8 years ago
Stools can get black colour due to food or vegetables that we eat. But black coloured stools may also mean blood. It is wise that he should be seen by a surgeon asap.
male • 23 Year Old • Jul 23, 2016 • Kolkata
I am a 21 years male and I am suffering from Tuberculosis, my eight months medication is over and last month drugs are ongoing. I take rifampicin, isoniazid 600 and comb ...read more
8 years ago
Well, it's good that you have limited your alcohol consumption to the minimum. Alcohol and isoniazid do not react well when taken together. Alcohol may increase the risk ...read full answer
male • 45 Year Old • Jul 21, 2016 • Bangalore
I am 45 year male is on the following medicines: (i) Lartan AM (BP medicine) since 2 years (ii) Lipicure-TG since 2 months I am currently facing the following problem. M ...read more
8 years ago
Erectile dysfunction (ed) can be caused be due to many causes, to name a few 1. Atherosclerotic vascular disease in which the vessels become narrow and impede the blood ...read full answer
male • 58 Year Old • Jul 17, 2015 • Tirupati
I am 55 years male, and having allergy & sinusitis (getting frequent sneezes and head ache) problem for the past 15 to 20 years. I have tried allopathy, homeopathy & ...read more
9 years ago
It is possible that you have what is known a allergic Rhinitis. It is not a serious illness but at the most an inconvenience. It is going to stay with you and it's bette ...read full answer