My 1 month daughter keeps crying due to some problem. I have observed that she has passed stool only once in a day which is smelly like sour milk and whenever she tries to pass gas, she face difficulty in passing it. Also she is throwing lots of milk and not burping much beside keeping her on shoulder for 30 minz. Colicaid is also not helping her.
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Give homoeopathic remedy calcarea carbonicum-200 ;4 drops �Bd �5 days if doesn't relieved consult in my clinic.
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It sounds like colic but I understand colicaid drops have not helped. Try lactase enzyme drops like neosmile drops 4- 5 drops in expressed breast milk (about 1 spoon) to be fed 15 minutes before feeding, then breastfeed as normal. Use 3- 4 times a day. Continue to burp the baby during every feed. Another important thing to observe us to completely empty feeding from one breast before changing to other breast. Partial feeding from each breast will cause colic and also baby will not get the goodness of fat filled hind milk which comes in the end. Throwing up milk could be normal if in small amounts. Some babies have gastric reflux and throw up a lot. Please consult pediatrician to confirm the same. They could prescribe rantac syrup if necessary and also can weigh the baby and assess.
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