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I Sight Eyecare and Surgery
I Sight Eyecare and Surgery

I Sight Eyecare and Surgery

Ophthalmologist Clinic

No.402, 4th Floor, Sapphire Building, S.V Raod, Khar West, Landmark Above Kotak Mahindra Bank
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1 Doctor
₹ 1,500 at clinic

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Squint - A Brief About It
Squint - A Brief About It


Hello friends,

I am Dr. Nikhil Nasta. In today's video I am going to talk about a problem called squint. This is when your eyes are looking in different directions, you know some people 1 eyes looking here, one eyes looking here, when they talk to you, you don't know main is aankh mein dekh raha hoon ki is aankh mein dekh raha hoon , it is so embarrassing, embarrassing for you then imagine how it is for the person who has that problem. People don't know which eye to look at sometimes when that person blinks suddenly he is looking at you with the other eye so bad, so confusing and so embarrassing. It's a cosmetic very very embarrassing problem. Can we deal with this? Of course we can, what we need to do is, this problem is called a squint. Now why this happen is there is a tug of war between the muscles of the eye, one eye muscles are telling you go to the right, the other eye muscles are telling you go to the left. Our eyes are supposed to work like a bullock cart, you know those bail-gadi where they have a lakda and the back of the bail and both the guys will move in the same direction our eyes have to work like that. In the case of the squint imagine there is a divorce, your one eye say I want to do this and the other say no I want to do that, that's the problem it can be sorted very easily, there is a solution for this, call for a mutual compromise.

How do you do that? come to an eye doctor, who will evaluate what is the problem? Is such a compromise even possible? if both of your eyes have good vision which is left in them then this eyes can be aligned just like you are tightening your belt, we will tighten one muscle, we will loosen one muscle, fine tune the entire balance so that in a primary position both of your eyes will simultaneously see the same object at the same time and your cosmetic problem is sorted, this problem can be sorted by the surgery, we loosen the eye a little bit on one side, we tighten the muscle a little bit on the other side and it can be cured. In some children, young babies they are born with the squint and the mother and the father very anxious about what will happen to my child? why has this happened in him or her? in the case of the young child many a times it is as simple as giving proper glass numbers and you will see the beauty some of these babies just wearing these glasses will correct completely and then they need not get any surgery done, remember one thing squint is a highly technical and highly specialised calculated surgery, calculated problem. It can only be handled by a squint expert, There are hospital near you which have these guys on the panel, visit them and get the correct treatment and live a healthy happy life, all the best, make a wise decision and live your dream. If you like the videos like that and you want to watch a few more please log on

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Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)
Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)


Hello friends,

I'm Dr. Nikhil Nasta. So, today I'm going to talk to you about a very beautiful surgery called ICL which is an implantable collamer lens so you wear glasses, you went to get a laser operation done and the doctor told you, you're not the correct candidate your cornea is too thin or your number is too high and we can't really offer you anything else, don't feel so let down, don't feel so dejected there are lots of options for you now, there is a new surgery which is called ICL, just like you wear contact lenses, we're going to fit a lens into your eye we're going to put it into your eye and this lens is not going to damage your cornea so what if your corneas thin? it's okay so what if your number is very high? it's also very okay we will cure it. We're going to put a lens just like you have a cataract where you put a lens in the eye, this is not a cataract we are not going to touch your natural lens which God has given you, we are going to implant something just very thin right on top of that, we can take it out whenever we like means we can, you can't do it at home.

It's a surgery, you get a lot of parameters check then we send your data to the guys who make these lenses we get some reports from there and that lens comes customized built for your number, for your specifications in your eye. You come, we get the surgery done it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the surgery, if all goes well you see brilliantly the next day there can be issues with this cause it's a little tricky we're working in a very small space so some patients may experience redness, they may experience some inflammation, they may experience some pressure rise in the eye which we treat with medications but overall the success rate of this surgery is superb. So ask your doctor, visit, check details don't feel it's the end of the world even if you have a higher number or if you have thinner cornea or whatever it may be, check if you're a candidate for an ICL and mostly you will be. So there is still hope, don't feel dejected, wish you all the best I hope you get a good treatment done. If you liked this video and you want to see more videos like that please log on to

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How To Select The Intraocular Lens?
How To Select The Intraocular Lens?



 I am Dr. Nikhil Nasta, Eye Care and Surgery. In today's video we are going to talk about something very interesting we are going to talk about how to select the intraocular lens. Now what is this I'm talking about, many of us have cataract or somebody in our house has been diagnosed with a cataract and the doctor told you to get a cataract operation done, theek hai karenge magar what kind of lens should I select, he gave me so many options, how do I know which is the correct lens for my relative or for my wife or even for me in that matter? so let's understand what are we talking about. A cataract is a cloudy opacity in your normal lens which is present in the eye, this lens is like a camera ka focus so it helps you to focus rays onto the retina and give an image to your brain, in cataract we are removing this lens which has become opaque Jo abhi transparent nahi hai ham use nikalenge, so what do we do then?

we need to replace with something else and what we replace it with is called the intraocular lens or IOL. Now this IOL can be a hard lens, if you take a hard lens then you have to go in for a big incision surgery which is not really recommended, we are nowadays talking about laser surgery, advanced cataract surgery, no injection, no stitch, no pad, that kind of surgery, in this incision is just a 2.2 mm micro incision, beautiful. Now for the micro incision to your benefit, you need a lens that will go through that small 2.2 mm, so we need a lens which is more soft, which is of a softer material acrylic, silicon. Now this kind of a lens is called affordable lens implant, basic criteria we want a foldable lens implant. Now in this we have options of an Indian or an imported doesn't matter really, the job of the lens is to see and whether you put an Indian or an imported you're going to see, so go by whatever your budget or your mediclaim policy or your monetary requirement fits, don't stretch for that.

Now if you go for with the cataract surgery, you also want to correct your number mujhe chashma pehn na hi nhi hai, so there are special lenses here which will focus for far also, which will focus for near also, these lenses which focus for far and near just like you wear your chashma, you wear it for far or near, so if you make a lens only for far then it's a monofocal lens this will correct your number for distance but not correct your number for near, so even after Cataract you will wear a chashma. Many people ask are doctor if i put a lens why do I have glasses now? because you went for a monofocal lens, anybody who's a diabetic, who has high pressure, who has any problems in eye or a very old patient who's not suitable the doctor will guide you, then they will not give you the option of a bifocal lens, so don’t be disheartened whatever has been done for you is the best.

If the doctor offers you a multifocal lens or a bifocal lens then you have the beauty, that when you remove your cataract at the same time, you can be spectacle free also then you need not wear chasma for far and near also, this is with the bifocal lens but with these lenses sometimes some people can't see ticker on the TV or the match ka score or something in-between distance because that is not corrected, it's a bifocal lens. There is another option called trifocal lense, in a trifocal lens or a panoptic kind of a lens it's like a progressive chashma, so you have computer distance, also you have TV distance also, you have far away distance also for the train monitors and other things, you have your checkbook signing and you know the whole range of patient, these are called trifocal lenses.

So these are a good option also, depending on these criteria and what are your requirements and of course the pocket has to suit you because the more advanced you go, the more expensive the treatment will also become. Another thing to remember some of you will have a cylinder number, there we have an axis power -1 and so and so degrees, don't bother to understand what it is, this is something called astigmatism and this is corrected with a special astigmatic lens, which is called a toric lens, so toric lens comes in the same option monofocal, multifocal, trifocal just like you selected that whatever you want the doctor will fit you in with an astigmatic lens if that is your requirement and the cost will escalate a little more, you're ready to pay for your iPhone and your branded shoes and your bags and everything else, but this you will find costly, now you gotta weigh the value versus the price, what price are you paying and what is the value? the value is the quality of life, the wow factor, not depending on glasses at all, you will be like a young kid you can see everything, I feel it's well worth it and it's your eyes and you deserve the best, make a very sensible choice. If you need any more videos or any more you like these kind of videos you can always log on to lybrate and get a hold of many more, so all the best for you and make a wise choice. Bye bye

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Computer Vision Syndrome - Know About It!
Computer Vision Syndrome - Know About It!



 I'm Nikhil Nasta, Eye Care and Surgery. Today's video I'm going to be speaking about computer vision syndrome. Nowadays all of us are so dependent on technology we have computers, we have smartphones, we have Mobiles, we have gadgets, we have the TV, in fact I would say our entire life revolves only around gadgets don't you think so? right from young kids to even all of us in middle age and old age are so dependent on our whatsapp and snapchat on Facebook and at work our boss wants us to do Excel sheets, data entry ye karo wo karo, it's a mad rush, older people want to talk to their children and grandchildren on Skype, voice call, face call. What's the effect of all this on the eyes? do you know the blue rays coming from all these gadgets, they are slowly making your eyes really really dry, this dry eye syndrome is almost an epidemic in all of India even globally so to say.

How do we tackle this and what are the things we look out for in our dry eye? When we talk about the computer-related dry eye we talk about, you may experience something like a frequent blinking, a normal person would blink 14 to 16 times a minute but a guy who has a dry eye would blink all the time, would feel very uneasy keeping the eyes open for over 10 to 15 seconds at a time, other than this, you may experience nagging headache which is just lingering and not going away, you may experience fatigue, tiredness of the eyes so at the end of the day you're like I'm getting this little eye pain every night just before going to bed, these are the things you watch out for.

Some of us when we wake up in the morning will see small beads of pus gathering around the eye and you keep digging it out and it's just there, it's irritating, you may feel every time you blink there are like hazaar pathar floating in your eye, that rough sandpaper sort of a feeling, all this indicates dry eye syndrome. How do you get yourself treated for this? there are two ways, point number one is you get a preventive sort of line of treatment wherein you don't let yourself get so wet and the second thing is you go for a proper treatment. So to prevent or dry eye is very easy, eat your greens eat your leafy vegetables, carrots, have any fruit that is orange in color, could be oranges, could be mangoes, could be apricots anything which has carotene, vitamin A works. omega-3, you can have a supplement, you can have broccoli, spinach, almonds very rich source of vitamins and omega-3, so supplement your diet very very properly, this junk food and fat diet doesn't work. We need an old-fashioned balanced diet. Besides this have a lot of fluid intake so drink 8 to 10 glasses minimum every day, get enough rest, your eyes need about six hours of uninterrupted sleep at night and about a fifteen-minute nap in the daytime, rest your eyes.

Now you can't really avoid being on the computer all day so what you do in that is, follow your 20-20-20 rule, every 20 minutes take a 20 second break, stare at something 20 feet away practically what I do in my clinic is if I've been on my email and my blog for a long time, my desk is at the window, I just pull up the blinds, stare at the parrot floating on the tree outside or look at some greenery or make a call to that friend of mine that I want to call, I call my mom, mom what's made for lunch and that works so essentially you're doing a screen to non-screen activity, don't be the kind of person who every time they look off the screen they're checking their whatsapp or they are checking what's the score of the match or how much did I make money on the share. No, gadget to gadget it's like a visual to visual, that's not resting your eyes so do unknown gadget activity. When you read, you should read in proper light and when you use your computer or your laptop keep it at a lower level then your height so you are looking down at it rather than up at it or at the same level just follow these simple rules and I can assure you none of you will have dry eyes. To get the treatment part of it you must visit your consulting ophthalmologist, they'll put you on lubricant drops, you get them off the shelf also but always a good idea to get it checked, get it approved by your doctor and then use the product. Stay healthy, stay safe, all the best. So if you want to watch more videos like that if you find these topics interesting please log on to and check it out there.

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Lasik - What Is It All About?
Lasik - What Is It All About?

Hi, I am Dr. Nikhil Nasta from Mumbai.

Friends today, I am going to talk to you about lasik. Lasik is a surgery which is done for number correction, yeah you got it right that number ka chashma which you are wearing, which you feel is such a burden, first thing in the morning I have to wear my chashma even before I brush my teeth, I can't go swimming, my friends tease me all the time and I wish I could get rid of this.

You can, there is a solution call lasik, Lasik is a beautiful surgery which removes your eye numbers completely. So, whether you have a chashma of plus number or a minus number even an excess number, if you are above the age of 18 you are a likely candidate to go in for this surgery and you do not need to wear glasses until you are much older you will get glasses like in about 45-50, which is the reading number which everybody gets, that number we can't remove but the distance number definitely we can.

Lasik is a surgery in which the front part of the eye which is rounded it is called the cornea, the transparent part of the eye that is what brings light into focus in the eyes, this if it is more curved or less curved than a normal person should be, will cause some problems with focus, which is corrected with the opposite effect glasses the glasses, the chashma that you wear. In a laser surgery we treat this part of the eye with the help of the laser light and we reshape the entire thing to what is best suited on your eye.

Now previously in this lasik surgery we used to use a blade, there would be a blade that made a cut, there would be a flap that is lifted and the cornea is ablated with the laser light, at the end of the surgery we put the flap back, this surgery is a routine conventional Lasik surgery. With advancements in technology, we realised the other complications of this procedure due to improper cutting of flap, or flap infection which were there we can prevent this by using a laser through and through. So, this all laser surgery is called femto laser or bladeless laser surgery. This makes it that much more precise and much more accurate but it comes at a cost, don't think about the cost when it comes to your eyes. it's a value for money, it's a young patient who we are operating on a Lasik usually in the age 18 to 20 year age group although we can do it even in your 40s, don't compromise the quality of correction that you can get, go for the best one just like you would go for the latest car or the latest phone, go for what is the latest available and suit your eyes the most, your doctor is the right guide for this.

There is a another thing now which is called contoura vision, in which just you have like a DNA fingerprinting or you know face recognition, this recognise your cornea, 22,000 points on your cornea are mapped and it's a very very precise mapping related surgery that we do, this is the best of the lot that we have to offer right now. Beyond this there is something called SmILE, there is a FLEx, there so many things.

Your doctor is a right guide to help you select which of these is an option for you, but remember no need to suffer wearing glasses, if you don't want to wear them just opt for the surgery and get rid of it, it's as simple as that. Surgeries do have complications discuss that part also so, your expectations match the reality, you are not going to become a Superman or a superhuman but real good vision is what usually we aim for and what you will get. Speak to anybody, speak to your ophthalmologist and ask your friends I am sure some of them have got it done. If you want more details or you like more videos like that logon to, wish you all the best guys.

Thank you

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy


I am Dr. Nikhil Nasta from Mumbai. In this video I am going to talk to you about diabetic retinopathy.

Many of us have diabetes or our near and dear ones have diabetes. Diabetes is not a very sweet disease to have, it can affect every part of your body, especially your eyes. Now, eyes are very important without the eyes we really can't see anything and the beauty of life is lost. Diabetes is a silent killer. It affects eyes right from day one, when you are diagnosed you must go and get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist, who will take multiple pictures, do certain procedures or tests to determine what is the level of your diabetic disease, what is the effect on the eyes.

How diabetes affect the eyes? It causes the blood to become slightly thicker, the blood vessels are like pipes in which it's flowing these pipe becomes very leaky and if it starts leaking there is acceleration of flow, there is an acceleration of blood, some cholesterol deposits all of this accumulated on your retina, the retina is the back layer of the eye, which is like the film of the camera, if this film is dirty the picture you click will also be very hazy, so all of this affect your retina this is earlier diabetic retinopathy and this stage it can be treated with medicines, it can be treated with lasers, it can be treated with some injections to prevent the further spread.

If not detected or treated correctly at this time, the retinopathy will progressed, there will be areas in your retina which will stop getting any blood supply. When you stop blood supply it's like choking it to death, so that part still wants to live, it will get some new blood vessels. Now, this new blood vessels don't have all the functions of the old ones or of the mature ones, these immature blood vessels will be fragile, they will leak, they will leak more blood and cause more damage. This blood, if it stays in the eye for a long time it can pull and tug like a tug of war and detach the entire retina altogether, this happens in late stage diabetec retinopathy or burnt out stage. There can be detachments, there can be bleeding, there can be recurrent problems, you need to take the hold of all this, if you reach that level then surgery is the only choice.

Surgery for this is called is pars plana vitrectomy, the jelly in the eye is called vitreous it's full of sugar this is going to cause more and more damage so we remove that jelly and replace it with some oil or some of the fluids, do lasers, it's a major surgery and it's indicated it stops the damage, stop the progression and whatever little vision we can save, it can be saved over here.

Don't hesitate, please take hold of from diabetic retinopathy, take hold of your life. If you have been diagnosed, ask your diabetic doctor, visit your ophthalmologist. get details, get annual checkups done. In some patients even 3-monthly checkups are not enough, it is very preventable, it is a leading cause of blindness all over the world. You should be aware of what you are suffering from and how you can prevent it.

If you like this video there are many more like that on, please feel free to go and watch them, wish you all the best.

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Doctor in I Sight Eyecare and Surgery


Dr. Nikhil Nasta

Ophthalmologist23 Years Exp.
MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, DNB - Ophthalmology, ICO
₹ 1,500 at clinic
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I Sight Eyecare And Surgery

I Sight Eyecare And Surgery

102, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Earth Galaxy, Landmark: Opposite Parsi Gymkhana
1 Doctor
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Sunita Sao

Jun 27, 2022

The services I received from Dr. Nikhil Nasta were excellent. Dr. Nikhil and his staff are friendly and ensure that I was properly informed about my health and care. I would strongly recommend them to my family and more


Seema Rajadhikary

Oct 23, 2021

Very soft spoken and kind doctor


Mayank Sureka

Sep 09, 2022

Good doctor,worth going to him

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