Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon Clinic
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I am Dr. Manoj Kumar, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, AesthetiCare, Noida. Today I will talk about which is going to take away the effects on your face i.e. use of threads or thread lift. It was there for some time but in recent times but it has undergone major changes. Now it is more predictable and gives a better result and it lasts for a couple of years. Typically, in every specialty, we are moving from major surgery to less invasive surgery to minimally invasive surgery. Similarly, thread lift has come to replace if not complete then definitely partially. The need for thread lift surgery which is a major undertaking and the patient has to pass through a major period of convalesces or recovery after surgery.
A thread lift is an outpatient procedure, done under local anesthesia. 50% of the results in terms of lifting up your skin, smoothing of the fold of your skin and affect on you face because of age can be minimized or reduced. It can be made to look younger. The next 50% effect comes in the next 6-8 weeks of time. And this lasts for one and a half to 2 years. And this is a minor procedure. Therefore, thread lift, nowadays a very useful technique to remove or take away the effect of the age on your face without going for major surgery.
Thank You.
Hello, I am Dr. Manoj Kumar, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, AesthetiCare, Noida. Today I will talk about botox and fillers. These are the 2 very common procedures offered for correction of small, minimal issues in the face which can be corrected by these 2 techniques. Botox can be used to take care of deep lines like in forehead, and the side of the eyes which is known as crow's feet. It is just a 10 minutes procedure. And you will be able to get rid of deep wrinkles and these will be minimized significantly. This will give you a refreshed and young look.
The other common technique is the use of fillers. Basically, with the ageing face, there are some blemishes in the face, like some depressions, sometimes a person wants her lips to look with more volume. It is also used for nasal labial folds which can make your face look ageing. In addition to this, it also can be used to take care of small depressions in the face which sometimes come with ageing and scars. Therefore, botox and fillers are 2 most commonly performed procedures to take care of small blemishes of your face and affect of age on face. It is a very minor procedure, take hardly 10-15 minutes and gives the lasting result which can stay for a longer period.
Thank you.
This is Dr. Manoj Kumar. Today I am going to talk to you about a new services that I am starting at my centre AesthetiCare about the facial skin and hair rejuvenation. This is stem cell therapy. This is one of the most advanced technology that I am going to introduce at my centre. Basically, stem cells have the capacity to grow into any kind of tissue wherever they are injected to. So, if somebody is losing hair injection of stem cell in the scalp will lead to a not only improvement in the quality of hair that he is losing but also it can even promote fresh hair growth so it's a very exciting and new development and it's going to be very very effective.
Stem cell therapy in the process we remove fat cells from the body and then with the processing we take out stem cells from it and this is injected mixed with PRP for hair. It can also be injected in the face for facial rejuvenation. Not only this, the fat that we remove it can be converted into nano fat and when nano fat are mixed with stem cell and injected into face it can not only give facial rejuvenation when the skin becomes very very healthy and young but also it takes care of the blemishes on face like small depressions or hollowness around eyes kind of things. It's going to be about an hour’s procedure and this will have to be followed by buy three or four more PRP treatment in order to get the best results.
Thank you.
Hello friends,
This is Dr Manoj Kumar, Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon & Hair Transplant Surgeon. Today I am going to talk to you about the details of the hair transplant surgery techniques. Many people who have got a hereditary hair loss known as androgenic alopecia will sooner or later have a very bald patch which will require hair transplant. Now the hair transplant surgery is a process where your own hair is taken from the back of your head where they are genetically programmed to last for the longest period to the front part where your hair is lost. The surgery surgical technique has undergone a sea of changes like any other speciality and has become an invasive surgery to minimally invasive surgery. Nowadays the technique that we are using which is the most advanced and minimally invasive is known as Automated FUE technique where the hair follicles are extracted directly from the back of your head using very fine punches which are actually the thickness of that is as good as thick as a normal needle so the trauma that it causes is minimum and it heals the donor area heals very very soon within a few days.
Other advantages of this technique will be is that because it is automated so lot many grafts could be harvested within a short period so that we can give a much better density and much higher number of hair transplants. The technique involves a method which will be transplanted a where the hair follicles are not at all damaged. Therefore each & every hair follicle is going to give you eventually 100% success almost 100% success is expected. This is much much better compared to the older techniques Strip Technique where a strip of your hair is taken from the back of your head and the area is stitched of and then the hair follicles are removed from that. This process ends up in losing some of the hair follicles because they are damaged in the process of removal from the strip. And also it is much more cumbersome and time taking so the number of grafts harvested cannot be as much as in automated FUE technique. Therefore the current trend is to do the hair transplant with automated FUE technique.
Thank you.
Hello friends!
This is Dr. Manoj Kumar, Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon & Hair Transplant Surgeon. I am going to talk to you about a common problem which young people come to me to take advice about. This is hair loss. Lot of them have their parents with a history of early baldness and they are worried that they will also eventually get bald. Now there is one very important thing to understand that the hair loss is not a one day process it’s a kind of continuous issue & the treatment also, therefore, will have to be done in continuity for some time to take care of the problem. And hair transplant although a lot of them will be required to do but is not the only treatment option.
Because much before that there are a lot of things that can be done to retain the hair for a longer period and make them healthier. The treatment modalities available are PRP treatment, laser treatment, use of supplement hair supplement which are nothing vitamins and minerals required for the hair growth. Some of you may still end up losing hair and will require hair transplant which will definitely give a permanent result permanent solution to your hair loss. But still, you will need to continue with the hair management because the remaining hair that you are destined to lose over a period of time may go in the next few years. So taking care of your hair by nonsurgical means like PRP, Hair Supplements, Laser is very very important to keep your hair normal looking for a longer period.
Thank you.
Welcome to AesthetiCare, the state of art centre for cosmetics and aesthetics. I am Dr. Manoj Kumar, senior Consulting plastic surgeon. I have this centre in sector 18 Noida where we have got the facilities for the best cosmetic surgical procedures including micro hair transplant using the latest automated FUE technique as well as other minor cosmetic surgeries under local anesthetics and all kind of laser right from IPL to diode laser, CO2 laser offering various aesthetic procedures.
Thank you.
Doctor in AesthetiCare
Doctor in AesthetiCare
Dr. Manoj Kumar
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