Ayush Diabetes & Neurology Clinic
Internal Medicine Specialist Clinic
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Hi, I am Dr Suresh Ade, Internal Medicine Specialist, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, Mumbai & Ayush Diabetes & Neurology Clinic, Navi Mumbai. Today I will talk about diabetic neuropathy. It is the most common complication of diabetes. It affects around 50% of diabetic patients. Pre-diabetes is a stage where the patient has not developed proper diabetes. Some patient develops diabetic neuropathy in that stage. Diabetes is a devastating disease which effects the quality of life by major complications and various consequences. Diabetes leads to foot ulcer and infections. So, how this diabetic neuropathy presents. It is present in the form of different symptoms. It presents in a for of painful symptoms like burning, severe stabbing, tingling or abnormal sensation all over the body. And neuropathy presents as an autonomic nerves system related changes where the patient may have a sudden fall which is called postural drop. The patient may develop indigestion, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, erectile dysfunction, incontinence of urine. It may also effect each and every nerve of the body. Diabetic neuropathy often represents a foot ulcer or any deformities of the foot.
In knee or any joint, the patient may develop tingling, numbness and some other symptoms. What are the risk factors of diabetic neuropathy? First and foremost risk is uncontrolled diabetes. 2nd is hypertension, high cholesterol level. Smoking, drinking, sedentary lifestyle are the other contributing factors. How to investigate these patients? Diabetes complications have to be kept in mind. The patient should go for some neuropathy tests. Many tests are available to check and to diagnose the patient. If the patient has any of the symptoms, he should approach a diabetologist and get all investigation done. It is recommended that every diabetic patient should get the test done for diabetic neuropathy every year once. If the patient has any deformity, he should go for the screening of diabetic neuropathy every month. What is management? The most important part is to control sugar Lot of medicines are available in the market which gives relief to the patient. The patient is advised to take proper care of the food. If a patient will take good care of the food from the evening then the complications of diabetic neuropathy can be avoided. For any other queries, contact me through Lybrate. Thank You.
Everybody has experienced headaches at some time or other in their lives. It is the most common pain which one suffers from and usually goes away on its own without any treatment. In rare cases, this pain may be a sign of a serious medical condition and you need to see a specialist for headaches. Normally headaches which are moderate or severe in nature and are not responsive to over-the-counter pain relievers are a cause of concern.
Hi, this is Dr. Suresh Ade. I am practicing as efficient Diabetologist and Neurologist in Navi Mumbai. My clinic has the highest diabetes and and neurologic clinic in Nerul. I am attached to various corporate hospital like Fortis Hiranandani Hospital Vashi, Reliance Hospital Kopar Khairane and Apollo Hospital Belapur. I’ve done speciality in diabetes like post graduate diploma in a diabetes and endocrinology from the Royal College of Physician, UK. I have done fellowship in neurology and stroke for 2 years and since 4-5 years I am practicing mainly diabetes and neurology.
Today I am going to talk about diabetes. Diabetes is increasing like anything. In 2020 it is expected to be more than 80 millions of patients in India suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is increasing at a very faster rate and India is now a capital of diabetes all over the world and expected to be double in a few years. There are many types of diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, secondary diabetes and pregnancy induced diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is because of the Autoimmune destruction of pancreas and usually presented in childhood. The children are presented in the hospital with emergency like pneumonia and urine tract infection where the diabetes is detected and they have to be on an insulin all through the life. Type 2 diabetes is mostly inherited comes from the parents but many patients they get it after the sedentary lifestyle, stress, working all through the night and having a bad lifestyle.
Then secondary diabetes is usually seen in patients suffering from the endocrinopathies like thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, patient being on a steroid for a long time, sometime infection is a reason and there are many other reasons of secondary diabetes. Pregnancy induced diabetes is usually seen in a pregnancy where all the patient when they consume they should undergo sugar test and confirm the diabetes and also sugar has to be monitored in the pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes is being very common, We have to focus more on Type 2 diabetes is usually seen and after the age of 30. Patients of diabetes type 2 they usually present with increased thirst, increase appetite, loss of weight, general weakness and in many time they have a non specific reasons like I am not feeling good, I am not feeling well and many times they land up in a emergency with some other complication like chest pain, pneumonia and then there diabetes is detected.
Once the diabetes is detected, patient has to be very focused on the treatment because the diabetes has got very very bad complications and the commonest complications are Microvascular , which means small vessel infections, small vessel infections in the eyes lead to retinopathy and can lead to blindness. Small vessels affection in the kidneys lead to nephropathy and patient may land up with kidney diseases, kidney failures and ultimately on a dialysis and death. Patients lands up with infection of the nerves in the peripheries and that is called peripheral neuropathy and that leads to various complications like injury to the limbs, ulcers and deformities of the foot and sometime they require amputation.
Macrovascular complications like infection of the bigger vessels - these are the vessels from the cartrods and beyond in the brain, going in the brain leads to the strokes. Vessels in arteries are called coronary arteries , leading to the heart attack and cardiovascular complications and vessels in the limbs that is called Peripheral vascular disease , and leading to the amputations and various other complications.
Apart from this, the patient may land up with acute complications like Diabetic Ketoacidosis which is again the life-threatening complication and patient may die off. There are other complications also that may be fatal to the life. So once the diabetes is detected , patient has to be very careful, he has to approach a diabetologist take a proper diet advice, advice regarding the exercise and if required medication. If patient controls his diabetes by any means like diet, exercise or medication and keeps his sugar under control then he will lead a normal life. So control your diabetes and be happy.
Doctor in Ayush Diabetes & Neurology Clinic
Doctor in Ayush Diabetes & Neurology Clinic
Dr. Suresh Ade
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