My mother knee is affected with oseroporis and she is 70 years old. Is there any way to remedy her oseroporis bone disorder other than surgery?
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Osteoporosis per se do not cause knee pain, and further it donot need surgery. It requires calcium supplements, physical activity and dietary changes. Knee pain could probably be due to osteoarthritis of knee. It needs evaluation and treatment ranges from lifestyle changes, excercises, few medications and lastly surgery.
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Thank you for posting this query. I agree with the reply of the other doctor if the problem is osteoporosis, but I think what you want to say is your mother has knee pain secondary to osteoarthritis. If that is the case then this dilemma is faced by many where they have knee pain affecting their daily activities. While surgery (knee replacement) has it own advantages and can provide long term relief it may not appeal to everyone and there are some who cannot have surgery due to other medical problems. Pain management is an option and best results are obtained when a team of specialists works together to address all required factors. This may include a knee/pain specialist, physiotherapist, dietitian (for weight management) and may also require some life style changes. For people who do not want surgery there is always the option of having medications, knee injections. Injections can either be targeted at the knee joint or the nerves carrying the pain sensation to the brain. In short there are options and a plan can be drawn out after assessing your mother and taking into account her preferences. I suggest you should visit a specialist to discuss these.
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