My daughter aged 17 years having trouble every time while eating basically while swallowing she feels some obstacles in throat or food pipe Some time she has to vomit as she feels like something has stuck so she eats very slowly.
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She may have globus hystericus and need endoscopy to clear the doubts .There could be different factors that lead to an obstruction in your throat, such as: Swallowing Hard Objects: You may suffer from a throat obstruction problem, after a piece of food gets stuck in your throat. This is more common in case of chicken or fish bones. This is also very common in children, who could swallow a hard piece of candy without chewing it properly, or even other inedible objects. Infection: There are many small glands, like the lymphatic nodes present in the neck and throat area. These nodes perform the important function of protecting your body against infection and are a part of the immune system. If you are suffering from a throat infection, these nodes have the tendency to swell up, as they try to combat the infection-causing germs. Mucus:At times, you may feel the presence of a lump in your throat, which is actually an accumulation of excess mucus. While this is not exactly a major problem, it could lead to a sore throat or an infection. Abnormal Growth: A tumor can develop in any part of the body, including the throat. Some of these tumors are benign, but in other cases, a lump in the throat could actually be a symptom of throat cancer, which is a major cause for concern and should be treated without any delay. Enlarged Thyroid: In case your thyroid gland is enlarged, it could mean that your body is producing too many hormones, which causes the organ to grow more than normal. This may also be evident in the form of a lump on the thyroid gland, which presses on to the throat as well as the esophagus.
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