I chew tobacco and feeling bad in my mouth I can't eat spicy food what can I do ?
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Hi tobacco is not good for oral health. It causes staining, bad breath, gum disease, loosening of teeth. And also some serious problems like cancer, submucous fibrosis and leukoplakia. You need to consult a dentist for physical examination to find out the cause. Avoid spicy, hot and sour food. Stop taking tobacco.
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Firstly you need to break d habit. Tobacco causes harm to your gums, cheek n eats up d enamel on your teeth. Pls get a brush biopsy to rule out any dangerous implications of d habit.
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It is a statistically proven fact that smokers and other tobacco users are more likely to develop disease, suffer miserably later in life and die earlier than are people who dont use tobacco. I have experience in successfully making people quit smoking through a customized smoking cessation program which includes counseling medications and support do reply back for medication prescriptions. Being also a general physician and registered dietitian, I prescribe both evidence based herbal as well as allopathic medicines complementing with dietary guidelines and home remedies carefully personalized for each individual patient.
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Hi. Take homoeopathic medicine which will help you to get rid of your habit of smoking or tobacco chewing and it?s side-effects. Schwabe's Daphne Indica/ thrice daily for 3 months. After a month, report back to me.
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Hello, first of all you have to quit this habit of tobacco chewing. It can have serious effects on your life. The longer you chew tobacco, the more damage you do to your body. Take tabacum 200 ch, 5 drops once in a week. Take kali cyna. 30 ch, 3 drops once daily in the morning. Revert after 15 days. Take care.
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