I am currently 4 weeks post delivery. I had a c section and apart from that all normal. But my tummy looks hard at the centre near belly button and protruding and little corn shaped. Still looks like 5 months pregnant. Is this condition gets little better after 6-8 week and later will it get reduced with some exercises? At the moment I can not do much work by standing for long even 30 mins because its causing backache and shoulder pain.
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The best and most effective way to get rid of the localized fat is a combination of low fat and low calorie diet with exercises. let us talk about the diet first. Cut down on calories and add necessary fillers like insoluble fibers to add bulk to the diet, you may include whole grains, fresh whole fruits, raw salads and vegetable preparations. This helps in attaining satiety while consuming lesser calories. Restrict the intake of refined foods like those made with refined wheat flour. Avoid sugar wherever possible. Making way for the good protein sources like legumes, dals, milk and its products and soy in the diet also helps in cutting down the calorie intake. Protein rich foods delays the digestion time and one dos not feel hungry soon. Also, you must choose the fats wisely. Limit the intake of oil and avoid the fried foods and snacks. Drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks to keep up the metabolism. You may also include options like green tea and lemon tea. Buttermilk and tender coconut water are also good options. As mentioned above, in addition to the dietary modifications, exercises are equally important, especially the ones for abs. Moves like crunches, twist crunches, bicycle crunch, step hop, squats etc. are excellent to burn abdominal fat and tone the muscles. Set a time for exercise and start with simple workouts for short duration, you can slowly increase the time, frequency and intensity of the workout. This would allow the body to keep pace with the changes. Make sure that you give enough time to warm up and cooling down after each workout. Avoid lying down or sitting immediately after the meals. You may go for a light walk after lunch and dinner. Or if possible sit in Vajrasana for 15 ? 20 minutes after the meals. Avoid heavy meals after sunset and reduce the total salt intake. I hope you find this helpful. I wish you the best of health. Thank you so much for using our services and do feel free to request for more information if need be.
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It needs pre-delivery and post-delivery excercises. As you had Caesarean strong abdominal excercises should be avoided till 6 weeks after Caesar. Anytime in doubt show to medical practitioner.
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