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I conceived after 7 years of marriage at the age of 34 yrs. Now my daughter is 7 yrs. Soon after her 2nd birthday, we tried for second baby but not conceived still. I was having Fibroid when I conceived first time but after 1 years the fibroid was not visible in sonography. On 2015 sonography report shows Uterus is bulky with heterogeneous echotexture. A 4.2x3.5 cm size anterior myometrial fibroid is seen. Was having unbearable pain during menstruation with heavy bleeding & Clots. Took 5 injections of Zoladex. Now pain is not there but is bleeding in the gap of 10-12 days.
1Doctor Answered
89% (153 ratings)
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Hello dear. The fibroid although big can not be the cause for excess bleeding but it can cause pain. Please see your doctor for proper treatment because it won't be possible to advise much without check up.
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