Skin Soul
Dermatologist Clinic
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I am Dr. Sneh Thadani, MBBS, DNB dermatologist, skin, hair and nasal expert. Let's talk about hair today. We all like healthy, shiny hair but we also face a lot of hair fall and hair thinning. So, what is hair loss? There are two types of hair loss: one is hair fall and one is hair thinning. Now, what is hair fall? Then you lose 100 strands daily it is known as hair fall. It can be because of a lot of reasons like stress, diet, a lot of products, salon treatments, dandruff issues and fungal and bacterial infections or some medication that you are taking. What is hair thinning? Hair thinning is a genetic condition where your thick hair become thin. It is more probably because of testosterone which gets converted into dihydrotestosterone which makes your thick hair into thin hair. So, what you see is dull, thin, loss of density and balding.
In the male, you generally see the recession of hairline also known as androgenetic alopecia and in females, you see the gap of partition increases known as female pattern baldness. So, once you come into the derma clinic, we understand why are your hair falling, what is the cause of hair loss or hair thinning. You have an imbalance of hormones which is more probably common in females with PCOS and high prolactin which is a lifestyle disorder. Understanding the cause of hair loss or thinning is very important to draw the line of your treatment. So, what are the treatment options when it comes to hair thinning? Anything from topical minoxidil or topical minoxidil with finasteride, with correction of vitamin levels like B12, D3 and iron, ingestion of biotin which is very important for hair growth, understanding if the topicals are not working, we will have to shift to in-house procedures which are also known as mesotherapy.
What is mesotherapy? Mesotherapy is the infusion of multivitamins, growth factors right into your hair root level which reduce your hair fall. Ideally done once in 15 days for a minimum of 6 times, then done once in one month and then so on and so forth. A newer technology we have is laser known as laser hair helmet, increase the blood circulation around your follicles which help absorb all the multivitamins and topicals that you will be used for hair growth. Even with all these technologies, if you feel that your hair loss and hair thinning is not coming under control, then newer technologies are also known as PRP which is stem cell therapy platelet-rich plasma therapy.
What is platelet-rich plasma therapy? We take 8ml of your blood, centrifuge, remove the growth cells out of it and then infuse it into your scalp. What does it do? It enriches your hair, it makes your inactive follicles become active that is hair growth, density increases and balding patches reduce. Ideally done once in 2 months and associated with mesotherapy and laser hair therapy. The topical line of therapy with PRP would be continuous and it is very necessary to regress hair fall.
What are the do's and don'ts for having healthy hair? There are very basic do's and don'ts which everybody should follow. Invest in any sulfate-free shampoo, washing the hair at least thrice a week, avoiding hot water, always condition your hair is a must, do not apply conditioner on to your roots, always apply it in the ends, leave it for some time and have a cold rinse. Invest in silicon-based serums which protect your hair from sun damage which causes premature grain is a very essential part of lifestyle today. Having a healthy balanced diet which is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, B12, iron and D3 is essential. Having enough sleep, having stress reduction and exercising; all these help you to have a better lifestyle.
There are some things that people do which increase hair fall: parlour treatments, colouring of hair it's not that you can't do it it's just that you have to invest in a good product, ammonia-free hair dyes and use it religiously and always use a hair spa or a good conditioning mask post that. I must tell you combing in wet hair is very damaging for hair because your cuticles are open which leads to breakage. If you have a hard brush use a hairdryer to dry your hair, please keep it at a bare minimum because dryer heat always damages your hair. If you have to use a blow dryer to dry your hair everyday basis please use a heat resistant which protects your hair and reduces hair fall. I hope the above tips were helpful.
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I am Dr. Sneh Thadani, Dermatologist. Today I will talk about pigmentation. It is known as the coloring of the skin. It can be when we lose pigment or we gain pigment. When we lose pigment, we get white patches on our skin. he most common disease we see is fungal infection and vitiligo. So, why hyperpigmentation happens? A most common cause is sun exposure because we do not use sun protection. Very simple to use is sunscreen. Sunscreen should be as per the type of your skin. You may have a dry, normal or oily skin. Oily skin patients can use gel-based sunscreen. How to use a sunscreen? It should be used 30 minutes prior to entering to the sun. You only need a teaspoon of the quantity. You have to use sunscreen every 3-4 hours if you are outdoors and once if you are going indoors. Why do you need this because it prevents aging, tanning, burns?
2 types of sunscreen one can use. Physical and chemical. Below 18 years of age, we prescribe physical sunscreen. In adults, chemical sunscreen. How do we treat hyperpigmentation? You need to see a dermatologist understand what type of skin you have. You need to understand that why have you got hyperpigmentation. It can be because of sun, hormones or a lot of other reasons. Understanding the history, then we can jot down your treatment levels. We give sunscreen, hypopigmentation cream. Multivitamins are very essential to protect your skin and resistant towards standing. You also have to understand the importance of a balanced diet and the importance of the consumption of raw food, vegetables, and fruits. If still, you are not feeling positive results, then you can go for chemical peels. Chemical peels are not made of chemical, these are made of fruit acids.
You can go to any reputed Dr to get the treatment through chemical peels. There are types of chemical peels. The superficial, medium depth and deep peels. Indian skin should undergo superficial or very superficial treatments to avoid any complications. The general peel can be done once in 15 days to once a month. We cleanse your face, we understand your skin type, choose a peeling product and then we ask you to go home at wash your face. Chemical peels help with the reduction of pigmentation, increase the glow, hydration, gives you anti-aging and lighter brighter and tighter skin. Next approach is Nd Yag Q-switched laser. This is a very specialized treatment. It is done if the pigmentation is not getting done with any other treatment. So, the laser is the targeted treatment which can be used for freckles, melasma, pigmentation. Understanding of lifestyle and treatment modalities are very essential. Do not take over the counter medications and understand that you have to go to the right doctor.
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Doctor in Skin Soul
Doctor in Skin Soul
Dr. Sneh Thadani
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Sushma Kadam
Jul 03, 2019She is good as a doctor.