6 years ago
Yes Mr. lybrate-user to get complete cure from pilonidal sinus you need to take homeopathy which will decrease the tendency and recurrence.
male • 33 Year Old • Sep 20, 2018 • Pune
How to cure urticaria? I am suffering from last 2 years. Apply too much medicines but nothing any of result. Please help.
6 years ago
Hello Mr. lybrate-user only applying ointment will never cure urticaria and for permanent cure you need to take internal medicine and for that you can consult us online.
Psoriasis is a long term disorder that affects the skin. In this condition, the skin cells start to grow at an accelerated rate with thick red and white welts on the skin. While normal skin cells grow and flake off within four odd weeks, the new s......read more
We are living with a ticking time bomb as several bacteria are becoming resistant to major antibiotics, which means that soon a simple wound may kill us. All living beings have an inherent quality to adapt. Bacteria and Viruses are not excluded fr......read more
Sleeping disorders are very common and anybody can suffer from the issue at any point in life. Homeopathy is considered to be a very effective way for treating sleep disorders. Here are ten of the best homeopathic medicines which cure lots of diff......read more