Creo Clinic
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon Clinic
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I am Dr. Amit Mukund Mulay, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon. I am into surgical practice from last 12 years. So, today we are going to talk about breast reconstruction after removal of cancer. As we all know that there is a notion that cancer is a disease of the breast but there is a slight shift in the incidence of breast cancer in India and it is quite significant. A number of breast cancer patients have already surpassed cervical cancer and it is currently the most common cause of breast cancer. There are lots of new modalities of treatment which are coming for breast cancer and as a result of that, the survival of breast cancer has increased. However, survival improves, what comes next is the quality of life. According to WHO, only 25% of women who undergo surgeries for cancer of the breast are aware that they can get a new breast after doing a small surgery.
Essentially, 2 kinds of surgeries for breast cancer: Breast conservation and the other is a mastectomy. So, if the patient has undergone breast cancer surgery, you can have a technique which can just replace the volume and there are techniques where you can do volume adjustment to get a new breast. However, once the mastectomy has done, you need a whole chunk of tissue from another side to replace the breast. So, I will tell you about breast reconstruction after mastectomy. There are 2 types of breast reconstruction we can have. One is implant-based reconstruction and other is autologous tissue that is tissue from your own body taken from the reconstruction of the breast. First, we will talk about implant-based reconstruction. We use silicone implants. This maybe smooth of texture. The most advantage of implantation is magnetic the surgery. The surgery is smaller. The surgeon might not be skilled for surgery.
There are a few disadvantages of implant-based reconstruction. Implants do not tolerate radiotherapy well. Implants will have their own life like 10 or 15 years. After that, you need to go for surgery again. Autologous breast reconstruction is by far the gold standard for breast reconstruction. It has got many advantages. Breast reconstruction is as good as a normal breast. Autologous breast reconstruction will have its own disadvantages like additional scars in the body, pain after the surgery and recovery will be slightly louder than implant-based reconstruction. In autologous, the reconstructed breast will tolerate radiotherapy much better than the implants. Early breast reconstruction might be done after the completion of therapy. In breast cancer, early breast reconstruction is indicated. We prefer to complete chemotherapy and radiotherapy then going for it maybe 6 months down the line. By doing local anesthesia, the nipple can be reconstructed. To summarize, breast reconstruction is the gold standard. And it has become the standard for care. Autologous breast reconstruction is the gold standard. Breast reconstruction is very safe. The advantage of going for this procedure is that it improves sexual, psychological and self-esteem well-being.
I am Dr. Amit Mukund Mulay, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon. I am into surgical practice from last 12 years. So, today we are going to talk about cosmetic surgery of the breast. There is a different aspect to it. There is breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast lift procedure, liposuction. So, let's go one by one. Coming to breast reduction. Patients are coming with very large breast and what happens because of weight, patients start having pain in the shoulder, neck and they have skin problems. These are the cases where breast reduction surgery works. In this, you have a T kind of incision over the breast which heals really well and scars are negligible. After the surgery, the access amount of breast tissues are removed. The nipples are repositioned. Recovery is very fast and the patient can reach home on time.
There is a procedure called breast augmentation. There are a few females who have a very tiny breast. Females whose breast are congenitally absent. There are females who have a normal size of the breast and they want their breast to be larger for aesthetic view. The most common implantations are used for this procedure are silicon implantation. Currently, you have 2 different varieties of implants. One is smooth implants another is texture implants. The implant depends upon the choice of doctor. It requires 1-2 days of admission. The scars are under the surface of the breast. Now about breast life procedure. What happens after pregnancy, breast gets deflated and very sagging of the breast due to the cavity and the position of the nipples goes down.
So, for aesthetic look, breast lift procedure is done. Generally, it can be done by various techniques. Breast lift procedure can be come by breast augmentation procedure if the patient wants to increase the size. This breast cosmetic surgery can also be combined with liposuction. Especially breast reduction can be combined with liposuction to get a better result. There is something called lipo fill. If you have scars over the breast which may be because of infection or maybe post surgery, can be corrected by injection of fat which is taken from your own body. So, to summarize, breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift are the three types of cosmetic surgeries which can be done on the breast. They have to be performed by cosmetic surgeon.
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Doctor in Creo Clinic
Doctor in Creo Clinic
Dr. Amit Mukund Mulay
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