I was sitting for long hours for 6 months Now I have problem of semen in urine Suggest some home remedies I am very afraid of this.
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Hello- Semen in urine can be due to prostatitis, weak PC muscle, upset digestion etc. It needs to be diagnosed first in order to provide complete relief. You can however take some precautions like avoiding heavy meals at night, quitting porn or any kind of sexual stimulation, and keeping digestion proper, you can also practice kegel exercise in the free time.
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Spermatorrhoea means involuntary loss of semen, which generally takes place during sleep or during urination or at stool. It is often associated with irritability and debility of the generative organs. The Main causes�of Spermatorrhoea are ���������Failing of the nervous system ���������Failing of genital and urinary gland ���������Frequent masturbation ���������Narrowness of urinal duct exit ���������Over leniency to sexual thoughts ���������Sexual discontentment ���������Testicular annoyance because of the stiffness of the forefront skin ���������Rectum disorders like fissures, piles etc. ���������Stimulation after the contact ���������Filled bladder sensation HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES PHOSPHORIC ACID CALADIUM CONIUM MACULATUM SELENIUM BUFO AGNUS CAST STAPHY etc cures permanently without side effects.
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