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Sampada Hospital And Intensive Care

Sampada Hospital And Intensive Care

General Physician Clinic

Guru Prasad, B. Patil Road, Near Garden Nursery Charai, Thane (West)
1 Doctor
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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Customer service is provided by a highly trained, professional staff who look after your comfort and care and are considerate of your time. Their focus is more

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08:30 PM - 10:30 PM
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

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How does Diabetes affect our overall Health?
How does Diabetes affect our overall Health?

Hi, this is Dr Umesh Alegaonkar from Thane, Sampada Hospital. I am going to discuss on current hot topic in medical field which is affecting most communities Diabetes, Vit-D deficiency, Hyper or Hypo perathydism and various other deficiencies.

First talking about the Diabetes itself as a WHO has declared India to be the hot and capital of the Diabetes. We are currently facing the huge socio economic burden regarding the management of Diabetology. Management of diabetic illness is apart from the investigation part of the treatment and the complications causing the huge tall on the socio econimic society. 

Let me be very clear that it is going to be a silent killer and maximum number of casuality is banned by the Indian communities because of the lifestyle which currently been changed. Accidentary lifestyle, alcohol associated and the smoking. The blood pressure and diabetes which comes along with the diabetology become the integral part of the diabetology and the accelerated complications.

Juvenile diabetes is also currently a hot topic which remains highly under diagnosed. Sugar, blood rise, getting it detected below the age of 35 years or the very younger age, it still remian the untouched problem in the society. Basically the awareness needs to be created regarding the Juvenile diabetes because patients at the earlier age gets diabetes faces complications for the long period and more number of complications, multiple number of hospitalizations there which comes under the Juvenile diabetes.

Apart from that, the diabetes is giving complications such as the strokes, and the heart attacks, renal failure, liver failure and the related diabetic foot ulcers which gives enormous kind of complications. Patient literally suffer from non healing ulcers, amputation of the limbs and patients may also face systematic failure in the multiple organ diseases.

Patients are also going for dialysis due to diabetic nephropathy and the chronic kidney diseases.

My urge is that the timely checkup and the regular checkup of your blood sugar and the time to time consultation with the diabetologist may help decrease the diabetic complications and patient may feel at ease.

For further information regarding this, please contact me through

Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins

Symptoms and treatment for Varicose Veins

Alcoholic Liver Disease
Alcoholic Liver Disease

Symptoms, causes, and treatment for Alcoholic Liver Disease

Hi, This is Dr. Umesh Alegaonkar from Thane, Sampada Hospital. The topic of discussion is Chronic Alcoholic Liver Disease.

As you know, that 95% of the cases of liver damage on earth is because of alcohol and over intake of alcohol. Usually, it is defined as alcoholic diseases when a person suffers from the diseases of liver related illnesses and consumes more than 80 grams of alcohol or 240 ml of alcohol every day for at least five years. In the case of women, this amount gets little lower, it's 50 grams of alcohol daily for five years. Usually, the liver failures manifest in terms of increase in weight gain, jaundice, irrelevant speech, a decrease in night sleep, day time sleep pattern alters, decrease in appetite, increase in your abdominal girth. It is usually very late to diagnose the chronic liver disease because of the alcoholism, usually, the patients are into the denial mode, and the sonographic features may not be able to reveal the intensity of the liver diseases.

The newer technology like the Fibroscan can definitely give an early indication of the liver damages that has happened because of the alcohol intake. Apart from the history of the alcohol intake, the patient can simply opt for Elastography which is the finest diagnostic tool available nowadays in any of the diagnostic centers. Depending on the share value, we can judge the severity of the liver damage because of alcohol. Of course, the liver transplant is the golf standard treatment when the liver is completely damaged, but the need for the liver transplant goes into declining mode as the person quits alcohol, it decreases by and large the survival rate from the day of abstinence of alcohol is more than 30%. So if we consider that 30% of the life span of a person when he leaves alcohol considering the liver damage costing nowadays are around 30-35 lac rupees. We can estimate the amount of money which can be saved by just remaining away from alcohol.

Apart from that, liver damage recommends multiple tests such as blood test, urine test and ultimately the huge socio-economic burden needs to be evaluated just because of alcohol giving trouble not only in the family but also in the society. A simple measure by lessening your alcohol intake or abstaining from alcohol may be a fair idea but it is not recommended at all when a person gets to know the liver has roughly damaged because of the alcohol. Now, that day onwards, he has to abstain from alcoholism.

For any other further alcohol related or liver damage inquiries, please contact on

Epidemic of Vitamin D3 Deficiency
Epidemic of Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Symptoms and causes of Vitamin D3 deficiency

Hi, this is Dr.Umesh Alegaonkar from Thane, Sampada hospital and I am discussing the Current epidemics of D3 deficiency in the Indian Society. Huge epidemics and a huge number of patients are currently being diagnosed with vitamin D3 deficiency. First of all, Vitamin D3 deficiency is not so widely accepted by the practicing consultant. And more or fewer patients having the same symptom coming to the consulting are very less. But as we are diagnosing more and number of vitamin D3 cases we know the burden of vitamin D3 deficiency which the society is having. Patients usually come with weak bone pains, myalgia; there are usually complaints of morning stiffness, they experience huge pain in both their feet as they touch the ground early in the morning.

We also find irritability and changes in behavior, brittleness of skin, loss of hair, decreased appetite and apathy. All these are related sometimes, which by and large may be related to other illnesses also, systemic illnesses, I am talking about. But yes they only remain peculiar to the vitamin D3 deficiency. The main cause is dietary deficiency and even though the patient supplements himself with sufficient amount of vitamin D3 deficiency they don’t have adequate exposure to the sunlight in the morning hours, because the morning hours the skin really absorbs the sunrise and it helps the vitamin D3 to get converted into the liver and that’s how the calcium is absorbed from the intestine being actually utilized by the bone and it becomes stronger. Unavailability of the sun or under-exposure to the sunlight in the daytime is really a cause of concern we are currently facing because of the sedentary lifestyle of the patient, car to car type of a lifestyle with no exposure to the sun at all. This is a major cause I really think because of which there is an epidemic of vitamin D3 deficiency.

A simple measure is to expose yourself to the sunlight early in the morning, a good supplement of vitamin D3 diet is the actual issue where we can treat the vitamin D3 deficiency. Long term complications are usually seen. The patients have weak bone pain; they usually suffer from lumbar spinal arthritis and cervical spinal arthritis. They come with unusual fractures of the hips and the bone. The bones are usually osteopenic and osteoporotic and these symptoms are further aggravated in the case of a woman who is in a post-menopausal state. So currently I would……
Vitamin D3 deficiency is a highly, highly under-diagnosed issue in the medical fraternity.

For any other further vitamin D3 related inquiry you can please contact on Lybrate. com


Vitamin D deficiency

Doctor in Sampada Hospital And Intensive Care

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Doctor in Sampada Hospital And Intensive Care


Dr. Umesh Alegaonkar

General Physician31 Years Exp.
MD - General Medicine, MBBS
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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