Swapnadeep Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor Clinic
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I am Dr. Swapnil Choudhary, practicing pure Ayurveda. Today we are going to discuss hair fall. Hairfall is a very common issue in both genders male and female it is also an embarrassing situation in today’s life hair fall has many causes, some are physiological also are environmental. Basically we have to treat in a holistic way to get a cure from hair fall. Hairfall has many psychological aspects also, in today’s lifestyle, improper diet, lack of care are the major issues in both male and female. Though we have specialized treatment for both the genders, basically we are focussing on the holistic approach of Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, we have treatment procedures and protocols designed. Firstly, we go through the Prakriti Parikshan which is the basic dosha level and balance in everybody. We go through the daily lifestyle of the individual, how he lives, how is his daily pattern and we try to rectify that. Then we start diagnosing the basic cause happening in the person or an individual. In males there may be different causes, in females, there may be different causes. We try to analyze the situation personally, then we go through the mental aspect and the body, we treat in Ayurveda, through both mind and body system. In Ayurveda, we have some herbs, which rectify all these problems. Through Ayurveda we can have basic knowledge in day to day lifestyle about dincharya and rutucharya.
Ayurveda also suggests remedies, home remedies for treatment, people try many home remedies and try to cure the hair fall problem, but it is not possible in temporary treatment, we have to go in a longterm and holistic approach. Ayurveda suggests that the imbalance of pitta is the main cause of hair fall, as soon as pitta is aggravated hair fall is seen in both the genders. We try to balance pitta with some herbs also we have some kashaya, Rasayana to make a balance of pitta in the body. As soon as the balance is created 50% of hair fall is reduced, then we can focus on the proper diet and medication. As we recommend in a personalized way, we have some therapeutic panchakarma approaches which are not proper panchakarma, but we have allied therapies, just like shirolap which is called talapoti in Kerala, we do these therapies to have a proper balance of pitta in the individual. This readily reduces hair fall and tries to cure the basic cause of the disease. Hairfall is a condition can be treated, as a disease can be treated by some medication also. In Swapnadeep Ayurveda we have a focused treatment for individual and we have been treating all these types of patients for 15 years. So you can have your own Prakriti Parikshan and then we can go for hair fall treatment. Friends, I hope you understand a little bit idea about hair fall, so going for any temporary remedies please understand yourself, your prakruti, your physical condition and try to get in a holistic approach. For any queries, you can contact lybrate.com.
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I am Dr. Swapnil Chaudhari, Ayurveda, Swapnadeep Ayurveda. We do special care for diabetes. We need to know the background of diabetes. Before, this problem was considered as urinary tract disease. We took blood sugar to diagnose diabetes. It is a metabolic disorder which is caused by lifestyle disorders. It happens because of wrong food habits and unhealthy lifestyle. If you can live a healthy life then diabetes will not come into your life. And if it comes then it is a slow poison.
Follow a good and healthy lifestyle. In ayurvedic treatment, we tell the patient that what he has to do from the beginning of the day. Early sleep is very important. If you will follow the healthy lifestyle than no disease will affect you. Follow your healthy routine. We monitor you by doing certain tests at our clinic. We have a good number of patients. Since 15 years we are maintaining the health of the patients. We are specialised in panchakarma treatment. For neuropathy and retinopathy we give the treatment. We use the reversal kind of treatment. Stress is the biggest factor for any disease. We help the patient to do yoga and meditation. So, be a part of diabetes free world.
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My name is Dr Supriya Choudhary and I am working as an ayurveda and panchakarma physician at Swapnadeep Ayurved centre. Our centre is located at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Our centre is India's first any NABH accredited center. NABH means National Board of Accreditation for Hospitals and Healthcare providers. So, we offer our patient the services that are based on quality and authentic ayurvedic treatment. Also, at our centre we do prakriti parikshan. Also, we give a computerized report to patients and suggest a diet and lifestyle modification according to that and also, we have all the panchakarma therapies at our centre. We perform more than 35 therapies at our centre. Today we are going to discuss the topic ayurvedic lifestyle means ayurvedic dinacharya. Dinacharya means our daily routine. So, we are seeing nowadays many people are suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, obesity. Also, many young girls are suffering from PCOD and periods of problem. So, these are the things we are facing daily in daily life so is there any way to prevent these diseases. So, answer is yes and we will find it in ayurvedic lifestyle.
What is the ayurvedic lifestyle? So, if you wake up at that time your you will find positive vibes in yourself and it is the best time for pranayam and yoga exercise. So, after that you have to drink water or in the copper vessel it is good for health and after that after finishing your nature’s call you should do exercise. Exercise is must be a daily part must be a part of your daily routine as it has its own own health benefits.
So, after exercise, Ayurveda says you have to do oil massage. Self-oil massage will be ok. After that you can perform your bath and after that ayurveda says you have to do some procedures the on daily basis which require only 5 to 10 minutes of your daily routine. According to ayurveda you should do Nasya on daily basis. This Nasya is you can perform at home only. You have to just instill 2 drops of oil medicated oil in your nose daily but these benefits of these procedures are so many that you will do it daily. Your nasal block and sinusitis these problems will be prevented. Also, you have to do anjana means we used kajal for that purpose. You can do it daily. Also, you can do gandoosha kavaladhar procedure this proc.
You will know about these procedures at any ayurveda doctor. He will he can he or she can explain you about that so these are the procedures you can do if you do this daily, you will you can prevent many diseases. So, this is the dinacharya ayurveda has prescribed but also there is ritucharya also according to the Ritu means seasons. You have to change you have to do some changes in your lifestyle. We live in 21st century so our daily lifestyle is so hectic that we cannot perform these procedures but as told so you have to just visit any ayurvedic doctor he or she can explain to you that what can you change in your lifestyle that will help you to prevent many diseases. For more information, you can contact me on lybrate.com.
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