Deep Ganga Clinic
Homeopathy Doctor Clinic
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Deep Ganga Total Health Solutions envisions taking healing a step further by discovering and working on the root cause of the problem and providing holistic treatment. This treatment is de...read more
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I am Dr. Jaswant Patil, Homeopath. I have worked in the nephrological department for 3 months and have seen the patients with chronic renal failure have a very bad life. Outcomes are very bad. They are exhausted with money and have a very bad life. Ultimately, when I have joined homeopathy after 15 years of my allopathic practice, I have come across the patients of chronic renal failure and I have started treating them. Sometimes from 12-14 points, it has come to the 5-6 where we cannot cure. But still, we can give the best control. The patients with critical conditions have seen that the cure is happening with homeopathy. And other systems of alternate therapy like acupressure, diet therapy, and pranayama, yogasana, altogether we put with homeopathy.
We do very balanced and very minimal allopathic drugs we continue so that we just cannot land up by doing allopathy. We give a solution to the patients. Therefore, I would advise that in early cases it will help but in later cases kore than 5 in the combination with allopathy, we give better results. So, less number of dialysis is required. Less trouble is there. The patient feels energetic. The effects of dialysis go down and the results are much better when it is combined with homeopathy. The cases, where the renal transplant has been adviced, the patient is preserved even for the kidney transplant. They have better health and a better situation.
Thank You.
Hello friends,
I am Dr. Jaswant Patil. I have done my M.D. (Chest) from KEM Hospital, Parel and B.H.M.S. as well as a fellowship in yoga and M.D. in Alternative Therapies. I have studied 117 sciences, practices allopathy for last 15 years and 35 years of Homeopathic and Alternative therapy practices.
Cancer that is I am going to talk about today, it is the main problem where we have to understand the right treatments. Now allopathy has got its own, homeopathy, ayurveda and everything but the combined effect in the cases where you cannot do just with the single therapy has given me good results.
The side effects of chemotherapy can be taken care of. The homeopathy can itself treat cancer very effectively. I have seen patients just on homeopathy I have said okay to one month's trials and we will see if you get a good results in one month okay, then forget about chemotherapy but if I am not getting and I am finding that patient is going to get worse, you have to judge the time, you have to judge the situation and what type of patient it is and then to decide about it with homeopathy I have seen marvellous results, does not cure all cases but many cases have been cured and we have put on my youtube as a testimonial you can go and see why emotions they cause cancer.
Most important is what we feel that cancer which is rampant today and everybody we are hearing "oh he has got cancer," the different types of cancers are caused by the emotional disturbances. Emotion is a main cause of the cancer, something happens in your life which gives you grief, shock, trauma with fear or fright together that particular incidence what type of core emotions are disturbed, if it is an insult, loss of money some problems with your family members, loved ones, loss of loved ones. Something that really hurts you from the inside starts the cancer process.
Which type of cancer we'll get and what emotions are disturbed that I have given into tube, I can tell you only one example is breast cancer, right breast cancer is because of children, mother has got a problem with the children, worries, scared any problem and left breast cancer is the husband or father because every organ is related to your emotions even when they transplant, says heart transplant is done it has been seen in one study that the same emotions of the person who has donated heart are causing the same problems in that particular heart recipient. So emotions are very important and that's the reason when you take this particular part of it that emotions are important and if you take care of that you are definitely going to get relief.
Thank you.
Hello friends,
I am Dr. Jaswant Patil. I have done my MD chest in allopathy from Seth GS Medical College and Hospital, Parel, Mumbai and BHMS Homeopathy from Maharashtra health University, Chamunda Mata College from jalgaon and I have studied 117 alternative science to know more about the science, to explore by which I can help my patients to come to the health from the severe diseases they are suffering from. Allopathy has got its own limitations, both allopathy and homoeopathy have got their own pros and cons. I take all the good part of allopathy, the diagnostics part, the prognostic part and understanding the basic human anatomy and physiology of the diseases, pathology of the diseases that have helped me in prescribing the homoeopathy medical science.
Now I practice mostly homoeopathy where 10% cases where we cannot go without allopathy they are practiced allopathy in conjunction with homeopathy; there is a big confusion that both can go together or not but if you are properly combining the cases where there is no choice left and they are irreversible cases the combination of both works very well but where there is a reversible case I prefer only homeopathy because it cures of the root and gives the concrete results to stay healthy with energy, with happiness and good mood all throughout your life, if it has been properly prescribed. To come to a conclusion that why I came from allopathy to homeopathy based on this theory: my mother was suffering very badly from chronic diseases diabetes, hypertension, diabetic complications and lung disease, cardiovascular diseases with renal failure and we were trying already hard.
I had my own nursing home of 20 beds at Jalgaon and with that I found that one day she was serious, I admitted her to my ICU and there it was seen that she is not recovering, she is going into multi-organ failure and she was not responding and we have given all types of allopathic treatment, I had an experience of working in IRCU, ICCU, IMCU, ITCU and ICU so with all that vast experience I was feeling helpless that I cannot save my mother and I was seeing that I am losing her and shortly in a span of few hours I may lose her that time got panicky and I prayed God that give me some way, find out some way for my mother and luckily I came across a homeopathic book gifted by my homeopathic friend and he said homeopathy is good but it never applied to my allopathic mind that the homeopathy can be given in this way. So that was a situation where I was trapped, I opened up a book and luckily the medicine that came in front of me was exactly fitting my mother's clinical condition and one dose of that rside200 has done magic in her life. 24 hours she was settled down, 48 hours all the gadgets were out and 72 hours she was out from ICU moving around, taking food like a normal person.
It was unbelievable that I have seen so many patients suffering in ICU when I had worked and this was a magical result. That inspired me to turn towards homeopathy. Then I learned all the books and then I took a regular admission to a college, I got my BHMS degree and I am practicing on chronic diseases. But even in some cases where there are limitations even to our homeopathy, I found out that I must explore more and more science like I got experience in homeopathy so I explored almost all alternative sciences and I found even acupuncture works very well because it gives a prompt relief, on the spot on the bed from the pain and combination of all these things together in intractable cases not in the simple, simple cases I practice classical homeopathy where you give single remedy, single-dose and you see the results, repetitions are required that time and they are done along with complementary and follows well medicine. So this all experience together has given me a new insight of combining all the sciences where they are required, where they are not required homeopathy is the best.
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Doctor in Deep Ganga Clinic
Doctor in Deep Ganga Clinic
Dr. Jaswant Patil