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Advik One Stop clinic
Advik One Stop clinic

Advik One Stop clinic

Multi-speciality Clinic (Psychiatrist & Psychologist)

Avantika 46, Peddar Road, Beside HSBC bank, Opp. MTNL,
3 Reviews
2 Doctors
₹ 1500 - ₹ 3500 at clinic

About Clinic

It is important to us that you feel comfortable while visiting our office. To achieve this goal, we have staffed our office with caring people who will answer your questions and help you more

Clinic Timing

09:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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Impact Of Drug And Alcohol On Children
Impact Of Drug And Alcohol On Children

It has been observed that young people nowadays are consuming drugs and alcohol. It can have a huge impact on one's mental and physical health. Reasons for consumption can be either fun or imitating friends or at times to get rid of stress. However considering the consequences , parents must be cautious regarding such habits if at all they feel their children are getting used to the same.

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders

Hello everyone!

I’m Dr. Mansi Jain. I m a consultant psychiatrist and today we are going to talk about anxiety disorders.

Let me give you an example. Imagine you are sitting in a room quietly and you feel a slight earthquake what would be your reaction? You would be worried. Right! Your heart beat will increase your breathing would have increase your hands start shaking you would start sweating. Now this is a normal expected reaction to anything dangerous but let’s say your mind and body start behaving like that all the time then we call it anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder effects nearly one third of the population. Common symptoms of anxiety disorders involve being constantly worried feeling worried about what is going to happen in the future, having sensation of the discomfort in the chest,nausea,sweating,trembling and even the panic attacks. Now Panic disorders is a very funny thing because in panic disorder patients keep running to the hospital thinking that they are having a heart attack, they will undergo multiple ECGs or electrocardiograms and even have angiography is done but there will be nothing positive in those tests. Anxiety disorders can be of many types. The commonest anxiety disorders that we see are generalizing anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders, phobias and panic disorders. Living with anxiety is not easy. Someone who is living with anxiety can constantly feel tired and worried. Living with anxiety is difficult but we need to understand that it can be treatable. Nobody likes to be worried all the time and we need to understand that there behavior is not on purpose, it is a disorder which can be treated. Anxiety disorders effects all age groups right from children to elderly. With children they might not have understand what is happening to them and they might just simply cry, throw a tantrum or complain of headaches and stomach aches. So parents need to be very conscious when they see repeated symptoms. But no other signs or any other problems with the child that they might be suffering from anxiety disorder. Also anxiety disorders are completely treatable with proper management, using medications and therapies, like cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety disorders can be managed really well. Medications are generally safe and non-habit forming. Medications might be needed for a longer duration of time. However with proper therapies and proper consultation eventually you will be completely off medications too. It’s possible to live a very healthy and fruitful life even though you are suffering from anxiety disorders if you take care the anxiety disorders properly. So if you know someone who is suffering from anxiety disorders or you are yourself suffering from symptoms of anxiety don’t hesitate to contact a mental health provider.

You can contact us through lybrate and get information about this disorder also you can get treatment for this disorder.


ADHD: Common Illness In Children
ADHD: Common Illness In Children

Hello , my name is Dr. Gayatri Chaudhary. I work at Suasth One Step clinic as a consultant psychiatrist.

Today we are going to talk about common illness in children. The first illness that we are going to talk about is ADHD. Now what is the full form of ADHD? ADHD means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What are the symptoms of ADHD? So the children have hyperactivity as the name suggests. Hyperactivity means that the child has difficulty sitting at one place. Now this difficulty sitting in one place could be either in school or at home. Most of the times it could be at more than one place.

So the child is hyperactive, cannot sit at one place, is always on the go, cannot wait for his turn at class, is always disturbing other children in class and when the child is at home, again the child cannot stay at home, he cannot concentrate on activities and is driven by a motor of sorts.

There is another component to the illness that is inattention. Now in inattention the children are unable to concentrate or lack attention. As the name suggests, ADHD, this is the inattention part. Now in inattention, children usually lack their concentration levels. They are not able to concentrate in any activity. Primarily, patients complain about their lack of attention in studies, but their inattention very well be in other aspects like they are doing some project work from school, or any other task, or for that matter sports like playing cricket or playing football or any cube play.

The other component of ADHD is high impulsivity. So the child cannot wait for his turn in the class. He blurts out answers when its not needed. He is always on the go and the child usually wants to talk when not asked and he wants to leave his seat when he is not asked to. So there will be frequent complaints from the school teacher that the child is not sitting at one place, he’s disturbing others in school and he is not able to concentrate on his studies. One more common complaint that the school might complaint about is that the child is difficulty in remembering his syllabus or remembering what is taught in class. He forgets his belongings in school. He forgets his pencils, erasers and notebooks in school and because of these complaints.

We should be wary if our child has ADHD. Now the good part about this is that it can be treated. It can be treated with medication and it can be treated with therapy. Many a times we are sceptical about whether to start the child on medication, but, because the child is inattentive, because he is hyperactive, the child is not able to use his or her capabilities to her best, that’s why it causes problems in academics, it causes problems with peer relations with other children in the school and it causes problem in the households also. So it is very important to get the ADHD treated. Now medications that are available are, you can easily consult a psychiatrist and get the child evaluated and start on medication. There are therapies available.

Like you can take the child for occupational therapy or remedial education or remedial therapy. All these things are going to help the child to be good in academics as well as their peer relationships and it would help the child in their further studies. To know more about ADHD you can book an appointment with .

Sleep Deprivation - Causes & Cure
Sleep Deprivation - Causes & Cure

Hello everyone! I am Sheetal Bidkar and I am a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist at Suasth One Step Clinic, Kemps Corner.

So, lets start talking about sleep deprivation today. We know that sleep is a very important part of our lives and sleep deprivation can cause serious as well as psychological problems for each of us.

So, let’s understand what are the methods which can improve our quality of sleep and make us healthy. The very first thing is to avoid tea, coffee, any type of stimulant or alcohol after 6 pm. These stimulants will keep you more active, thus, giving you a poor quality sleep at night. Secondly, go on the bed only for sleeping. Any other activities like reading, watching TV, doing something on your laptop will hamper your association of sleep with the bed. The third thing, make changes to your room. If there is not enough darkness or a good temperature, it obviously will affect the chemical which is necessary for sleeping. In order to generate the sleep chemical, we need darkness and a right temperature in the room. Limit your screen time. We often see our mobile screens till we get a deep sleep. So, let’s have a habit that when you are about to sleep, keep your mobile phone aside at least half-an-hour before and see how your sleep improves. Do some exercise. If you do some physical exercises, then automatically the sleep schedule regains normalcy.

Another part is no self-medication. Most of us are aware that if we go to a medical store with any problem, they would suggest something, or even if we search on Google, it will also suggest us some medication to improve our sleep. But I strongly recommend not to have any self-medication for sleep because eventually they have more serious side-effects and even addiction as well. So make sure we are not doing any self-medication in order to improve the sleep. Minimum 7 to 7-and-a-half hour sleep is important to us. Don’t compromise on it like 3 hours at a time and then another 2-hour sleep later. In a single stretch, at least 7 or 7-and-a-half hours of sleep is important for adults. Next part, that when we are talking about sleep, we know that if I am not sleeping in the day time I feel very sleepy, and I am not able to concentrate on anything.

So if you start compromising the time in that the problem becomes worse. So always remember that if you have sleeping problem, control your daytime naps. The more you are sleeping in the day time, the more you are affecting your night sleep. So these are a few tips that may improve your sleep. These methods are called sleep hygiene techniques. I hope everyone of us will try and implement them for better results.

For more information, you can contact me on Lybrate. Thank you!

5 Ways To Break Your Technology Addiction
5 Ways To Break Your Technology Addiction

Hello Everyone,

My name is Sheetal Bidkar and I am a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist at swasthya one step clinic Mumbai.

Let's talk about some digital Detox today, because use of internet, use of social media and Gadgets it's a very common thing. In a digital world, we are more isolated and rather depressed. So let's talk about how to handle this new digital depression. I will give you five simple tips to understand that digital detoxification. First, connect in real times. Forwarding a forwarded message to your friend doesn't convey the real message that you care for him and you are really interested in his world. But calling him for just a cup of tea and talking about his real-life situation will definitely convey that message. So remember to connect in real time. second and most important. Be a digital role model for your kids and even for your colleagues.

So when you want that people should not scroll their screens in front of you all the time you should not do that. So limit your period and be a really good role model to everyone around you. Third and most important create a digital free zone for yourself while exercising while travelling while being with self While having dinner or male with your family say no to any gadgets. Be it TV, be it your mobile laptop or any other screen. Another part, have a purpose for every platform say.

For example, I am on, Facebook I am on LinkedIn, ask yourself, why am I using this if you are on LinkedIn. the primary purpose is to search for a job. stick to that purpose. if you are on facebook, you are just trying to connect with other people like you. stick to that purpose .so don't wrong and waste your time on this app now and then. Fifth and more important thing. Limit your use, have a set timing for yourself. Ask for help if you are living with your family, if you find me using 45 minutes for more my mobile on my laptop please come to knock the door and tell me that 45 minutes are over ask for help for the betterment. Apply these 5 simple tips and let's see how this digital detoxification help us to be more happy. You can contact for book an appointment with me on thank you.

Why One Should Choose Psychotherapy?
Why One Should Choose Psychotherapy?


I am Sheetal Bidkar, I am a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist working with Suasth One Step Clinic. Suasth One Step Clinic is the deaddiction and Wellness clinic we treat people with substance abuse disorder and we treat people who have a problem with mental health issues.

In a layman language, if I wanted to tell you that we deal with people who consume alcohol, drugs, tobacco, cigarettes or either they are suffering from habits like gambling, internet addiction, pornography, sex addiction and so on. Mental wellness issues, we talk with people, we cure people with those who are suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia, psychosis fears and so on. Our service is balance both the things one is giving medicine, we have a team of a psychiatrist and a psychologist who deals with people need help. Psychiatrists give you medication, so medicines help you to treat your biological dysfunctions and the chemical problems due to your disorder. Psychotherapy helps you to understand and overcome behavioural changes, psychotherapy helps you to deal with the life skills which helps you to deal with your disease in a better way.

Now let's understand how psychotherapy works because medicine is something which we understand works very prominently and all of us aware that some people feel comfortable taking medicines, some people feel that medicine, especially in psychiatry, is not advisable. However, the balance of medicine and balance of psychotherapy works better, if we want long term recovery we need medication along with therapy, in some cases if the disease is at an early stage only psychotherapy also can help. Let's talk more about psychotherapy today, being a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist big part of my job is to talk to people about why they are suffering and how to deal with their present symptoms and lead towards recovery and enjoy full lives.

Psychotherapy allows people to develop inside about whether they have a problem or not. Clinical assessments and psychological tests help people to understand the severity of their symptoms. If they are in denial that I don't think that I have a problem but the family people can understand there is something really wrong with the individual. Then we conduct motivational interviewing and some sessions for inside building, we believe that if you know your problem you will deal with your problem effectively. The second part, once you know your problem, once you know your symptoms, once you have an inside, then the question is developing the life skills if you have an inside, if you already understand that yes I am anxious many of times or I am consuming alcohol these days in an extra amount and then the million-dollar question to you is why you are suffering, despite of you are having inside, what are the personality traits or what are the environmental triggers keeping you in the dysfunctional behaviour.

Psychotherapy allows you to understand your thinking pattern, your behaviour pattern, your perceptions about the situation. It also allows you to learn many techniques like relaxation technique, thought to stop technique, in addiction particularly, craving management techniques these are the behavioral skills sets allow you to take charge of your life and symptoms and leave towards recovery. The third and most important part is about when I complete my treatment, I should not go back to a similar kind of symptoms again, so we call it a relapse prevention plan and continuous scare. So I am dealing with my condition now and I will see to that I will build the network around it so that the recovery becomes easy. We involve family people, we call them for family sessions even after the individual therapy people need support for continuous recovery. If your family people are also aware of what precautions to be taken, what are the do's and don'ts for you for a long time recovery then recovery becomes, the recovery journey become very enjoyable.

The last part of the therapy is a continuous SCARE as I told you most of the diseases and symptoms are relapse prone, in the sense you may not experience after the treatment you may not experience these symptoms for a short period of time says 6 months, 1 year or one and a half year, some people complain that after a period they again start getting the similar kind of symptoms. In that case, we can prevent you from going back to the same chronic conditions by allowing you to come for follow-ups, by allowing you to do the continuous SCARE program. The continuous SCARE program can be done 1 to 1 in the clinic or online.

In case you have any query or questions then you can consult Psychologist in Mumbai, who can provide you the right consultation instantly.




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Doctors in Advik One Stop clinic

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Doctors in Advik One Stop clinic


Dr. Gayatri Chaudhary

Psychiatrist14 Years Exp.
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DNB - Psychiatry
₹ 1,500 at clinic

Ms. Sheetal Bidkar

Psychologist15 Years Exp.
International Certified Addiction Professional
₹ 3,500 at clinic
3,000 online






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Aug 21, 2017

Ms. Sheetal Bidkar provides answers that are caring. Thank you.. I do want to consult a Dr. but the thing is I might won't be able to speak in person. But I am so thankful for your advice :) read less


Hussain Ahmed

Mar 26, 2019

I found the answers provided by the Ms. Sheetal Bidkar to be very helpful. Very Nice That's a true doctor answer..


Pawan Kuar

Nov 25, 2016

Ms. Sheetal Bidkar provides answers that are very helpful. Thanks Sir

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