906+ Best Doctors for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai
Dr. Sonia Maheshwari Kothari
Dr. Mukti Shah
Dr Pranay
Dr. Saumil
Dr. Uday
Dr. Mukti Shah
Dr. Sonia Maheshwari Kothari
Dr. Jiva Ayurveda
Dr. Shreyas Shah
Dr. Leena Doshi
Best Doctors for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai
Doctor's Name | Clinic Fees | Lybrate Ratings |
Sonia Maheshwari Kothari | Free | 84 |
Mukti Shah | Free | 94 |
Pranay | ₹ 1,000 | NA |
Saumil | ₹ 250 | NA |
Uday | Free | 83 |
Mukti Shah | Free | 94 |
Sonia Maheshwari Kothari | Free | 84 |
Jiva Ayurveda | ₹ 299 | 91 |
Shreyas Shah | ₹ 700 | 91 |
Leena Doshi | ₹ 1,000 | 91 |
Patient reviews for Doctors for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of doctor is best for Cataract Surgery?
A cataract is said to be a problematic condition of your eyes in which there is a formation of cloudiness on the normal lens of a person's eye. So when you suffer from this condition of cataract and as this condition is associated with your vision and your eye so it is suggested for you to go to a doctor who is trained and is said to be specialist in the treatment of problems that are associated with a person's vision and eye.An ophthalmologist is said to be a medical professional who is trained to treat various problems associated with your vision and eyes, further, he is also trained to suggest ways to improve the health of a person's eyes, provide eye care, diagnose various conditions and problems associated with the eyes, treat the problems of the eyes, etc.
Majority of the population suffering from this condition of cataract is said to be willing to go to a doctor who is much more experienced.
What are the 3 types of cataract surgery?
The three various types of cataract surgeries are mentioned below and each of them has its own advantage and are used under different conditions and the surgeries are:
- Extra capsular surgery
- Laser assisted cataract surgery
- Phacoemulsification
Should I go to the doctor for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai?
Yes, you are recommended to go to a doctor for the treatment and procedure of this condition of cataract surgery as he is a trained professional and can assess your condition before providing the treatment and can suggest ways to prepare yourself for the treatment.
He will suggest ways that will make you feel better until the surgery is done and also after the surgery is done and will help you to recover from the problem very easily.
It is suggested to go to a doctor because if you try to get rid of this condition or try to treat this condition by yourself you might end up in a much worse condition and that may lead you to face serious consequences which might affect your quality of life and may hinder you from doing everyday works and errands as well.
How to find the best doctor for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai?
When you are concerned to find the best doctor for yourself to get this procedure of cataract surgery done in the area of Mumbai you are firstly suggest to consider for what all procedures and need you are going to visit the doctor and then sort out the qualities that you are looking in your doctor for example his behavior, efficiency of his medication, procedure and others.
After you have a clear head, you can start searching for the best doctor for your medical procedure by first going on to the site of Lybrate (www.lybrate.com) which is known to feature a lot of experienced and some of the top doctors from all the fields, there you can search for the problem for which you are visiting the site and when the names of the doctors pop up you can go through their profiles and look for all the necessary information you want to have regarding the doctor and then you are said to compare him according to your needs and place an appointment for getting your treatment or procedure started.
This site is said to be the easiest and best for you because this site is known to have the reviews written of the previous patients who have already visited the doctor and they are writing about the doctor, in the reviews which are written about the doctor you can get to know about the various qualities and attributes of the doctor you are willing to go for your procedure of the cataract surgery.
Apart from this you can also go to your parents, family members, friends and other known people to get help in finding the doctor for you, you can ask for their suggestions if they have gone to a doctor who got this procedure of cataract surgery done very nicely or they know someone who got their procedure done by a doctor in a very effective and successful way, when you are not getting any kind of positive response or good suggestions from them you can go to google and there you can search for the best doctor who can provide the best procedure for this cataract surgery in the Mumbai area for yourself and then you can select the doctor for yourself from the name of the doctors that have popped up on the screen.
When to consult a doctor for Cataract Surgery?
You are suggested to consult a doctor for this condition of cataract and also for the procedure of this cataract surgery as soon as you start to experience any kind of vision change.
In case you start to develop a very sudden vision change for instance flashes of light, double vision, very sudden eye pain or discomfort or when you start to have a sudden headache, you should make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.
You should consult a doctor when you are already visiting a doctor for the treatment of this condition and you notice that your condition has started to get worse or your medication has not been effective enough to improve your condition.
Why should you consult a doctor for Cataract Surgery?
Consulting a doctor for this condition of cataract is said to be very helpful and beneficial for a person suffering from cataract problem as a doctor could diagnose the condition of your problem properly without committing any kind of mistake, further he will assess your condition and according to that he will be suggesting you the best possible treatment to get you relieved from this problem.
A doctor is a well trained professional and he is said to be well aware of the other problems that are associated with this problem so, he will make sure that you stay as far as possible from those issues further, when you have decided to get the surgery he will suggest you ways to prepare yourself and your body in case it is not ready.
When the surgery is over and you are on your way of recovery he will be suggesting you so many effective ways that you can follow and adopt to give yourself a speedy and healthy recovery without facing much issue and this will help you to get your better vision much faster than you are expecting it to come.
Further, if you are going to leave this condition untreated then, you should know that this can lead you to problems and conditions like permanent vision loss or blindness and if you are trying to get this condition treated by yourself by following some home remedies then you will be putting yourself on the verge of much more risky conditions that can damage your eyes and your overall health as well.
What is the cost of Cataract Surgery in Mumbai?
A lot of factors are known to affect the treatment cost for the procedure of cataract surgery in the city of Mumbai, so you can expect someone to give you an exact figure for how much this procedure is going to cost and you may also expect that the cost is going to vary a lot in the city itself, so you can just get a price range for the treatment and procedure of this surgery and that cost range is from Rs. 17500 to 55000 in the Mumbai City.
How long does it usually take to recover from cataract surgery?
A person who was suffering from this problem of cataract and underwent surgery to get rid of this problem. So, a person who has had this surgery will start to feel better and notice that his vision has become stable and is getting back to normal (the vision after the surgery is much clearer than it was before the surgery was done). These changes and everything coming back to normal will take almost 4 to 6 weeks of time and this is said to be the recovery period that a patient takes until he has his normal but better vision back.
There are certain cases in which the person undergoing this cataract surgery takes about 3 months to get completely recovered from this condition due to various complications.
The patient needs to take complete rest for almost 3 days after he has come out of the surgery and he will be allowed and able to do his normal work and errands after a couple of days.