Hello I am a female of 25 years old suffering from hair loss since 5 years & diagnosed as male pattern baldness, my doctor said that, it has no permanent solution use minoxidil for temporary hair growth & hair will regrow when the hormones are balanced & any other hair treatments will not be use full until hormones get balanced. My doubt is, do those hormones get balanced by them self? How long should I use minoxidil, even after using that, the hair that is grown is permanent or DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BETTER OPTION. I have no other health problems, plsssss suggest me a better option.
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Hello lybrate-user Hair fall cn b due to many reasons such as low Haemoglobin levels, thyroid problems ,nutritional deficiencies, hereditary, unhealthy eating habits, excessive use of chemical hair treatments ,untreated dandruff problem, stress, smoking etc use ,mild medicated shampoo like, triclenz hair shampoo for regular use. Tricosilk F solution 5% on scalp ,two times per day for 3-6 months. Cap estemo once a day after food for 3-6 months. Tab ener c 1000 mg dissolvable tab early morning empty stomach. There are many modalities for hair grow nowadays. Dermaroller along with minoxidil ,prp method ,hair transplant treatment ,but al r bit costly. I ll suggest you try using above, drink 2-3 lit of water daily, include protein rich foods in your diet, include green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet exercise 45 min daily. Thanks. ,hair transplant
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