Aaiina Clinic
Sexologist Clinic
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you get to see the change U want to C...read more
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Doctor in Aaiina Clinic
Doctor in Aaiina Clinic
Dr. Lunkad Vaibhav
Patient Review Highlights
Aaiina Clinic Reviews
Feb 03, 2023Best ideas and medicines for long term benefit
May 29, 2020I found the answers provided by the Dr. Lunkad Vaibhav to be very helpful. Can u guide me through a call ,
May 31, 2018Dr Lunkad has a lot of experience in this subject, especially when it comes to Indian culture and issues associated with sex and how to overcome them. He advised like a good friend would and every single bit of his advice was not only practical but it also appeared well researched. If you are living...read more
Apr 29, 2017I was diagnosed with erection problems. I was in too much pain because of erection problems, but even after consulting a number of doctors, I was not getting any relief. The friendliness of staff is the best in the AAIINA CLINIC. I searched Dr Lunkad Vaibhav online and saw his reviews. My previous e...read more
Aug 25, 2017It's been so long, I have lost all hope, but then I met Lunkad Vaibhav and I am hopeful again that I will be fine. It's been more than a year now, and I have noticed considerable change in myself after consulting Dr Lunkad. The friendliness of staff is the best in the Aaiina clinic.I had an amazing ...read more