I have shortness of breath and extreme fatigue. I suspected thyroid and I went for thyro profile check. I opted complete check up including liver profile, pancreas, renal, toxic elements, lipid, cbp. All tests are normal except lipid: Total cholesterol: 163 Triglycerides: 132 LDC: 95 HDC: 32 Ratio: 5.1 homocysteine: 49 Last three were highlighted. I am overweight .Does high homocysteine indicate that I suffered heart attack before? I quickly started a new diet plan to avoid carbs. Any need to hit panic button and visit a cardiologist right away? Kindly advise.
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1) Stop panicking none of these tests indicate that you have had heart attack. They just indicate whether you have any risk of it or not. 2) Cholesterol profile is within normal limits and you just need to have a healthy lifestyle with some weight loss. 3) Regarding high homocysteine is just a risk marker and not a very definitive one, so no need tp panic. 4) Begin with weight reduiction by exercising and diet change. 5) Daily 40 mins of exercise is recommended begin gradually and then increase to the recommended level. 6) Take a detailed diet advice from a dietitian for a low fat diet with emphasis for weight reduction. 7) Quit smoking and drinking. 8) Regarding your breathlessness and fatigue issue - please get your hemoglobin checked along with calcium and vitamin D3 levels as well if thyroid is normal and it could be secondary to lack of physical activity as well, so build your stamina gradually.
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