Psychologist Clinic
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Emotional Eating and Stress.
Hello friends! Myself, Dr. Shahazad. I’m a Psychologist by profession. I have deal with so many clients in my life like I have more than thousand satisfied customers even through, phone, email, or they are doing it with chat. We have clinics where clients are coming in the clinic also and we are taking care of the clients. I have sixteen years of experience as a psychologist, as a counselling psychologist. I have deal with so many problems like depression, anxiety, stress, even food addiction, addiction of alcohol, cigarettes, or any kind of addiction which is coming to your mind that we are covering. We are also dealing with the stress related to eating habits like mostly the people are having emotional eating these days and they are not aware of why they are gaining weight. They are gaining weight because of their emotional eating.
I will just give you an example like people do take care of, when they are stressed out, they tend to eat more. Why they tend to eat more because when they are stressed out they burn more energy that’s why they need more energy. When they need more energy then, for that they need to eat more food and the rich sources of energy is carbohydrate, or things which is like sugar, or carbohydrate or things which is made up of maida. So, mostly people tend to eat more those kind of foods. When people tend to eat those kinds of foods, they feel guilt also.
After eating so much of junk food, they feel guilt and that guilt leads to stress and that stress again make the person eat, so this is the basic cycle which is going through. So, we are dealing with emotional eating, food addiction, alcohol addictions, stress, anxiety, depression, even any kind of stress or as we know in our lives, there are so many ups and downs because of many reasons, related to health, related to personal problems, personal life, even, family lives.
If you are finding anything which is not smooth or not going along with your life in a proper manner then, you need a counselling and for that you can opt, you can call us on Lybrate or even you can do live chat on Lybrate or you can go for a video chat through the Lybrate.
Ways to Maintain Good Nutrition level.
Hi friends, this is Dr. Shahazad. I’m the Director of Nutrition and Wellness Pvt. Ltd. Basically, we are running a clinic which is related to Health and Wellness and we have a team of Doctors, Dieticians, Psychologists, and Therapists. We all are working together to achieve a single goal to make the person healthy and make them lose weight and take care of their health. In our team, why we have kept all the three people like all the doctors, dieticians, psychologists because we believe if a person is coming to us, is not having a weight loss problem or weight gain problem. If a person has gained weight is must be because of certain reasons, might be because of their health, might be because of their eating habits or might be because of certain other reasons. We will take care of your health, as well as your eating habits and, may be behaviour modification if it is required. All three things we have heard we are going to put into that and why we are calling it a nutrition wellness because there are two dimensions.
One is nutrition and second is wellness. We want to give you a right kind of nutrition to take care of your health like which is having all the vitamin, minerals, fibers, nutrients like carbohydrates, protein means everything which is required for the body we are going to give and we are making people lose weight.
Second, we want to take care of health that is through wellness means complete health, physical, mental, social, spiritual everything we are covering into this so that’s why we are calling it as nutrition and wellness. We want to give health through nutrition and we want to achieve optimum level of wellness. This is the way the team is working. We have three clinics in Delhi, NCR and we are doing it through, even, clients are coming through web also, through net also. They are coming through our website also. Our website is www.nutritionandwellness.in and you can also visit our clinic. One is in Model Town, one is in Pitampura, and one is in Rajouri Garden.
We have catered almost more than 20,000 to 30,000 clients and they are all satisfied clients. We have more than 80 percent satisfaction. The clients are coming here for weight loss, health, and, all the personality improvement taking care of themselves, so we are taking care of each and everything. We are also helping clients to come out with their stress and strain in their life. Also, we are taking care of their personal, professional or whatever the requirement they have. So, it’s not only the weight loss clinic, it’s a complete holistic approach we are taking care of each and everything of the clients. We believe in healthy diets. We are not giving any pills and power drum machines. We do it, the weight loss, through healthy diets only. We don’t believe in calorie diet. Also, we discard the calorie theory because the calorie means we are eating, even, in junk food also we have some calories so we are giving healthy food, healthy nutritious food to make people lose weight and take care of their health.
We are available on Lybrate also so, you can visit us on Lybrate and take appointment through the Lybrate also.
Dr. Shahazad Ali
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