History---presently I am 68 years old. Had my bypass surgery during the year 2007 at escorts hospital I am diabetic for patients. N my blood pressure is normal. Today showing 130/80. Recently in the month of april 2017 had gone through surgery for the enlargement of prostrate gland (benine growth) to remove blood clots th from urinary bladder. As there was heavy bleeding. The surgery was satisfactory. But after few days there was again little bleeding. On consultation with the Same doctor. He advised to take tablet named TRENAXA to stop the bleeding and than it was under control. But after 3 to 4 days all of sudden my legs especially calves. Thigh.hands started to swell. N I started getting pain including back. Also behind the shoulder area I feel stretching n pain. Also now my stomach is getting the feel of tightness during the day. Basically pain all over the body. Gets tired very fast and feel like taking rest after some walk slight pain in chest n breathing difficulty. Could you please advise me some medicine to cure the pain in my body n normal breathing. Also wat should be my next step
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lybrate-userji, it is water retention. The patient need to be under medical supervision. It may be effect of some medicine or its dose Eat as per thier advice.
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Bypass surgery is a surgical procedure to restore blood flow to an obstructed coronary artery, and your it has been done on 2007. So, I remain, that you are taking drugs, such as antiplatlets drug and aspirin to prevent clots, Lipid lowering agent to prevent dyslipidemia, and antihypertensive drugs to prevent high blood pressure. Trenaxa (Tranexamic acid) is a synthetic medicine belongs to class antifibrinolytics It is uses excessive bleeding disorders. Side effects are headache, back pain, muscle or joint pain, unusual tiredness and weakness, pain in chest region, difficulty in breathing, swelling face, lip, eyelids, tongue, hands and feet etc. You should take any blood clotting agent under cardiologist supervision. Because, we want no any disturbance in coronary blood flow of bypass surgery patients.In this condition, please check your prothrombin time and consult with a cardiologist.
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Immediate cause of your pain may be due to sudden loss blood which may be ok by 2-3 wks. If pain does not subside or decreased by this time we have to think about some systemic disorder. At your age we first exclude cancer or myelodegenarative disorder. So you must consult immediately with medicine specialist or an oncologist.
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