त्वचा पर मस्से होना एक आम समस्या है। अकसर ये मस्से हाथों, पैरों, चेहरे, जननांगों ,गर्दन के आसपास और घुटनों की त्वचा पर दिखाई देते हैं । दरअसल यह एक वायरस के कारण होते हैं जिसे ह्यूमन पैपिलोमा वायरस (एचपीवी) कहते हैं।ये वायरस संक्रामक होता है। ये व......read more
The first step in hair care is your diet and the two most important things in your diet are iron and protein. The hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body but they are also the first ones to be affected you don't eat right or suffer wi......read more
Laser Tattoo Removal is one of the latest inventions of Medical Sciences.Previously it was impossible to remove the permanent tattoos but now with the advancement of technology the permanent tattoos can be removed easily in a few sessions. Lasers ......read more
Skin tags are invariably benign - non cancerous - tumors of the skin which cause no symptoms, unless it is repeatedly rubbed or scratched, as may happen with clothing, jewelry, or when shaving. Very large skin tags may burst under pressure. Skin t......read more
Excessive exposure to ultra violate rays (UVA and UVB) of the sun accelerates melanin production in the skin that leads to darkening of exposed skin. Sun tan usually occurs on body parts that are exposed to sun such as, face, neck, arms, and legs.......read more