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I had severe abdominal pain since 4 months. My reports of x-ray and ultrasound can not detect anything except 4.9 mm right renal calculi 4 months ago. Five doctors took my pain lightly. But I can not take it for granted because its my life. I can feel my pain daily. I can not lean forward or bend because of pain. I can not walk a little distance. All day long sitting on a chair. No college, no day to day activity. Even I can not bath properly because of pain in large and small intestines. Does CT Enterography can detect my pain? Because I am very afraid of my symptoms and I have a fear of 1) peptic ulcer 2) stomach ulcer 3) deudonum ulcer 4) ulcerative colitis 5) pelvic area pain in men 6) urethral stricture 7) pain in the upper part area of the penis 8) difficulty in urination 9) late urine 10) urine gets stuck 11) frequent urination (16 times a day) 12) difficulty while eating heavily 13) 2/3/4 times potty in the morning. I am 26 years old and suffering Irritable Bowel Syndrome since 1.5 years. I used to lead a very unhealthy college lifestyle with junk, oily, fast foods. No sports at all. Desk job in a cafe and jerk off too much watching porn. Nightfall, early ejaculation, semen leakage while thinking of women. Wake up 10 am, breakfast 11 am, late night sleep. Earlier the 5 doctors prescribed me medicines but no relief at all. And now after 4 months when I done CT enterography, my report is all ok and my 4.9 mm renal calculi is also not found. The doctors said I have anxiety but if I do have anxiety then why would not this pain come into my life earlier. Because 2 year ago I was drop out from university. And in that time I was so much depressed because of my incomplete post graduation. What should I do now? Does I need Endoscopy / colonoscopy? I can not take my pain.

1Doctor Answered
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