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Krishna Eye Centre - Parel
Krishna Eye Centre - Parel

Krishna Eye Centre - Parel

Ophthalmologist Clinic

No. 2-A, 2nd Floor, Trust House, Global Hospital Annexe, Dr Ernest Borges Road, Parel
6 Doctors
₹ 1200 - ₹ 1500 at clinic
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Our goal is to provide a compassionate professional environment to make your experience comfortable. Our staff is friendly, knowledgable and very helpful in addressing your health and more

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10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Know More About Digital Eye Strains & Dry Eyes!
Know More About Digital Eye Strains & Dry Eyes!


I am Professor Dr. Sonia Nankani, I have been in practice for almost 23 years and I am consulting an ophthalmologist. Today I am going to discuss with you the topic which is kind of growing in India like an epidemic. There are almost three billion people around the world who are using the internet and this is growing at a speed of 10-12%. Out of these people, we have found that 50-70% of the people have a screen time of more than 3 hours and those who have a screen time of over 3 hours are likely to come to our clinics complaining of redness, pain, watering, headaches, doubling of vision difficulty, to focus on the screen and sometimes even on the inability to look into the screen. Along with this, they may have severe photophobia. Now all of this basically contribute or is contributed by two conditions that are going on to develop the eyes. One of them is known as the digital eye strain and the other one is the dry eyes. Now, these are kind of intertwined but everything is not just dry eyes here and treating them we just plain eye drops or tear substitute is probably not going to give us as much relief as is required. We are finding that what is going on with these patients is that they are having or rather they have developed by ocular visual function dysfunctions which amount to the inability to keep focus or rather make the eyes work together. So uniocular when we say is the function of one eye singularly but God has not given us our eyes like the fish on the side of our face, we have eyes in front of our face. As a result, lots of our visual functions are a result of both eyes working together. Now these visual functions which are known as the binocular visual functions are basically of two types which help us to hold focus one of them is known as convergence and the other is accommodation.

Now in computer users who are using computers over three hours, they kind of develop a problem which is known as convergence insufficiency which means they are not able to hold on to a focus clearly and that is why it is convergence insufficiency. And the other is the inability to change focus which is a failure of accommodation or different types of accommodative functions, the management for this is extremely simple and it is catching up in our country now. So this can be treated without the help of really having to wear some special glasses or some surgeries or some eye drops. This all it needs is to rebuild these two functional losses one can just do some eye exercises and rebuild or reboot their eyes. There are certain software which is available in our country and they do help in building and one can sit at their own desk and do these exercises if they are very scientifically produced. I have been using something called bionics for a long time now and results are excellent with it and my patients go back without headaches and without eye strains and they go back to their world, to their digital world. I would say. So that’s one part of it and the second part of it is the dry eyes that develop because of infrequent blinking and this can be treated through different mechanisms now. So there are some advanced forms of dry eye treatments besides the eye drops, one of them is with the use of some light, modalities and which is put onto the face like a mask and some LED lights are given and these help in expressing more tears from the eye glands. So these are the different ways in which we are doing it, we are trying to manage digital eye strain and dry eyes and of course, the 20-20-20 rule does apply the ergonomic stuff help make sure you are sitting well on your table with your computer placed at the right distance, there is proper lighting and your chair has the perfect ergonomics. So there are a lot of things, a lot of other things that help keep looking off the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds and keep your distance around 20 feet away, look away at 20 feet and so this way it does help to minimize the effects of the digitalised tree. I hope you have liked my little input and this video. And in case you want to find out more about the treatment modalities that I am talking about, you can find me

Thank you.

Doctors in Krishna Eye Centre - Parel

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Doctors in Krishna Eye Centre - Parel


Dr. Sonia J. Nankani

Ophthalmologist34 Years Exp.
M.S (Ophth), MBBS
₹ 1,500 at clinic

Dr. Neetu Asher

Ophthalmologist29 Years Exp.
MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in Glaucoma
₹ 1,200 at clinic
Unavailable Today

Dr. Gul J Nankani

Ophthalmologist37 Years Exp.
MS - Ophthalmology, MBBS
₹ 1,500 at clinic
Unavailable Today

Dr. Nishikant Borse

Ophthalmologist35 Years Exp.
MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology
₹ 1,200 at clinic

Dr. Rahul Surti

Ophthalmologist16 Years Exp.
MS - Ophthalmology, MBBS, FVRS - Fellowship Vitreo Retina Surgery
₹ 1,200 at clinic
₹ 800 online
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Network Hospital

Krishna Eye Centre -  Sion

Krishna Eye Centre - Sion

No. 102, Maryland Corner, Near H.P. Petrol Pump, Sion Main Road, Sion
1 Doctor
1 speciality
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May 26, 2023

He is the best eye doctor. I am being coming to him since 2013. He makes all his patient feel so good and cures them with love & affection.


Manasi Patgaonkar

Jun 06, 2023


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