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Hello Doctor, I am very much concerned about my child's recent diagnosis. He was complaining lower abdomen pain frequently, every month he complains that lowe right side is hurting and post passing stool and he vomit during this pain. So I took him to doctor when he complained in fourth month. Ultrasound showed mesenteric lymph nodes (insignificant in size. May be due ro intestinal infection with mild hydronephrosis in left kidney? Partial PUJ obstruction. Doctor suggested blood tests which all came fine except ESR value 42, Eosinophil value 09 and neutrophil value 54 Also biochemistry report serum creatinine shows value 0.6 and conjugated (D. Bilirubin) value 0.5 Now after medication doctor again suggested repeat ultrasound which we did today this time result is same "mesenteric lymph nodes (insignificant in size) with mild hydronephrosis in left kidney. But this time size of lymph nodes increases from 9.7 & 7.7 to 12 Mm and 13x3. 5 mm Blood reports which came today shows P.C.V/ hematocrit value 37.5,ESR value is 40 and MCHC value 32.8.Please clear my doubt, is this serious? Or normal? I am very much worried and will appreciate quick answer.

1Doctor Answered
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