Last Updated: Jul 11, 2020
There are several healt benefits of mung beans, such as; helps in weight control, lower blood pressure. lowers cholesterol and heart disease risk, may help fight cancer, boost immunity and protects against infections, improves skin health, provides detoxification benefits, decreases PMS syndrome.
The green bean , alternatively known as mung bean, is a plant species in the legume family. It is an annual vine with yellow flowers and fuzzy brown pods. It is short duration legume crop grown mostly as a fallow crop in rotation with rice. Similar to the leguminous pulses, green gram, enriches soil nitrogen content. Mung beans are easy to digest, and, in Ayurveda, they are considered to be Sattvic food, meaning, wholesome food.
Green beans consists of nutritional values which includes Vitamins Folate, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Carotene beta, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. It consists of minerals, which includes Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, and Zinc.
Mung beans are a filling food. The high fibre and protein levels produce longer satiety times due to the double increase of the satiety hormone cholecystokinin as compared to meals that are devoid of these beans. Therefore consuming mung beans on a regular basis helps decrease food intake, thus lower weight and aid in fighting obesity.
It is a proven fact that mung beans are fat controllers and regulators. Moreover, the presence of large amount of magnesium makes it a very potent BP regulator. It maintains the level of magnesium in the blood. Magnesium eases blood vessels and lowers hypertension. This, in turn, keeps the blood pressure of the body under control.
By preventing oxidation of LDL, mung beans keep the arteries clear and improve blood circulation. Not only does this reduce inflammation, it reverses damage to the blood vessels. By preventing deposition of plaque the risk of heart attack & stroke is reduced as well.
Mung beans keep free radicals under control. These free radicals can be an outcome of anything like pollution, stress, unhealthy snacking and toxicity in body. They have the ill-fate of interfering with normal cell growth. Abnormal cell growth can even lead to cancer. Mung bean, which is a natural suppressor of free radicals, is a good option to keep cancer at bay.
The wide variety of phytonutrients in mung beans is not only anti - inflammatory but anti - microbial as well. These help fight harmful bacteria & viruses, maintain healthy gut bacteria and raise immunity levels. They ensure optimal digestive tract health and thus promote optimum nutrient absorption.
Green gram adds shine and radiance to human skin. The presence of copper increases its use in various face packs and face creams. Using mung bean as a scrub is also a good option. It is very easy to make a natural exfoliating face pack using mung beans at home. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best natural scrubs one can use to make their skin radiant!
Toxicity is a serious problem and can have long lasting side-effects including ulcers and cancer. Consumption of mung beans helps to keep your body free of toxins. It maintains the circulatory health of the body as well. It flushes out toxins from the body easily and keeps the formation of free radicals under check.
The various B complex vitamins, especially folate & B6, and magnesium help regulate hormonal fluctuations which cause these PMS symptoms.
To Make Mung Bean Natural Face Pack at home:
This deep exfoliating face scrub is an ultimate killer of tan, blackheads, excessive oil and unnatural glare.
Green grams are used as pulses in many countries, they are added to several dishes. They make healthy salads. Green grams are used extensively in pharmaceutical labs. They are also used to make several cosmetics.
Green beans are not known to trigger any adverse effects on health. However, green beans contain oxalates which are substances found naturally in plants, animals and humans. When these oxalates accumulate in the body fluids, they may crystallize and lead to health complications.
Hence people with kidney and gall bladder disorders may have to avoid consuming green beans. Oxalates may also hamper the absorption of calcium in the body. Raw husks contain chemicals that can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. This, however, should not be a problem if your digestive system is healthy and you chew your food properly.
Green beans are not known to trigger any adverse effects on health. However, green beans contain oxalates which are substances found naturally in plants, animals and humans. When these oxalates accumulate in the body fluids, they may crystallize and lead to health complications.
Hence people with kidney and gall bladder disorders may have to avoid consuming green beans. Oxalates may also hamper the absorption of calcium in the body. Raw husks contain chemicals that can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. This, however, should not be a problem if your digestive system is healthy and you chew your food properly.
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