I just got diagnosed sugar fasting-147 and after eating food-273. I am very worried and tensed that everyone is saying now I have to take medicines for whole life. But I don't want so. Is there any other way to cure this as I started walk, exercise, started taking healthy food cut carbs and fats. Give me solution please.
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You can control sugar by diet and exercise but that doesnot last long. After sometime you have to on medicene. Initially avoid sugar, fast food, fried food and fruit juices. Exercise regularly and take medicenes whenever they are required. It is not cureable disease, only you can control it.
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lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. Fasting blood glucose level 147 mg & PP 273 mg, both confirm that you have diabetes (T2). Diet control and exercise do help in controlling blood glucose levels, but once diabetes is confirmed, then there is absolutely no option but to start medication with out any further delay. Lifestyle modification withexercise, diet control and weight management are useful in pre-diabetes, to prevent progression to diabetes. But once it is confirmed, unfortunately there is no other option. So please start proper medication and also take restricted diet and exercise daily for 1 hour. With this you will be able to live an almost normal life. Thanks.
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