few things from your friends or family that laser hasn’t worked for them. So why do you think it won't work? The laser works on everyone but if you have underlying hormonal conditions let's say polycystic ovaries or hypothyroid then the efficiency of the laser goes down by 10 to 15%. It doesn’t mean it won't work but of course, it will be less efficient. How do we help such patients?

We start with the treatment, if the treatment is going well we continue with it. But if we see that we are not getting the result that we expect in 3 or 4 sessions then we start them on certain tablets, certain antihormones or hormones tablets, of course after consulting with them. These tablets help the hair to get released from the hormonal influence and that’s when the laser starts working on them and we can achieve a better result for those patients. Next question would be efficiency & safety. As discussed there could be a little downtime but not too bad. Hardly there would be a downtime of 15 minutes to 2 hours at the most which would be little redness or soreness of that area. That’s it. Nowadays with better laser, better-trained doctors or technicians, the downtime is almost close to zero minutes. So here is the information that I wanted to share with you today. I hope you found it useful and if you have any questions on this or if you want to consult with me you can book an appointment with me through Thank you very much.



I am Dr. Mansi Sanghvi, Dermatologist. Today I will talk about the commonest pigmentation that we find in Indian population and it is called melasma. &0-75% of the women are effected to the malesma. The cause of this problem is hormonal imbalance. This problem is usually seen after pregnancy, abortion or after taking contraceptive pills. I also have seen few of the patiets in mid 20s and 50s. Sun exposure is the another cause. One should avoid frequent scrubbing when they have melasma. Sometimes, home remedies and over the counter medicines can give you burns over the skin.

What are the treatment option we have for melasma. But melasma cannot be cured. Sunscreen can prevent melasma from coming back. You need to use SPF above 40 and this is specially for Indian skin. Sometimes, infrared rays also effects your skin. Use good moisturizer. As per your skin and texture we prescribe you the medicines. We also give you the laser treatments which helps in lightening the skin. But it is important for you to go to the good dermatologist. So, be very careful while choosing your Dr and the right centre. If you have any further question regarding melasma, pigmentation, hair loss or any other skin related problem, you can consult me through Lybrate.

Thank You.

Hair Loss And Baldness
Hair Loss And Baldness

Hello everyone!

I am Dr Mansi Sanghvi. I am a founder and medical director of skin 360, skin, hair and laser clinic. We are located at Powai in Mumbai. I have been practicing as a Dermatologist and skin & hair expert over the last 10 years now.

Today I will be talking to you about one of the most common issues that today's young people face that is hair loss and balding and how to manage it. In today's corporate world hair has become one of the important assets of one's personality and managing the hair health has become extremely important. These days what most of the young patient present to us is with androgenetic alopecia, androgen means hormone, so hormonally induced hair loss is becoming very common in young people males and females are like. So what are the factors that cause hormonal imbalance, these are essentially the sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, imbalanced diet, irregular sleep patterns and undue stress over one's body. Therefore the treatment for hair loss and balding should start with reversing the factor that causes hormonal imbalance, this includes introduction of healthy lifestyle, change in sleep pattern and regularising it, eating the right food and working out on daily basis. In addition to this your Dermatologist can help you with certain supplements which correct the dietary deficiency, of course the doctor will do the blood test first before starting the treatment. Doctors will also ask you to apply certain lotion on the scalp which improves the quality of follicles and make it live longer so that the hair becomes to thicker and denser. In addition to this starting with certain advanced treatment really help to regain the lost hair much faster. These treatment include introduction of stem cells and growth factor into your scalp so how do we do this, these growth factors are injected with very fine needles on your scalp. It is absolutely painless and much comfortable treatment to undergo, doctor may suggest you couple of sessions depending upon how bad the case is. It would be done somewhere between one week to 15 days and it just requires about 10 minutes of your time. The 2nd line management is much advanced and it is very popular these days, it is called PRP which is called Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Now what is that, in this treatment we take about 10 to 15 ml of your blood and we centrifuge it to remove the platelets of your blood from it, now your platelets are very important for you because they carry the growth factor required for any tissue regeneration in your body. Here we are going to inject your platelets back in your scalp using fine needles to make the treatment much less discomforting what we do is that we apply the numbing cream on your scalp for half an hour which calms down the sensation so that when we do this treatment it's not painful to you. This treatment however requires about 45 minutes of your time, combining both these treatments together that is mesotherapy and PRP we have seen some wonderful results. Wherein we have helped the patient gain back about 30 to 35% of their lost hair back. Once the hair has been recovered it is absolutely important to maintain it. The maintenance of these hair follicles is in terms of eating the right nutrition applying certain lotions, at least two or three times a week the doctor will prescribe you and doing certain treatment every year to maintain the regain hair follicles. In very severe cases if the balding is very extensive we may suggest you to undergo hair transplantation. Which is done by the expert surgeon and it helps you to recover the lost hair which may help you to regain the lost hair and the lost confidence. I hope you have found this talk on hair loss and its management useful.

If you have any enquiry or if you would like to consult with me, then you can visit and take an appointment with me from there. Thank you very much.

Acne - Ways To Treat It!
Acne - Ways To Treat It!

Hello, I am Dr Mansi Sanghvi, I am the founder and medical director of Skin 360 Skin Hair and Laser Clinic, we are located at Pawai in Mumbai. I have been practicing as a Dermatologist and skin and hair expert over the last 10 years in Mumbai.

Today I will be talking to you about a very common health problem that today's youth faces and that is pimples, marks and scar management. Acne which is commonly known as pimples is no longer limited to the teenage. It is now happening more so in the adulthood and in adult life. Acne has been attacking people after they turn 22-23, so why is that happening, what is the cause of this type of acne?

The cause lies in the hormonal imbalance which is again multifactorial in origin; it could be related to stress, dietary changes, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle or simply using cosmetics which are not good for your health. Hormone imbalance clogs the pores which eventually leads to the pimples.

Pimples are of various types - it could be small black heads or white heads or it could be big puss filled pimples. How to manage it?  Management starts at a simple baseline which is to use the right antibiotic cream which is prescribed by your dermatologist and to do certain simple treatments at the doctor's clinic. These treatments include chemical peels which are derived from fruit acids which help to exfoliate the excessive dead skin of your face and eventually leads to unclogging the pores, so that your skin can breathe and it reduces the pimples and inflammation.

If this approach does not work , we go to the second line of management, which is to give you oral antibiotics which help to reduce the bacteria that causes pimples. Once this antibiotic works , the inflammation goes down and then what we are left with is some marks to deal with. Now how the marks are treated, marks are treated with again chemical peels which are specifically derived from sugarcane and they are called glycolic acid which are famous these days. This peel reduces the pigmentation and concentration of melanin in your skin eventually giving you a better looking skin texture and colour.

The third issue that we need to deal is the scars that the acne leaves behind they are nothing but dark depressions on the skin, it is very important to treat them as early as possible otherwise they become a lifelong marks on your face. The scars are treated with technologies like laser resurfacing or a simple dermaroller which causes resurfacing of the scar or eventually much lesser appearing marks. To enumerate again, the treatment of pimples would include chemical peels, microdermabrasion which is commonly known as skin polishing, lasers to reduce the marks which are known as Q switch laser or scar resurfacing which is done with laser or dermaroller.

Now these treatments require few sessions which are timely intervals between 2 to 3 weeks, the whole treatment for pimples can last from 2 months to up to 6 months as well. The doctor upon examining your skin can precisely tell you what would be the approach of treatment ; in severe cases of pimples, we may probably want to start with hormonal treatment especially in women who are suffering with from polycystic ovaries. Using this combined approach for the treatment of pimples, the Dermatologist can help you by up to 70%, so why not hundred percent because the remaining 30% is in your own hand.

So what can you do to reduce your acne? First you invest into the right face wash which is pH balance , eat the right food which is taught to you by your grandpa and grandma, do regular exercises at least about half an hour everyday and indulge in activities which rejuvenate you , which could be learning some new music or going to Zumba class or going for swimming. Understand that everything is related to hormonal imbalance and which will only worsen with the stress in your body and you need to vent it out with recreation activities on a timely interval. So do the best possible in your own hand to improve the lifestyle and your quality of life and you should see the result in terms of your acne improvement along with the treatment that your doctor does for you.

I hope you have found this video useful, should you have any questions or any query or if you like to consult with me you may please do that using and book a consultation with me. Thank you very much.

Doctor in Dr. Mansi Sanghvi's SKIN360 Skin Hair Laser Clinic

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Doctor in Dr. Mansi Sanghvi's SKIN360 Skin Hair Laser Clinic


Dr. Mansi Sanghvi

Dermatologist20 Years Exp.
MBBS, DNB - Dermatology & Venereology
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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