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Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center

Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center

Ayurvedic Doctor Clinic

C-5/18, 4 Heera Panna Apartments, Sector-3, C.B.D. Belapur
21 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 300 at clinic
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07:00 PM - 07:30 PM
08:00 AM - 01:30 PM

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Detoxification - How Can Ayurveda Help?
Detoxification - How Can Ayurveda Help?


I am Dr. Ashwini Vivek Mulye, Ayurveda. Today I will talk about ayurvedic detoxification that is panchakarma. You will be knowing many ways for detoxification. But what is said in Ayurveda about detoxification? Why do you need a detox? For eg, daily we clean our house by brooming but in the festival days like Diwali, we do the deep cleaning. Same is with our body. Daily we clean our bowel in the morning but some amount of toxin daily accumulate in the body by whatever for we eat, what we drink, we breathe. To remove all unwanted material from the body is called detoxification. In Ayurveda, there are 5 times of panchakarma: Vaman, virechan, nasya, raktoshan and vasti. They can be done all through the year but there are specific seasons especially during the transition period i.e. rutu sandikaal.

In Feb, March, and April, vaman is best. Which removes the toxins through vomiting. This can be done in hyperacidity, PCOS, gases, and asthma. 2nd is virechan which is best done during the transition period from June to July. This is given for hyperacidity and pitt problems, blood-related disorders, skin disorders. It is good for psoriasis and eczema. All these treatments are done under proper medications. In Ayurveda, Basti is the half treatment. It is a medicated enema. There are various types of vasti, oil vasti, kada vasti, milk, vayetadan vasti. You will be surprised to know, vasti does not only do the cleaning of the body but it is also useful for rejuvenating and removing the toxins and get a lot of anti-oxidants from vasti.

For hair fall, nails, vasti can be given. It can be given for a mentally challenged child. For pimples also, vasti can be given. For infertility, various types of vasti can be given. Vasti routinely can be done for all the patients in the rainy season. The rainy season is the pre-dominance of vatta. If a person is not suffering with any disorder, still he can get the 7 days of vasti course done and lead a healthy life with healthy digestion whole through the year. Nasya is the application of the medicines through the nasal roots. So, nasya has got prime importance again in hormonal disorders, pituitary problems, thyroid, spondylitis, skin, and hair related as well as acne-related problem, sinusitis, rhinitis, all these disorders, you can take nasya. In vaman, the patient has to drink some medicated liquids to remove all the toxins by vomitings. It is best done in the basant rittu. Virechana removes the toxins through loose motions. Vasti is given through the rectal root. It goes through the entire intestine and detoxifies the body.

There is kadha detoxification by which it immediately comes out or within 45 minutes, it completely cleans the system. IT removes all the toxins and once you have taken vasti, your digestion improves. Like how we brush our teeth daily, we can do nasayam. This will give you a lot of benefits with a good memory, physic, sensory organ will be very sharp. Rakhtmoshan is related to blood. Which is done in 2 ways either the application of leech or by the removal of the syringe method. This is specially used in skin diseases like urticaria, joint pains, gout. This is given when the patient is not getting the benefit from any other treatment. Apart from detoxification treatment, shirodhara is also there, snehbasti, mukhlepa for relaxation and improving the glow of the body.

Thank You

Healthy Tips To Control Hair Fall
Healthy Tips To Control Hair Fall


I am Dr. Ashwini Vivek Mulye, Ayurveda. Today I will give you some healthy tips to control hair fall. Hair fall is a very common problem in all age groups. 90% of people are there who complaint of hair fall. What are the reasons for hair fall? Daily 15-20 hair fall is considered to b normal. Even trichologist consider more than 100 strands fall to be a serious condition. What are the causes? Thyroid, PCOS and some other hormonal imbalances are the causes of the hair fall. Another cause is pollution. In the older days, most of the ladies used to take hair bath daily. But nowadays because of our very fast lifestyle, we wash our hair 2-3 times a week which is not recommended. We should wash our hair daily to remove the unwanted deposit from the scalp. This makes the scalp unhealthy. And the reason is improper nutrition of the hair. Along with this, there are some typhoid, viral fever, and a very high-grade infectious disease results in sudden hair fall and thinning of the hair. Another important reason is hereditary.

There is typical hereditary baldness which results in the cleaning of the hair and hairline going down. For this reason, they have to take the treatment very early age. Another cause is a fungal infection which you go to the barber and he cut your hair if he is not taking proper precautions. Hair falls down into patches and there is a lot of itching. What can we do? According to Ayurveda, our head scalp, ears, and our feet have to be lubricated with oil. As I told you we do some ayurvedic treatment for healthy scalp and hair. In this ayurvedic herbal packs are applied and kept for 2 hours and then wash. This also releases stress. Then they do not have any problem for many years. Application of good hair oil is very important at least 3 times a week, wash it the next day and keep it overnight. Along with this, we have to avoid an excess of salt and junk food which are containing a lot of chemicals like Ajinomoto or excess of vinegar. Eat fruits, salads in breakfast. I always advise juice of carrot, beetroot, tomato, and amla in the breakfast will give you good hair. Also, regular use of healthy packs for hair at least once a week will help in cleaning the scalp and removing the dirt and toxins from the scalp. We also give some hair treatment like shirodhara, talam, applications of hair packs for improving the lustures, shine of the hair.

Thank You.

Skin Lightening
Skin Lightening


I am Dr. Ashwini Vivek Mulye, Ayurveda. Today I will give healthy tips regarding skin lightening. Nowadays we see so many film stars and sportsperson enlightening the skin lightening products through ads and campaigns. Do we really know what these products contain? Many a time they assure us the good and glowing skin. But they may contain a lot of side-effects. Sometimes they contain mercury which is also used for skin lightening but it has got the effect of the hazard on the kidney and the brain.

Also, steroids are used. They will temporarily give you a good glow but the skin becomes thin and produces a lot of irritation and redness. So, it is always better to consult a dermatologist and use a proper skincare product to protect the skin from pigmentation and UV rays. We have a natural sun protection formula which is called as skin umbrella, the skin naturally turns black which we call it as tan. This protects the body from the UV rays and protects us from skin cancer. But unwanted pigmentation on the skin due to hormones can be prevented by uses of cream and gels with proper consultation. Also, good sleep is very important along with a healthy diet. Now about acne. It is a very common condition. It is a very common condition in youngsters.

Excessive of androgens during the puberty and teenage releases an excess of sebum production. Sebum is an oliy discharge on the face in which the dirt or the polluted content gets clogged which results in the formation of acne. Sometimes, due to itching and touching the acne they become red, scaly with a lot of bacteria and infection. The other reason is PCOS. Also improper exposure to dusty and dry weather, a lot of pollution, these all are the reasons of getting acne. So, for prevention, you should exercise. Increase of sweat also removes the dirt from the pores and it remains free from the sebum. Also, 8-10 hours of sleep, good diet, avoid oily food, fried food, and junk item prevents the acne. Avoid using the continuous use of chemicals over the face. Along with this, you keep a healthy and do yoga, meditations. This will keep your mental health healthy.

Thank You.

Healthy Diet As Per The Season
Healthy Diet As Per The Season

Hello everyone, I am Ashwini Mulye. I practice CBD Belapur. I am running Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center since last 15 years. I specialize in panchkarma as well as diet consultation and somatology and hair treatments. So in our last video we saw that how different pakrutri effects the different individuals and how the diet should be. So actually according to seasons also the dietic patten changes in ayurvedas. It is called as Rutuchariya. There are six main season like Vasant, Grishmu, Varsha, sharhad, haimant and shishia. In our 12 months each season lasts for 2 months. Though we personally experience only rainy seasons, summer and winter, we can very microscopically bifurcate them into six seasons. So in the, according to Ayurvedas ‘Yawan dah loky tawan tah purshiv’, whatever is there in the nature, same things happen in our body. As in rain season it rains a lot, there is dull wet clammy climate outside same thing the body also, little bit acidic medium increases, a lot of diseases regarding water and acidity and all these all asthma where there is all this fluidity. These all increases, so what panchkarma you can do in rainy season so that you get rid of all this naturally occurring diseases. So basically in rain seasons, there is natural increase of vartodoshia in the atmosphere also in our body. So to combact against vartodoshia basti is the best treatment. Basti is Innima like treatment we administer medicine through rectal root. There are different medicated oils, karrah, honey, ghee, medicated milk and this ghee which is given to various disorders according to the patient’s disease and what is the condition the disease and how long we are to take the basti. Along with basti you can do oil body massage certain types of putali suwairdas like partpotalli and pindu sawairdas, then various types of bastis are there, like oliation treatments are there, which all you can do in rainy seasons as vatudosha is kept very well under control by any type of saneho or oliation treatment. you can use oil ghee that all your vedas will decide according to your prakruti and you disorder/ this is a type of putali I am showing it to you also called as known as shishtik shaali pindal made up of navra rice like these various types of herb are used in this and this is dipped in ayurvedic dicockition oil or any other liquid medium and the body in massaged through this. This is different according to different disorders. Such type of treatment are best taken in rainy season. Along with this there ae various types of enemas like I have told you oil enema, karrah enema these all should be taken in the rainy season. So if you want keep your body fit take down the basti treatment, body massages. We put oliation treatments on the heart which is called rudhen basti, aand entire up of triple column it’s there, it’s called sushimna basti, then for degenerative changes in the joints and the vertebras we do mania katni basti and janu basti so all these treaents are best done in rainy seasons. You have any disorder regarding this you can and meet at our Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center, CBD Belapur or contact throught text onsultation, audio or video consultation through Lybrate. Thank you.

Your Health After Menopause
Your Health After Menopause

Hello, everyone. I am Dr Ashwini Mulye. I  practise in CBD in Preheladpur. I am running an Ayurvedic Panchakarma centre since 15 years.

In the last video, we saw that how Basti helps in detoxification and the removal of waste from the body. Today I will speak about menopause, degenerative changes in the body and how Basti helps in it.

Post menopausal age lot of women come to me with the back ache, lumbar pain, weight gain, leg pain and hot flushes with a lot of debility, weakness etc. As they cross menopausal there are a lot of degenerative changes in the body due to lack of estrogen hormone. And there is 90% female we see nowadays in the age of 33-35 years we find the degenerative changes, the vit-D deficiency and osteoporotic changes.

What can be the reason for this problem?

The reasons are;

  • Lack of nutritious food
  • Lack of proper exercise
  • Lack of exposure to sunlight
  • Improper sitting posture
  • Improper way of eating
  • Irregular eating habits
  • Improper sleep
  • Eating lot of junk food with preservatives

There are a lot of reasons. All these produce degenerative changes early. Earlier the degenerative changes were found at the age of approximately 60 years but now such changes occur at the age of 33-35 years. So, for such cases, we have options in Ayurveda.

We give Ksheera Vasthi. It is a type of enema in which the medical decoction is made of five bitter and Madhur vipaaki dravyas. This can be selected according to the patient. Now, this can be mixed with the milk. The decoction is again reduced to half, it is processed in milk and additional ghee is added according to disorder. This is administered rectal ruffle around 14-21 or more days, according to what disorder patient is having. This helps in increasing the bone density and reducing the effects of degeneration in the body. You have to give them in large numbers.

Benefits-    It is observed that after giving such type of Vasthi if there is any reduction in pain or pain related to the degeneration of the back pain, neck pain, joint pain or the lumbar area. As well as it helps in increasing the volume of the hair, reducing your hairfall, increases the strength of the teeth, increases your bone strength many other things like Vit-D deficiency, a lot of sweat, weakness etc . All these problems will be fine if you take this Ksheera Vasthi atleast once a year or depending on the degre of your osteoporosis, twice or thrice a year. It depends on what condition you are going through.

This type of Vasthi is given after the dinner. It is continuously provided to clean bowel habits and rest of the conditions are normal. So, if you are going through such type of disorder, I would suggest to contact us and get an idea about the treatments.

If you have any query, you can contact me through Lybrate for text, audio and video consultation.

Diet and Prakruthi
Diet and Prakruthi

Hello everyone, I am Dr Ashwani Mulye. I am specialised in Panchkarma, Diet consultation, cosmetology and hair treatment as well. Today, I will brief you regarding diet and Prakruthi.

So, according to Ayurveda, there are three basic constituents in our body vatta dosha, Pitta dosha and cough dosha. These three things, they hold the body, they are responsible for the regular activities of our body and also responsible for the various diseases we catch. So, according to the combination of these three Vatta, Pitta and cough, we get different types of natures which is called as Prakruthi.

We ayurvedic vedya decides the medicines according to the Prakruthi of each and every individual. So, our natural diet should be according to our Prakruthi and our profession should also be according to our Prakruthi.

For example, if somebody has picked the Prakruthi and that person is working in a furnace or a metallurgical industry, so that is not good for him. So depending on nature, the person's attitude, behaviour as well as his looks, we can decide along with naadi pariksha and pulse that what Prakruthi each person belongs to. And then we can give them the diet according to the season, according to his profession, according to his lifestyle and make changes.

Nowadays, a lot of people are taking the wrong diet and undergo various diseases. So, it is better to take a diet consultation, take out your Prakruthi parikshan. Decide what prakruthi you are and then follow the diet so that you can manage most of the diseases only through your dietic habits and your exercise.

If you have any query, you can contact me through Lybrate where you can have text consultation, video consultation and also book an appointment. Or you can directly meet me in my clinic.

Skin Enlightenment and Acne Problem
Skin Enlightenment and Acne Problem

Hello, friends. Now we'll speak regarding skin enlightenment and acne problem which is very common nowadays.

Not only related to PCOS thyroid like hormonal imbalance problem also related to irregular diet habits and wrong diet habits. A lot of junk food is taken. Even these patients are not following diet restrictions as well as regular sleep timings and a lot of use of mobile and electronic gadgets which leads to improper sleep and increase in this body heat and acne related problems. In our clinic we give medicines, diet consultation as well as we give some Ayurvedic facial treatments for acne but then melasma darkening of skin and loose skin wrinkling skin for all age groups right from the age 30 into the age of 65.

The facial treatment, the cleaning scrubbing and application of lepers are totally ayurvedic and made in our own clinic. Some of the formulations are there which are fresh and ready level like fruit facial is there, Pancham with facial is there which is made from cows milk, cows butter, ghee, sugar and honey. So with this not only the acme not stop coming from the roots and the deep pores and pigmentation are also reduced. Along with that if you take some punch occur and detoxification treatments like Virecharna and Bharma produce the further growth of acne and this the face gets enlightened totally. For this treatment, you have to follow proper diet restriction and diet regimen for around one month, which you have to meet me and consult me, we can plan for the treatment.

Apart from this, there are some good diet health tips in that. You have to take fresh fruits, vegetables, take plane milk in the night, early morning take cotton, dip it in the cold milk and clears the face for two minutes. Apply tomato paste twice a week. Apply a nutmeg pest in one drop of almond oil and slight butter homemade butter to the melasma patches. Do it for 15 days, use it for the eyes as eye pack, dark circles will also get removed.

So this is all treatments what we do in our clinic. For further details you can contact me by lybrate, by text message or audio call.

Know More About Hair Treatment
Know More About Hair Treatment

How is Hair treatment carried out with Ayurveda?

Hello, Im Dr. Ashwini Vivek Mulye speaking from Sivri Belapur. I have done specialization in Ayurveda cant panchakarma. Since 14 years and practicing here and today I will tell you something regarding hair treatment in Ayurveda. Basically, we treat all the problems regarding hair dandruff hair fall and hair whitening also. Apart from some medicines I give diet consultations and use some of the products which have been manufactured by me. We give you a hair treatment package of 9 sittings which includes seven sittings of Nassya.

Nassya which is a treatment in which we do head massage and also the upper part face massage so that the blood circulation to the hair roots improves. Along with that, we introduce some medicines through the nose which improves the hair texture as well as the density of hair. Then we give five sittings of Shirodhara which is a treatment in which medicated oils or decoctions are continuously poured on the head scalp region and along with that in three sittings we give hair pack application along with amla powder which we have made in our own clinic this will give you good results, hair fall will stop around sixty to seventy percent within the treatment and the rest of the part is done by medicines.

Along with that if you follow some good dietary habits like taking amla carrot tomato and beet root juice daily eating a lot of flak seeds walnuts almonds milk eggs this will give you a good texture to the hair as well as increase the density. Along with this, we have some panchakarma treatments for those who are having thyroid related problems or PCOS in which the hair fall is not under control even with this treatment we give some internal medications along with that Tiktaalik sheer bust for 21 sittings.

For further details, you can contact me via lybrate, by text message or audio consultation.

Doctor in Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center

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Doctor in Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center


Dr. Ashwini Vivek Mulye

Ayurvedic Doctor26 Years Exp.
Fellowship Course in Panchkarma, BAMS
₹ 300 at clinic
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Dec 24, 2022

quick response and very less and probelm oriented medicines



Oct 02, 2020

She treat patients like family member



Apr 01, 2017

It's been more than a year that I was experiencing female hair loss problem. I was panicked, because I never thought I will suffer from any such issue. She is one of the best ayurvedic doctor in Mumbai . I had lost hope, but the female hair loss treatment given by Dr Ashwini Vivek Mulye has helped more



Apr 07, 2017

Over the period of time I noticed a number of changes in myself. Even though I was fit and fine, it was shocked when I got to know that I have diabetes. The entire Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center was spotlessly, clean. She is not just friendly, but also is very motivating. She definitely more



Jun 16, 2017

My problem was such that it required a number of sessions, and I must say after all the sessions, I am feeling much better now. I was suffering from depression. They took very nice care of me, i never felt that I am in a Dhanwantari Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Center. She is very professional and is a more

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