Sir my father is 46 year old ,recently he has checked his bp which shows the 160/90 ,is it normal bp or not if it is not what he used to do in order to make it normal.
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Hello lybrate-user, the blood pressure of 160 / 90 is in the hypertensive range and by all means it should be preferably be brought under the range of 120 -140 and 80 -85. Considering he is young and the pressure range is not very high, it can be do so by holistic ways and not starting medication. 1)He has to cut salt in his diet. Not more than 3 -4 gms per day. Earing healthy with more of fruits and vegetables in diet would be helpful 2) At least 30 mins of aerobic exercise everyday 3) Quit smoking, of he drinks - to drink in moderation and if overweight try to loose weight to achive ideal BMI under 23. At the same time some tests to rule out secondary cause of hypertension should be considered and effects of hypertension on eyes, kidney and heart should be evaluated. Keep a strict tab on above if still the pressure reading are high consider started medication atleast for time being, than as things improve can taper it off showily. Regards
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