Dr. Surendranath Pokle
Personal Statement
To provide my patients with the highest quality healthcare, I'm dedicated to the newest advancements and keep up-to-date with the latest health care technologies...read more
Doctor Information
- Diabetologist
- MBBS , Bellary Medical college , 1980
Languages spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Marathi
Clinic Location
Clinic of Dr. Surendranath
Clinic's Name | Fees |
Disha | ₹ 250 |
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Question and Answers
male • 57 Year Old • Feb 20, 2017 • Mumbai
I am 56 years male, I did blood checkup and found HBa1c at 9.6% and ABG at 229 mg/dl currently I am taking Gluconorm G2 one in the morning and 1 in the night before food ...read more
Surendranath Pokle
7 years ago
Your glucose levels are not getting controlled by the medicines presently you are taking. Please get back with your Ht, Wt.blood test for lipids, urea,creatinine. At you ...read full answer
Ramesh Aravind
male • 23 Year Old • Jan 29, 2017 • Trichy
My father has 220 mg/dl blood sugar level before eating and 390 mg/dl after eating. Does it serious r not? If serious which is the best way of treatment to maintain his ...read more
Surendranath Pokle
8 years ago
Dear lybrate-user ,your father's sugar levels are too high. Please mention his wt, Ht, BP, any wt. Loss,any vision problem, on any drugs? Get his HbA1C ,lipid, urea ,cre ...read full answer
male • 31 Year Old • Jan 27, 2017 • Hyderabad
My mom is a diabetic patient and taking regular medicine of diabetic. What she should eat/drink naturally to get rid of diabetic. She is around 55 age.
Surendranath Pokle
8 years ago
Once a diabetic one cannot get rid of diabetes. However your mom can lead a normal healthy life if takes proper medication, regular check ups, a well planned diet, regul ...read full answer
male • 34 Year Old • Jan 24, 2017 • Hyderabad
I am 30 years From last month my blood glucose fasting 116 post lunch 198 help me.
Surendranath Pokle
8 years ago
You are not diabetic, neither your blood sugar levels are normal. You are prediabetic on way to develop diabetes if strict, disciplined measures are not taken immediatel ...read full answer