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I am Dr. Khomane Gorakshanath, Laparoscopic consultant and surgeon in Suchak and Sanchaiti Hospital in Kandivali. Today we are talking about laparoscopic gallbladder removal. What is laparoscopic gallbladder removal? It is a minimally invasive surgery in which small incision with specialized tools used to remove the gallbladder when it is diseased or infected. The gallbladder is a small organ which is located near the liver. The bile is released from the gallbladder in the small intestine for digestion or breaks down of the fact. Normal digestion is possible without a gallbladder. So, removal of the gallbladder is a treatment option if it becomes diseased or infected.
Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is a common type of surgery. It is formally known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Why is laparoscopic gallbladder removal performed? The main reason for gallbladder removal is the presence of gallstones and the complications they cause. The presence of gallstones is called as colelitiasis. Gallstones form inside the gallbladder. They can be as small as a grain of sand. or as big as a golf ball. This type of surgery, if you have following problem like biliary dyskinesia, the gallbladder is incorrectly filling or it is not emptying properly. Then there is coledocolitiasis wherein the bile duct has got stones which are removed from the gallbladder and they have a potential blockage causing the complications. It prevents the gallbladder from draining from the bile. Colelitiasis one another inflammation in the gallbladder which requires removal of the gallbladder.
Then pancreatitis can be caused by gallstones our gallbladder problems. Laparoscopic surgery is preferred open surgery because a smaller incision that is made reduced your risk of infection, bleeding and the recovery time. Reduced drainage of the gallbladder. The risk of laparoscopic gallbladder removal. Mainly it is considered very safe. The complication rate is less than 2%. Every surgical procedure carries some risk. But they are rare. Your doctor will perform the complete physical examination. He will review your medical history before any procedure. This will help to minimize the risk. The risk of laparoscopic gallbladder removal include allergy to anesthesia or any other drug then bleeding, blood clots, damage to the blood vessels. Some heart problems wherein rapid heart rate is there, infection is there or injury to the bile duct or small intestine or pancreatitis.
How to prepare for a laparoscopic gallbladder removal? You have to go for several tests beforehand to ensure that you are healthy enough for the procedure. This will include blood test, imaging test for gallbladder like ultrasonography or MRCP then complete physical examination by your doctor. Review of your medical history. You have to tell to your doctor about any medications, you are taking or nutritional supplements. Sometimes you may have to stop medicines. Also, you have to tell your doctor about your status of your pregnancy. If you are pregnant or if you think you could be pregnant then you have to tell your doctor about it. Your doctor will give you complete instructions about preparing for a surgery.
And you should not eat or drink before 4-6 hours of surgery. Planning for a hospital if there are some complications. Now, how gallbladder laparoscopic surgery performed? Before beginning the procedure, you will be changed into a hospital gown, you will be given to IV, so your doctor can give medications and fluids through a vein when you will be under general anesthesia means you will be in painless sleep. Your surgeon will make 4 small incisions in your abdomen. Through these incisions, he will guide a tool, which will be with the lighted camera so that inside the abdomen can be seen. You will be inflammated with some gas into the abdominal cavity so that it can be operated.
After your gallbladder is removed, your surgeon will use some special x-rays to check the problem in your bile duct. This technique is called as cholangiography. Any abnormality in the bile duct will be removed. Once your surgeon is satisfied with the results, he will stitch all the incisions taken and he will be bandaging. After the procedure, you will be taken to a room, where you will allow to recover through anesthesia. Most people can go home on the same day. Sometimes you have to go on the next day. After laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, removal of the gallbladder is done, there are very rare complications or symptoms. You may sometimes feel loose motions or diarrhea. We encourage you for early walking once you start feeling better.
Your doctor will instruct that when you will be ready for normal activities. Full recovery is typically taking a week. Then you will be in charge of looking after your own and taking care of washing it till the period it is there. In the next follow-up, your doctor will remove stitches. So, these are the information. If you want more than these, you can contact me through lybrate.com.
Thank You.
I’m Dr. Gorakshanath Khomane. I’m Laparoscopic consultant surgeon in Kandivali Manat working in Sanchaiti and Suchak hospital.
Today we are talking about hernias. What is hernia? Hernia is a it occurs when organs or fatty tissues which squeezes out through some part into the surrounding tissue, connected tissue and surrounding fascia, is called hernia. Hernia usually is of different types. There are inguinal hernias; which are lower abdomen hernias, then femoral hernias, incisional hernias, umbilical hernias also called as belly button hernia. Inguinal hernias are most common hernias, these are around 96% hernias are inguinal hernias. These are above the groin areas and then usually they are present in man commonly in man. Femoral hernia are common in females which is below the groin, it is usually protrude out through the femoral canal which is the femoral vessels and it comes into the upper thigh. Then umbilical hernia is at the umbilicus around the umbilicus which usually protrude through the umbilical area. It is weak part due to obesity or sometimes in childhood newborn, sometimes due to poor nutrition, and in elderly it is quite common. Where is another hernia called as incisional hernia, these hernia are due to some surgeries on the abdominal cavity which causes incisions and then there is weakness in the inner part which they through which the intestine or the contents of the abdominal cavity protrudes out into the surrounding tissues and causes the obsessions and triangulation. These are common in elderly people and or in women. The another hernia is hiatal hernia which is totally different. In this hernia the stomach protrudes through the abdominal cavity into the chest through hiatus of diaphragm. So what are the causes of these hernias? Mainly there is a pressure increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and weakening of the abdominal muscle wall. Main things are like lifting heavy weight without stabilizing the abdominal wall muscles, then obesity then nutritional poor nutritional diet so that there is a weakness of abdominal wall, continuous loose motions or diarrhea or constipation. Sometimes also there is persistent coughing, sneezing, which can cause these types of hernias. In elderly patient where benign enlargement of prostate can cause resistance of frequency of urine straining of urine which also can cause hernias.
How to diagnose hernia? For diagnosing hernia one thing is that physical examination by a healthcare provider is very important by which you can actually diagnose hernia. Second ultrasound of the abdominal wall abdominal cavity by which you can know the different types of hernia. Third is taking x-ray abdomen in which you can see whether there is option of the intestine or not. Sometimes you can do CT scan of the abdomen, the triangulation of the hernia is present or if the obstruction of the abdominal wall or the abdominal cavity because of the intestinal obstruction it can be diagnosed. How to treat hernia? In babies umbilical hernias can get resolved of its own in the beginning periods of the years. Sometimes it may remain and it can increase in size then it has to be treated. In elderly age or in later age groups if the hernia occurs then simply you can monitor it you can be with the hernia but then it is risky. Sometimes intestines can get strangulated there it can obstruct the complete bowl and there will be swelling of the abdomen there will be risk of life because of perforation of the intestine or shock or sometimes death. So it has to be treated it should be treated in conventional manner in recent advances there are other moralities of the surgeries. Conventionally they is to treat the hernia with mentoplasty where the mesh is kept on the part where the gap is there where the defect is there the defect is closed and then the mentoplasty is done. That is done usually in the conventional surgery which is called as herniorrhaphy. In all these hernias the mesh is used nowadays. There are other recent moralities via a laparoscopically where putting the telescope inside you put the hernia mesh on the defect and you close it properly, Trans abdominally or proportionally you can do it. Umbilical hernia can also be done by laparoscopy by which you can put double layer mesh and repair the umbilical hernia. Whereby you can actually move on very fast you can life start early, the movement or conversant period is very less and risk is less. So nowadays the laparoscopic hernia repair is given a choice and should be done. Hernia may reoccur after surgeries so preventive measures has to be taken care. Preventive measures has to be done so that the hernia should not occur.
For further and more information on hernia or treatment of hernia you can contact at me by through lybrate.com or booking an appointment. Thank you!
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