Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon Clinic
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Hello everybody,
I am Dr. Sumit Agrawal. Today, I would be discussing PRP treatment for hair growth, PRP or platelet-rich plasma is now one of the most common non-surgical procedures for hair growth. Although PRP has been used as a treatment by orthopaedic surgeons since many decades for osteoarthritis and knee pain, of late its use has been found in hair fall and hair thinning treatment also. It is very good at controlling the hair fall and improving the thickness of the hair in the top area.
In PRP treatment your own blood is aspirated and then processed into concentrated serum, which is rich in growth factors and then these growth factors rich serum is injected into your scalp by multiple tiny pricks. It is a lunch hour procedure done under local anaesthesia. In general 3 sessions are advisable at monthly intervals and then again PRP sessions can be repeated after a gap of 4 to 6 months for maintaining the results.
Now, how do PRP works? PRP, basically they are multiple growth factors inside the PRP serum, these growth factors when injected into the scalp, these growth factors stimulate stem cells in the hair bulk and once these stem cells are stimulated these stem cells push hair into the growth phase which is also known as anagen phase, so the existing hairs are pushed into the growth phase which ultimately leads to decrease in the hair fall and improvement in the thickness of the existing hair. If you complete the treatment you get long-lasting results, but yes PRP has effect only on the thinned out hair, it does not make any appreciable improvement in the bald area or the frontal hairline receding where the roots are already dead.
So PRP is good and helpful in improving the thickness of the existing hairs and even after PRP you have to continue your multivitamin tablets and serums to maintain results. The recovery after PRP is quite uneventful there may be some swelling on the forehead next day but it settles down very quickly.
Apart from that PRP is also done during the time of hair transplant, it helps quite in speeding up the healing process after the transplant surgery, it can also be used as a storage solution for the hair grafts during the procedure. So PRP as such is a quite useful procedure for the hair restoration, for hair growth and since it's your own blood which is injected into the scalp, it is quite safe and there are no allergic reactions to that. Nowadays PRP is even done for the face, skin because of its multiple uses.
So dear friends this is all about the PRP. In case you have more queries you can contact us at lybrate.com
Thank you.
Myself Dr. Sumit Agrawal, I am a consultant plastic surgeon and hair transplant surgeon. Today I am going to discuss about safety in hair transplant. Recently there was a news in the media about that following hair transplant which is quiet an unfortunate incident, earlier also there have been some unfortunate incidents reported after hair transplants in Chennai and in Hyderabad. There was also and quite a popular which has gone viral about complication, skin infection complication happened after hair transplant in Pakistani actor Shahzad Khan. As such all the cosmetic surgeries and hair transplant surgeries are quite safe, successful and result oriented but yes any surgery there is always risk involved and there is a downtime involved. So, it is always preferable to have an idea, do your homework before jumping on the procedure. With newer advanced and all minimal invasive techniques like FUE hair transplant, the risk has become less but it is still better to do a good work up, your homework before embarking on a hair transplant journey just to avoid any surprises and all. So, first and foremost is the deciding the clinic from where you plan to get hair transplant done, so you have to check the credentials of your doctor, you have to ask him if is he the operating surgeon who is going to operate on you or may be he is just the face and he is going to hire another surgeon who is going to operate you and you may just see him on the day of the procedure but not before and after that day or he may just hire a doctor which has hired a so called OT technicians who are unqualified, not qualified to do that procedure on you.
So, you have to check whether the doctor you are talking to, you are consulting is he a qualified surgeon to do the hair transplant procedure, does he has a good experience of doing the hair transplant procedure, you have to check the before after results of cases done by him. So this is the first thing. Second thing is you have to ask, you have to check about sterility of the operation theatre or the clinic, maybe you can ask the surgeon to show the theatre, maybe if it is occupied you can get an idea about the hygiene of the clinic from right from by observing the clinic premises and all, so sterility is quite important. Third thing, you need to ask your doctor about their equipment and like how prepared are they in case of any unforeseen complications and do they have any tie-ups or they are associated with any hospital in case of any emergencies. So, these are the 3 things which you should confirm with your surgeon before taking a decision about undergoing the hair transplant. Apart from this, you should be quite careful about tall claims made by some clinics like they will claim painless hair transplant or maybe scar less hair transplant or like just walk in for the hair transplant, no downtime hair transplant, you can resume office the next day so it is not like that. Hair transplant is safe and successful but it's not an OPD procedure or it's not a just lunch hour procedure.
So there is nothing like painless hair transplant, there is always some pain associated when you give local anesthesia at the start of the procedure but it is just at the start, once the anaesthesia is given you are quite comfortable during the procedure and you can just comfortably walk out in the evening out of the clinic. Yes, there will be a slight heaviness in the head at the end of a procedure because of local anaesthesia so we can start painkiller at having it at lunch hour and all and which takes of the heaviness and post operative discomfort. Swelling, swelling is most of the time there is some swelling after the hair transplant, there is swelling, swelling maybe just visible or sometimes it can be quite obvious also so we advise you to take a rest for two to three days after the transplant and maybe avoid any important social or professional meetings for the first week.
So there is downtime associated with transplant that it's scar less hair transplant, there is nothing like scar less hair transplant. If there is a surgery there is going to be a scar formation, the scar maybe less visible or more visible depending upon the technique which is employed, if it is an FUE technique or a strip transplant or maybe a cathopathic of the strip with a strip technique. Yes, but the scars are like quite heading they are well covered even then the hairs are quite short, so you have to be careful and while deciding the clinic so if you take all these things in your mind and due diligence before deciding upon a transplant, I think you will in quite safe hands to do that procedure and you can expect a safe and good results from your hair transplant procedure. If you have any more queries about safety in the hair transplant procedure or you want to discuss the details for unfortunate incidences like that in hair transplant which happened last month, you can write your queries to us at lybrate.com.
Thank you!
Hello everybody!
Myself Dr. Sumit Agrawal. I am a consultant plastic and hair transplant surgeon, today I will be discussing a very common topic which is quite hot nowadays is hair loss happening in early youth. It is quite common nowadays to see that the hair loss starting in the early twenties. We now quite regularly see a lot of patients coming in the 18 to 20 year age group with starting of the hair thinning and receding of the hairline. The parents are quite anxious about the early loss of hair loss. You have generally seen that it happens more in families where there is a history of hereditary hair loss, where although the father or the uncle may have lost hairs at an age group of around 40 to 50s in the younger generation in the kids, it has started at an early age group of 20s.
Probably it is more because of the unhealthy lifestyle and pollution, environment, stress of studies and junk food. So, in these cases we generally advise the patients, the families that the child should be eating more of should have more homemade food with more protein and eggs. You should avoid junk food and even multivitamin tablets can be added to compensate for the micronutrients deficiency. Oiling and shampooing have to be done regularly. Better avoid spa and other these hair care procedures and all and even meditation and Pranayam regularly can help in slowing down the hair loss. But ultimately these these these children may become a candidate of hair transplant if the hairline has receded significantly.
So, in those cases they may ultimately require a transplant but we generally do transplants once only they have crossed the age group of 20-21 year age and only after fully considering their age of start of hair loss, their familial pattern of hair loss, the medical history of the treatments they have taken for the hair loss and what are their expectations from the hair transplant. So, all these factors need to be considered if we are planning for a hair transplant in an early age group. In hair transplant, there are basically two techniques: the FUT strip technique and FUE technique which is also known as the DHT technique.
In this young generation, it is a most of the time it is just frontal hairline restoration, so it's a small session, so we generally prefer FUE: the without stitches technique for these small sessions of covering the frontal hairline. It's more of friendly, less invasive and recovery is comparatively faster compared to the earlier FUT: the strip technique. It is a simple one-day session done under local anesthesia. You come to the clinic in the morning, you walk out in out in the evening, take rest for three, four, five days before resuming the college or the work and these transplanted hairs they take some time to grow that they start growing in three months, you see good density in 6 months and complete result in 10 to 12 months. So it takes almost a year to get the complete result and even after the transplant they still have to continue the multivitamins and the medicines to maintain the existing hair for the long-term. So this is all about the hair loss in the early which we are facing quite common nowadays.
If you have any more queries or any more doubts you can write to me on Lybrate.
Thank you.
Hello, Myself Dr Sumit Agarwal I am a board certified plastic surgeon and hair transplant specialist practicing at Harleys clinic in Mumbai and also a specialist plastic surgeon, practicing in Balloon Hospital in Dubai.
Today I would be discussing about hair fall in both males and females. Hair fall causes anxiety in both males and females. The common causes for hair fall is a hereditary inheritance more commonly from the maternal family or hormonal disturbances like hypothyroidism or Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS. Other less common causes a micronutrient, deficiencies or cicatrical alopecia due to autoimmune conditions or post chemotherapy.
In the recent past, it has been observed that majorly the hair loss problems start with youngsters in early twenties age group which is primarily due to stress of the studies or due to excessive use of chemicals undergoing procedures or may be due to environmental factors like hard waters, ciboria, dandruff and other reasons.
So it is important before starting any hair loss treatment that you should get yourself evaluated by a physician or a hair specialist. The hair specialist will do the clinical examination of the scalp and the Folly scopic examination of the hair roots to find the cause of the hair fall . He may also ask for certain blood tests to find out micronutrient deficiencies like serum ferritin, serum Vitamin D3 and also for hormonal disturbances like thyroid profile.
And after this , your hair fall may be classified on the grades of the hair loss. It maybe an early grade where just hair thinning has started up or in advance grade where balding patch has already started. Not every patient is a candidate for hair transplant. Hair thinning patients may be treating accordingly with medications like multivitamin supplements and hair serum along with adjuvant therapy like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) but if the balding settings patches then the hair transplant has to be considered.
For hair transplant procedure, political factors need to be considered before deciding for the procedure like age of the starting of hair loss, grade of hair loss, donor area sufficiency and if still there is any active hair fall which needs to be controlled first before embarking on hair transplant.
Hair transplant, there are two techniques of doing it - first is the Follicular Unit Transplant FUT and second is the Follicular Unit extraction or the FUE technique. The physician will discuss the details and pros and cons of the both the techniques. The results of the hair transplant procedure what you get , they are natural and permanent, these hairs grow forever. You can cut them, colour them and save them and even after the transplant have been done , the medical treatment needs to be still continued to maintain the existing hairs.
The medical treatment is a slow treatment - it takes some time for the effect to come so keep patient and just continue, sometimes there may be some hair shedding at the start of the medical treatment, so do not panic, it eventually gives good growth and it is a long term treatment so do not stop it abruptly ever. Always consult your physician before making any changes for your treatment.
If you have any further doubt or queries about the hair fall you can contact us through Lybrate.
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Doctor in Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic
Doctor in Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic
Dr. Sumit Agrawal
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery
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Arti Badekar
Dec 31, 2019Great experience with Dr Sumit Agarwal
May 26, 2017My son had developed acne and it was turning out to be ugly as they were covering the whole face and bursting causing a lot if pain to my son. So i decided to consult the doctor and get it removed because they were causing trouble to my son, the procedure was a success as my sons face is totally cle...read more
Apr 29, 2017I am a woman who is now 45 years old. I started having dark circles and wrinkles which were embarassing. I took to ayurveda and antibiotics to cure the ageing process but it was failiure for 2 years. then finally i consulted Dr. Sumit who suggested to try the anti ageing process and I tried that and...read more
Jan 29, 2017I have many skin related problems from when i was born and at the age of 18 i started having corns on my feet which got me worried since they were causing a lot of pain and also some were so hard that they were numb. I consulted a lot of doctors that recommended various medicines to remove it but th...read more
Mar 19, 2017It has been very hard for me to take on my friends teasing me about my petite figure. Since i entered my teens my body development was not up to the mark thus my breasts were very small. I took on natural procedures such as yoga and ayurveda but it didnt help me. Finally i decided to go under the kn...read more