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I had unprotected sex (withdrawal method. Dnt knw whether semen entered or not ). On April 3rd. I didn't had my periods yet. So I decided to take urine pregnancy test. But the result was negative. Am I pregnant? Or not if not why I am not getting my periods back. please tell me what is happening with me.
1Doctor Answered
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Dear user. I can understand. If you have irregular period or are not sure when you ovulated, you can do a URINE HOME PREGNANCY TEST 14 days after you last had unprotected sex. However for accuracy of result, it is recommended to do the test 21 days after intercourse. To TEST PREGNANCY AT HOME simply add urine to a small piece of soap, if froth forms, or if the soap bubbles up, the test is positive. Mix � cup of tuna juice and � cup of vinegar in a plastic cup. Now pee in a separate cup and then add your urine to this mixture. After a few minutes, if the color changes to green, then you are pregnant. Take care.
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